Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday November 30, 2008

SPS got up early this morning to get ready for their long drive to LA. At 0830, SPS, Vera and LA headed out. They have a 5 hour drive if the traffic is light.

Nancy and I cleaned Sasha's brass table and chair. It took about 1 hour. The table looks great.

This afternoon I took a walk down to Santana Row. The temperature was in the 70s. I stopped at the Orvis Store to see if they had any leather vests on sale. I was amazed at the number of people shopping at the high end stores along Santana Row.

After a short nap, Sasha, Nancy and I headed to Mimi's for dinner. It was Sunday night but we still had to wait 20 minutes. The food was good.

Tonight I have to pack for our trip to LB. Nancy and I will leave after Apollo's Dr visit. Sasha say is should only take about 20 minutes. I hope to make the trip in 5 hours. We are taking a lot of food left over from the holiday weekend.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday November 29, 2008

Day started normally, coffee at Starbucks and after reading the paper I brought Nancy a decaf and Sasha a hot chocolate. For exercise Nancy, SPS and I headed for Ross's. After a short time at this store we headed for Stan's donuts. Nancy had the glazed and I had a fried cake. SPS declined. We walked back to Sasha and of course the walk negated the calories of the donuts. Yea right!

This afternoon Sasha, Vera, LA and SPS loaded the van and headed to a park off Pruneridge. Nancy and I walked to the park. After about an hour at the park we headed to Holder's for lunch/breakfast. We all took a nap after this large meal.

After my nap I took a short walk. We all watched the movie "Happy Feet". It was ok.

SPS and Vera are now packing and getting for their long ride to LB. SPS wants to start at 0800. Tomorrow Nancy and I will polish Sasha's brass table and stool.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday November 28, 2008

Today is called Black Friday. I started at Starbucks and noted that most people were going to work. On my way back to Sasha's, Nancy pulled up in the rented Avenger. I got in and drove Nancy and Vera to Target and then I drove them to the mall. We drove around and around trying to find a parking space. None was available. I dropped Vera and Nancy off and headed back to Sasha's.

After an hour of shopping Nancy called and I headed back to the Mall to pick up our shoppers. The traffic was terrible.

When we got home, Vera, Sasha, SPS, LA and I walked to Circuit City to pick out a TV for Sasha. We also looked at computers. No purchases were made.

After lunch SPS, Nancy and Sasha headed to Costco to look at TVs. I took and nap as did Vera and LA. I took a 1.5 hour walk after my nap.

This evening we are relaxing at Sasha's. Tonight we are having pizza. LA is taking a long nap. I hope all readers had a great Thanksgiving.

On this day in 1961, I left Hawaii for Midway Island. This plane was a 2 engine prop DC3. I remember looking out the window as we approached Midway and thinking I am going to spend 1 year on this postage stamp in the middle of the Pacific.

Thursday November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in CA. I started with coffee at Starbucks. Yes Starbucks was open on Thanksgiving. The weather was cool and cloudy. LA woke up in a good mood. I had the opportunity to play with him in the morning.

At 1130 we piled into SPS's van and headed for downtown SJ. His van was big enough to hold, Nancy, Sasha, Vera, LA, SPS and yours truly. Dinner was at the Fairmont in San Jose. The food was presented in buffet style. The food was great. I had traditional turkey and dressing. The others had a more mixed meal, eggs Benedict, roast beef, etc.

After dinner we walked around downtown SJ. They had all the displays up for Christmas in the park.

When we got home I took a well deserved nap. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and snacking. We had chips and dip, a sandwich tray from Costco and of course some beer.

In 1961 I had Thanksgiving dinner at the BOQ, Pearl Harbor Naval Base. I remember I had to wear my uniform. The weather was very tropical.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday November 26, 2008

It rained all night. Mud puddles are everywhere. I had coffee at Starbucks (what's new). Today is errand day for Bob and Nancy.

