Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday April 13, 2009

It was very windy and cold this morning. The weather man said it would start to rain before noon. I packed my rain pants in my bike bag just in case. I followed my normal routine. Today's DFP was very small. I think it is the economy because there sure is enough to report on in Detroit.

This afternoon Ms P and I had to run some more errands. I had to renew a CD at the bank. Interest rates are 2%. The CD that fell due was paying 4.2%. I also stopped by the New Balance store to get my new pair of walking shoes.

The blue flowers in our yard are starting to bloom. I also noted some bulbs popping out of the ground. If we get some rain today I think the grass will get long enough to require cutting by Friday.

Tomorrow Ms P and I are going to Cleveland to see Tasha. I am getting stir crazy and want to get out of the house. I also want to buy some more of the soap that Tasha gave me. It really works, especially on my hands.

Tonight I am going to fill out an application for the Grand Rapids Building Code Enforcement Board. They need a structural engineer. The group only meets 2 or 3 times a year.

Lately GG has been talking about the smelt run. When I was in high school we use to go smelt dipping near my dad's office. If the smelt were running, you could fill a 10 gallon pail in less than 30 minutes. The smelt, if deep fat fried, were very tasty. Mrs Emory, across the street, canned the smelt for use as cat food. Some people buried the smelt in their gardens for fertilizer. I just liked to eat them. The smelt were small so a standard meal was about 20.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG was not very wordy. He said it was warm and pleasant and he worked in the post office in the pm.

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