Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday April 21, 2009

Today started cold and rainy. It ended cold and rainy. Sasha called and asked about cousin Peg. Sasha said that it was in the 90s in San Fran. It got up to 39 in GR. I drove to the MAC today so I could leave immediately for Mt Pleasant. I took the interstate. It is 40 miles longer. Despite the fact that I think the interstate is faster and safer, I still think the local roads are the best way to travel. It would be a different story if we had winter conditions.

Cousin Peg's condition remains the same. Her limbs are swollen because she is retaining water. Today she is receiving some liquid nourishment. She did not recognize me because she is still sedated. It rained all the way home. I did see several deer.

Tonight I walked over the Olga's Kitchen for dinner. I had the peasant soup and tuna fish sandwich. It was great. I talked to Nancy and SPS tonight. The Long Beach group is doing great.

I also skyped with PMid. We did both video and audio. It worked great.

Today is my cousin Betty's birthday. She is 72 years old. Betty is my Uncle Jim's daughter. Uncle Jim was my dad's brother and another MSU civil engineer.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Cold east wind. Richard Schurtz helped GG haul manure from cow barn. GG worked in post office in afternoon. Schurtz cut locus, Uncle Guy paid $2 to Alpena S feed. (you figure it out)

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