We start out going to Cosentinos for cheese spread, then to Trader Joe's and then Safeway. After unloading our goodies, we load Apollo, the cat, in his carrier and take him to the vet. We left Apollo at the vet and headed to Costco. Surprise! Costco was not that busy for the day before a holiday. We had a hot dog at Costco. Gas was $1.82 per gallon.

We picked up Apollo at the vet and headed for home. The vet had given Apollo a new prescription, so we headed back to Costco to get the meds.

Sasha left the office early and got home at 6. We contacted SPS and family and found out they were stuck in traffic. We, Sasha, Debbie and I, headed to Armadillo Willy's for dinner.

SLS and family got to Sasha's at 9:30. The 5 hour trip from LA took 10 hours. We learned that Vero is going to have a little girl. Everyone has a name for the little girl. It will be great having a new grandchild.

In 1961 on the day before Thanksgiving I boarded a military plane near SF for Pearl Harbor. I spent Thanksgiving Eve in the Pearl Harbor BOQ.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday November 25, 2008

Jet lag is over, I woke up at my normal 0555. After coffee at Starbucks, Nancy and I headed to Lucky's for some groceries. We then departed for the Bart depot at Milbrae. The subway trip into SF was easy. We got off at Powell Street. I called Sasha to see what time she wanted to meet for lunch. She said 1145 at 555 Market. Nancy and I looked in several stores on our way to meet Shasa. Shasa took us to Cafe Bianco. It was great. I gave it a 3.8. Remember that I grade on a 4.0 system.

After lunch we walked up Powell Street and stopped in several stores. SF is a great city.

I mentioned to Nancy and Sasha that in 1961 on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I was driven up to SF from Port Hueneme, CA by fellow USN, CEC officer, Ensign Duffy. I cannot remember his first name. All I remember is that he was from MA and attended RPI. He was going to visit a relative who lived in the Bay area. We drove around SF and then he dropped me off at Treasure Island Naval Base.

Nancy and I took the BART back to Milbrae. It took us about an hour to get to Sasha's house. Nancy wanted to go to DWS and I wanted to get a CD at Barnes and Noble. We walked to the stores. I purchased the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou". I loved the music. I am now listening to the sound track.

Nancy and I have a busy day tomorrow. We have many errands to run and must take App0l0 to the heart doctor.

Sasha got home at 7 tonight. Another long day. Right now it is time for NCIS so I am signing off. Remember get outside for 30 minutes.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday November 24, 2008

I still have jet lag. I heard Sasha moving around at 0500. I got out of bed at 0530 and was at Starbucks at 0600. I am amazed at how busy this SB is early in the morning. They all seem to be regulars. Tomorrow I will try another coffee shop. Starbucks coffee is too strong.

I brought Nancy a small decaf. After breakfast we loaded up the Avenger and headed to Gilroy. Gilroy has a large discount mall. We spent most of the morning looking around. You see 1 discount mall and you have seen them all. I had a slice of pizza for lunch. It was overpriced.

I was yawning heavily on our way home and Nancy kept talking to me so I would not go to sleep. I took a short nap. I slept very sound for about 1.5 hours. I think the dark, gloomy day had something to do with my lack of energy.

After my nap I took a 1.5 hour walk. I walked up Stevens Creek Blvd and noted all the car lots had some really good prices on used cars. It was dark at 5 PM.

When I got home Nancy had started dinner. I had two chicken sandwiches and a small salad. Nancy had a salad. Sasha got home at 7 PM. She puts in a very long day. Tomorrow we are going into SF. We will take the Bart and have lunch with Sasha.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday November 23, 2008

Ah jet lag! I woke up at 0430 (0730 GR time). I knew Starbucks was not open until 0600 so I rolled over and slept to 0530. I was surprised that Starbucks was very busy on a Sunday morning. After I finished my coffee I brought Nancy a decaf.

Sasha, alias DLS, said that she wanted a hot chocolate so I returned to Starbucks. The temperature was in the high 40's with sunny skies.

We decided to make a Costco run. Unlike in GR, cars were backed up in the street trying to get into the store. The lines at the gas station were 10 cars deep. California Costco's are like a mini UN. The New world order has arrived. Sasha and I had a slice of pizza. Nancy had a hot dog. Sasha purchased some groceries and Nancy bought a coat. We also looked at computers and TVs. Sasha bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. A quick stop was also made at Lucky's.

