Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday April 11, 2009

Another sunny April day in Grand Rapids. Ms P and I slept in because Nancy is away. I kept to my normal Saturday schedule and had breakfast at the Brandywine. The weatherman said that today was going to be a good day for outdoor activity so I decided to go kayaking. I decided to put in at Saranac on the Grand River. As I was driving to Saranac, I noticed that the river was in flood stage. We have had several days of sun and I wondered where the moisture was coming from. It then hit me that areas south and east of GR had a lot of snow earlier this week. The snow melt was causing the high water levels. I unloaded the kayak at Saranac and did a quick inspection of the river. It was high and running real fast. I decided that it was too fast for me. I packed up and headed for Lake Odessa. A lake is flat with no current and that is what I wanted. It is 4.2 miles around the lake and it took me 2 hours. Since I have been checking, my kayak speed on slow water is about 2.2 mph. Lake Odessa is nice. It has sand beaches all around the lake. It is pretty heavily developed with cottages on 50 foot lots.

I did see a bald eagle. It was soaring over the lake and then it perched in a tree. I got a good look at the eagle. A cottage owner said the eagle and its mate live all year on the lake. How do you tell a male from a female eagle?

When I got home Ms P and I took a short walk. We then got in the Aztek and headed for Costco. Gas was $2.03 per gallon. I bought some multi vitamins and a pair of pants. The pants were $19.99. Every once in a while Costco has a good deal on men's clothing.

Tonight I am walking over to Olga's Kitchen for dinner. I talked to cousin Peg today. She has pneumonia but thinks the new medicine is working. Jennifer and the girls are visiting her tomorrow.

I talked to Sasha. She is in her busy season. It will end on Wednesday. Sasha says that Tasha will be home on Monday or Tuesday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was warm in Ossineke with the temperature reaching 60. Gerand and Jos Dault shipped fish (smelt?). GG drove to Alpena bought a bag of scratch for $1.65. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. He noted a big crowd fishing. (the smelt are still running)

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