Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day. Wednesday is my easy day. I did not perform my normal exercise routine. Instead I had breakfast and headed for Mt Pleasant. I got to Mt Pleasant and checked in on cousin Peg. All the monitors indicated that her condition was stable. I waited around to talk to Dr Severe. He stated that all the bleeding had stopped and Peg appeared to be making a slow recovery. She is being kept sedated because they do not want her moving. By keeping her still they are letting the surgical scars heal. I had lunch in the hospital dining area. I had cream chipped beef on toast and chicken dumpling soup. Is this a good meal for a hospital? I liked it.

At noon I head for GR. I have a GRBA meeting at 3 PM. The meeting is over in an hour. I did stop and buy a soft ice cream cone. Since I had not exercised today I decided to go on a 7 mile walk. It took me 2:08 to walk 7 miles. Dinner tonight was frosted mini wheats.

I talked to all three kids and Nancy today. My sister called this evening.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Cold wind. GG hauled leaves in the morning. In the afternoon he cleaned the chicken coop. He had 3 loads. GG's final entry: Robert Hughes Scott born.

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