Around 4:30 PM, Nancy and Sasha walked to the Cost Plus and I took a 4.5 mile walk. Sasha fixed string beans, potatoes and chicken for dinner. It was great. It is now a little after 9 PM Sasha has to work tomorrow and is getting prepared. She gets up at 0450 and heads to SF at 0550. Nancy and I are watching "cold case". Tomorrow we are heading to Gilroy, CA to visit a discount mall.

Saturday November 22, 2008

The alarm goes off at 0435. Today is our big trip to San Fran to see DLS. Our taxi arrives at 0515. The flights to Cleveland and SF were smooth. We were lucky on the flight to SF to have 1 of the 3 seats in our row empty. Nancy and I took turns stretching out.

At SF we took the monorail to the rental car area and picked up our Dodge Avenger. We walked around the car and noted several bad paint chips and it looked like the side of the car had been keyed. We noted these damages on the provided form. We thought we were suppose to leave the form at a booth on our way out. There was no booth. We headed south but Nancy was worried about the damages to the car so she called Thrifty. They said we had to return the form in person and could not mail it in. We complied and returned the form. What a pain.

We got to DLS's at about 2:30 PM. The first thing we noted were her new wood floors. They look great. We also rode with DLS to the grocery store. I bought some beer.

We had dinner at the Red Robin. I had a salmon burger and Nancy and DLS had the chicken burger. We topped off the evening by going to Yumi Yogurt. Enough said.

The day started with the temperature at 21 degrees. We got to Cleveland and the temperature was still in the 20's with heavy snow on the ground. We had to spend 15 minutes getting the plane de-iced. In SF the sky was blue and the temperature was 70. This change in just 5 hours. My grandparents never flew on an airplane and they would be amazed at the distances we travel in just a few hours. I sometimes wonder what their comments would be if they could see all the changes in the past 40 years.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday November 21, 2008

Boy was it cold this morning! I performed my exercise routine at home. I went on a short 1.5 mile run followed by a bike ride around Reeds Lake. I wore mittens but my hands still got cold. My mittens are wool and I think I need to purchase some leather covering for the wool. The leather covers used to be called chopper mitts. I have googled chopper mitts and had no luck locating the manufacturer. None of the local outdoor stores carry them.

When I got home Kim was still cleaning so I drove to Costco to top off my gas tank. I also had a pizza slice.

This afternoon I spent some time on the internet. I looked up bios on John Dingell and Henry Waxman. I also checked our stocks. Very discouraging.

I purchased a UM engineering school directory. I found an e-mail address for a Norm Schram. I roomed with Norm Schram in the fall of 1960. I sent an e-mail to see if they are the same Norm.

Nancy and I are all packed for our trip. I called the taxi company and they will pick us up at 0515.

Tonight we are going out to dinner with the Nameys. We are going to Great Lakes Brewing. I will try to keep up the blog while on vacation. Remember to keep a positive thought.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday November 20, 2008

I encountered snow flakes on my bike trip to the MAC this morning. I have finally learned how to dress for the cold. So riding the bike on cold mornings is not unpleasant.

I continue to read the Detroit Free Press with my morning coffee. The crisis with the car makers is front page news. Of course the Free Press is very supportive of the auto industry. I get very passionate about the future of the car industry. Having spent most of my life in MI I know how important its survival is to the state.

When I was in HS we played a football game in Flint. There were 10,000 people at the game. Most of the people had ties to Alpena. It was very common for young men right out of Alpena HS to head south to Flint for a job in the auto plants. The pay was good and overtime plentiful. No experience needed. Starting UAW workers made more money than starting teachers or engineers. At my 50th HS reunion I was surprised to learn how many of my classmates were retired from an auto plant. Most had returned to Alpena. If GM or Ford goes bankrupt their retirement pay could be reduced. This is not a pleasant thought.

