Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday April 19, 2009

It was cold and windy today. I had eggs for breakfast. The parking lot at the hospital was empty. When I talked to the nurse today she said they might have to perform surgery today. At 1130 Peg was moved to surgery. At 3:30 PM the surgery was complete. The surgery was a success. The surgeon said the recovery would take some time.

Nancy called and gave me an update on Alessandra. I also talked to HC several times today.

I had dinner at Subway, 12" turkey breast. After dinner I drove to the Soaring Eagle Casino. I walked around. The casino is very depressing. Most of the people are 50+ and heavy smokers. They do not look very prosperous.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG burned leaves in the morning. The winds were out of the SW and GG had to put out the fire by noon. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. Jobber was putting a clutch in the old car. It cost $5.

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