Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday April 24, 2009

I set the alarm so that Nancy and I could get back to our normal morning schedule. I hustled downstairs and got Nancy her coffee. I am still on my 75% schedule. I drove to the MAC and then stopped by the office to help David with a bridge abutment problem.

While at the office I got a call from the hospital saying that cousin Peg kidneys were not responding to treatment. My sister and I had to make a decision about the use of a kidney machine. Cousin Peg had instructions in her will regarding the use of machines. The instructions were very clear and specific. No machines were to be used. The hospital is giving Peg excellent care and she is not in any pain. Everyone is praying for her.

On my way home from Mt Pleasant it was so warm that I had to turn the AC on. Yesterday I had the heater on all the time I was in the car.

Nancy's college friend, KH, called and asked if we wanted join her and HH for dinner. It was a welcome invitation. We had a pleasant dinner at the Bostwick Lake Inn. The food and company were great.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was a cloudy, rainy Sunday. GG and GGM drove to Oscoda for lunch. They attended church in the evening and 10 people were in attendance.

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