This afternoon I took a 3 mile walk. I stopped at the bank and renewed a CD that had come due. The current interest is 4%.

Nancy is on the OHNA board so she had a 6PM board meeting. At 7PM an open meeting of the OHNA was held. There was a good turnout. Nancy was reelected Treasurer.

Tomorrow we must finishing packing for our trip to DSL's and SPS's. I am looking forward to the trip.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday November 19, 2008

Ah Wednesday my easy day. I did 1/2 of my normal exercise routine.

We had a light coating of snow this morning. The news reports mentioned slippery spots on all the local roads. The temperature has been low enough for the past week to lower the temperature of the road surfaces. Any moisture results in ice and not puddles.

This morning I had a GR Building Authority meeting. We had a full agenda and have several interesting projects. All the project involve parking structures.

After my meeting I met with JD at the office to discuss some past projects. SCECO is updating their resume and needed some information on projects in the 80's and 90's. JD bought me lunch.

When I got home I began packing for our trip to CA. I am 95% complete. I also took a walk around Reeds Lake.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008

My natural alarm clock woke up at 0615. Helen and I left for Gaylord at 0720. It was cold in GR but no snow. When we got to Cadillac it was snowing hard. All the road agencies had their plows out. Going east on M55 the road was only partially cleared. By the time we got to Houghton Lake it had quit snowing and the sun was out. We got to Gaylord at 1030. Don C arrived about 5 minutes later. I talked to Don a short time and then headed south. The trip south was uneventful.

After I got home I took a 4.5 mile walk. It is turning cold. I expect snow on the ground tomorrow.

Tonight we watch NCIS, the only prime time show I watch regularly. Usually a long car trip tires me out so I expect that I will head for bed immediately after NCIS. Remember on these dark gloomy days to get outside for 20 minutes. No excuses.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday November 17, 2008

It was very cold this morning. I rode by bike to the MAC. I have to find some new shoes to keep my feet warm on these cold morning. It is 9 PM and my feet are still cold.

This afternoon I spent some time catching up on my reading while I was waiting for a call from Helen. She was travelling from AZ. I was scheduled to take Helen to Mt Pleasant or Gaylord. The plane got in at 4 and Helen said the weather was terrible in Gaylord. Heavy snow etc. We changed our plans and we will leave first thing in the morning for Gaylord.

Right now we are all sitting in our back room watching a rerun of House. House is a certified jerk.

We are having a lot of lake effect snow. Holland has 4" on the ground and Grand Rapids does not have any.

I am heading upstairs to turn on my electric blanket. There is nothing better than getting into a super heated bed. Nancy hates electric blankets.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday November 16, 2008

The alarm went off at 6:56. I bounded out of bed and looked out the window. Yes folks it was snowing. The snow was sticking. Nancy and I headed for the MAC to start our 0800 swim. I felt pretty good this morning and swam 1600 yards in 45 minutes.

After swimming we headed for Meijers to purchase supplies for our short week. Next Sat we are heading for DSL's. I am looking forward to the trip to CA. Despite my age I still get excited when I travel. It is like a big adventure. I also get excited when I see a deer.

I took a short nap and then went on a 3 mile walk. It was snowing when I started but after 20 minutes the sun came out.

Tasha called and told Nancy about being served a notice that she was involved in a case of mistaken identity. Tasha has contacted a neighbor who has given her the name of a lawyer. Tasha has the matter under control.

Tomorrow I have to pick up my sister at the airport and drive her to Mt Pleasant where Jen will take her north to the big house. Both Nancy and I have a full week. It is good because is will make the time go fast.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15, 2008

November is a dark, gloomy month. Today reinforces this observation. It was 34 when we woke up. I tried the new Omelet Shoppe on Michigan Avenue. The oatmeal was good but the coffee was luke warm. I gave it a 2.9.

Today I decided to ride my road bike to Cedar Springs. I put on 2 pair of wool socks and carried my back pack with some warm clothes. The wind was fierce going north. I got 2 miles north of Rockford and it started to rain. I turned around and headed for the car, a distance of 15 miles. I made good time with the wind at my back.

