Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday April 4, 2009

Since Nancy is away I did not set the alarm. Ms P and I woke at 0710. I bought a NYT and had breakfast at the Brandywine. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The wind was pretty intense and was out of the NW. I decided to ride the White Pine Trail because it is a north-south trail. I rode 25 miles in 2:20. The trail was not very crowded for a sunny Saturday.

When I got home I fixed the flat tire on the retro. I then loaded Ms Petunia into the Aztek and we ran several errands. We purchased gas at Costco and then I bought some contact len's juice.

I had dinner at Petro's. Presently I am watch the MSU BB game and typing this blog. Ms Petunia is asleep at my feet. Almost Norman Rockwell material. I talked with Sasha today. She was working. I also talked to HC. She said it was cool in Tucson, 68 degrees. 68 is cool! We are expecting snow tonight.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was cold today and Ossineke got 1" on snow. GG went to election (voted?) and then to Luthius for his mothers painted dishes. He got 5 pieces for $10.

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