Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday April 26, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656. Nancy is going swimming at the MAC and I am going to Alma with HC and Tasha. Prior to leaving I go for a 2 mile run. Around 9 HC, Tasha and I head for Alma. We meet with the funeral director and make arrangements for cousin Peg.

We have lunch at JC's inlaws in Alma. JC and his daughter JFK meet us at the door. JC's mother in law is a great cook. We have chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and strawberry short cake. Now that is a great Sunday meal. We spent some time at Rosebush Manor sorting through some on Peg's papers. In addition to legal papers we brought home some family photos.

We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. Nancy, Tasha and HC are watching TV while I am blogging. Tomorrow HC and I are heading back to Rosebush and Alma. Tasha and Ms P are heading back to Ohio. Nancy has the last of her shots for our upcoming overseas travel.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cold in morning and warm in afternoon. GG drove to Wilds. Cousin Glen got a dog. Wilds going to plow first of next week. Drove by Begining and Scotts. Worked in post office in afternoon.

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