When I got home I noticed that a lot of leaves had dropped last night. I headed for D&W to purchase leaf bags. The store had 2 bundles left. I raked enough leaves to fill 3 bags. Also got the snow shovels down and filled and put up the bird feeder.

For dinner Nancy and I went to the Brandywine. I had the liver and onions and Nancy had the scram-d-ham.

I am now watching football, Stanford vs USC and Miss State vs Alabama. I am pulling for Stanford and Miss State. We have the heat on in the back room and it is putting Nancy to sleep.

Remember kids try and spent at least 20 minutes each day outside. It is good for your mental health, especially in the fall and winter.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday November 14, 2008

The day started with a light rain. Today I am going to Rosebush so I had to hurry my exercise routine. I decided to walk 4.5 miles. For breakfast I stopped at the Bagel Beanery and had 2 bagels and a coffee.

On my way north I noted the heavy traffic. It finally hit me, today is the day before hunting season. November 15 is a magic day in Michigan. When I was in high school all the guys got an excused absence for school. No luck for girls.

My dad use to spend a whole week getting ready for deer season. His office was even closed on the 15th because all the men were hunting.

Cousin Peg was in a good mood. She loves her satellite radio. We had lunch at Bob Evans and talked about family. After lunch we stopped at the Rosebush library to get Peg a card. She can walk to the library from the Manor. I have to buy her a CD player that has large buttons. She must be able to push one button to start and stop the machine. I also want the machine to stop and start where she left off.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at home. She fixed me some soup from Trader Joe's. It was good.

Today I bought a book on 1938. In 38 the life expectancy was 59 years, a new home cost $3,900, new car $860. A gallon of gas cost $0.10 and a gallon of milk $0.50. No TV and we burned coal for heat. Instead of dial phones we just picked up the receiver and told the operator the number we wanted. Jimmy Ms phone # was 484. Phone operators were usually high school girls.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday November 13, 2008

Today started out rainy and cool. I hurried my home program so I could get in the MAC pool before the 0900 deadline. I made it. I swam 1500 yard.

The Detroit Free Press continues its doom and gloom articles. Can GM and Ford survive? Did the ex mayor improperly use money from his charity? Did the head of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners hire people for jobs that required no work? Can the Lions win a game?

After lunch Nancy and I made a Costco run. I was out of beer and Nancy needed to get a prescription filled. Costco was crowded but nothing like CA. Costco gas was $1.92 per gallon.
Beer is $6.72 a gallon.

Tonight Nancy and I went to "Great Lakes Shipping". We took our 1 meal free coupon. Tomorrow I am going to Rosebush to visit cousin Peg. We will have lunch and go to the library and get Peg set up for books on tape.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday November 12, 2008

We woke up to some heavy rain this morning. However, by the time I was ready to go outside the rain had stopped.

Wednesday is my easy day. I loaded up my retro and headed for Riverside Park. I rode my bike to Rockford and had breakfast at Arnie's. Along the way I had a deer run across the trail. The gloomy weather must have kept all bikers inside because I did not see one bike on the trail.

I took a short nap this afternoon and then spent some time on my computer. I downloaded the manual for my camera and refreshed my memory on how to operate the camera.

I was standing in line at the bank and overheard, ok I was eave dropping, several women my age talking about their facebook entries. I will have to talk the Tasha and DSL about facebook. I know nothing.

Tonight is book club for Nancy. I had pizza with Ed Namey. We discussed the GM situation and disagreed on what should be done. I am for bankruptcy. We also made our predictions for BO's cabinet. I said neither the Gov or Bonior will be in the cabinet. Only time will tell.

Tuesday November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day. I started the day doing only my push ups, chin ups and leg raises. I will not do the others until my pulled muscles get better.

I talked to several old veterans at the Kava House and they all remembered their service number. Today's Free Press was very depressing. GM and Ford were going to fold. MI, Detroit and other states and cities with American auto plants would die. I don't share this doom and gloom.

