Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday April 7, 2009

It was cold and blustery this morning. Temperatures in the low 20s but once again no snow. All my aches and pains have left so I am back to normal. I did step on a scale and my weight is now 161 or 1 pound above my goal. Today's DFP was full of stories about last night game. All stories were upbeat, which is good.

When I got home the yard waste man was busy loading our 17 bags. I also noted that the landscapers were starting to work in the yards. I saw several mowing lawn. I think their contracts state they will start mowing the first full week in April. Our lawn has not started to grow and certainly does not need to be cut.

This afternoon I spent several hours in my office. I worked on the following:
  • read all my ENR news alerts.
  • read this week's on line edition of US News. I like the adobe format.
  • after several futile attempts I finally printed my AG Edwards account.
  • I tried to change my facebook email address. I don't know if I succeeded.

This evening I took my 3 mile walk with a stop at Olga's Kitchen. I had a cup of soup and a tuna fish sandwich. I rate Olga's a 3.6.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold, 28 all day. GG drove Aunt Julia and family to a show for 4H club. In the afternoon he worked in the post office. GG reported a heavy run of smelt.

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