Monday, April 20, 2009

Friday April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad. Today would have been my dad's 103 birthday. Today is also the birthday of the new addition to our family Alessandra Cecilia who was born today in Long Beach, Ca.

The day started normally. I had finished my routine at the MAC and was biking to the Kava House when my phone went off. I thought it might be Nancy announcing the birth of our new grand daughter, instead it was Ruth from Rosebush Manor. Ruth informed me that cousin Peg was found unconscious in her room this morning. She was being taken to the hospital in Mt Pleasant. I headed for home and packed a few things and headed for Mt Pleasant. When I got to the hospital, Peg was being moved from the emergency room to intensive care. The doctors were having a hard time determining the cause of her internal bleeding. I had to sign some form authorizing some exploratory procedures. Peg had very low blood pressure and a high pulse rate. I got a room at the Hampton Inn and left the hospital about 9:30 PM. At 10:30 I got a call from the hospital stating that Peg's condition was deteriorating. When I got to the hospital the doctor's started the exploratory work. The cause of the bleeding was not determined. I returned to the motel about midnight.

In summary today was a eventful day. Nancy and I have a new grand daughter who was born on my dad's birthday. Nancy says she is very cute. We also have the unfortunate health problems of cousin Peg.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was Easter Sunday, a nice warm day. GG noted 1 or 2 showers. The sucker run had started. (suckers are a fish. Not as tasty as smelt) They had dinner in Harrisville. Cousin Elizabeth was home and called her grandfather. They had church in the evening with over 50 people in attendance. The collection plate contained $12.

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