After my coffee I headed for the MAC to try swimming during the 12-1 open swim hour. I had the pool to myself.

At 5:30 PM Nancy and I headed to H and K's home near Silver Lake for dinner. I brought my laptop with our elderhostel photos. H had his 50" TV hooked up as a monitor for our laptops. Everyone viewed our elderhostel trip and H and K's Med cruise that included stops in Venice, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Naples, Rome, Florence, Nice/Monaco, and Barcelona. They had some great pictures. Both H and K are good cooks so the meal was great. We had a good time. Fine food, wine and conversation with old friends is always enjoyable.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday November 10, 2008

I looked out the window this morning and our green grass was white. We had our first sticking snow.

Did you know that today is the Marine Corps birthday? Semper fi!

My fall from my road bike last week pull a muscle in my rib cage, so I had an abbreviated work out this morning. I also have a pulled calf muscle, cause unknown, that has limited my running. Getting old is not for sissies.

After lunch I raked leaves in our strip between sidewalk and curb. I filled 5 bags. I think tomorrow is the last day in 2008 that the city will pick up yard waste.

I walked around Reeds Lake. It takes me exactly 2 hours.

Yesterday Nancy and I were looking for DVD's and I saw a "Looney Tunes" DVD. Nancy said she was not going to purchase it. I sulked and said ok, I will put it on my Xmas list along with a 3 stooges DVD.

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. If you know a veteran ask him if he remembers his service number. I think about 90% of vets know their number.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday November 9, 2008

Nancy and I woke up to a rain/snow mix. It was cold and dreary. However, like good troopers we headed to the MAC for our Sunday swim. I felt pretty good and tried all my Mike Phelps moves. I think the lazy day I had yesterday had something to do with my high energy.

After the MAC we headed to Meijers for our weekly fill up. We filled up all three of our reuseable canvas bags. See even us old folks have gone green.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. The GR newspaper was not as gloomy as the Detroit paper. After the newspaper I took my Sunday nap. In this cold weather I use my electric blanket. The instant warmth puts me right to sleep.

After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. I am following my grandfathers advise that no matter what the weather you must spend 3o minutes outdoors every day. I think this is good advice.

Please note that I have not mentioned the Detroit Lions. I have not watched the team all year. I do know they lost. I think the Lions and their owner William Ford are emblematic of what is wrong with Detroit and the auto industry. They are living in the past. They have lost their edge and are no longer competitive. The fire is gone. Only a ruthless change will correct the situation. I no longer support a bail out. Let them go bankrupt.

On a lighter note, Nancy is fixing that great soup we got at Trader Joe's when we were at Tashas. We are also having that great American staple hot dogs. Doesn't that sound good for a cold, gloomy November night?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday November 9, 2008

Yes folks November has returned with a bang. It rained and snowed all day. It was too warm for the snow to stick.

This morning I ran several errands. Nancy has a sprained foot so I picked up a few items at Meijers. I also checked out some CD players for cousin Peg. I want to get one that is easy to use so she can listen to books on CD. I think I might try a $30 unit I saw a Best Buy.

At 12 I drove Nancy to Meijers Garden so she could work at a Holiday sale. I filled the Taurus up and paid $1.99 per gallon. The Taurus is getting about 22 mpg in the city.

I stopped by Schuler Books to read several chapters of a bike repair book. I am trying to figure out how I can make the bike frame Tasha gave into a super duper single speed.

When I got home the UM game was on. UM won!! I also took a short nap.

At 5 I picked up Nancy and we joined all the senior citizens at Russ's. I was going to watch TT vs OSU on TV but I scrolled by the western channel and saw Rooster Cogburn was on. I ended up watching John Wayne in his best movie.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday November 7, 2008

It rained last night but the sun was up by the time I pedaled to the MAC. I pulled a muscle in my calf while running so I had to cut my run short. I was kinda glad because it is Friday and I was tired.

The Detroit Free Press continues to write about the problems in the auto industry. It is very serious for MI. I think that perhaps bankruptcy is the best option. However, the Gov and UAW will not let this happen.

On an up note I am enjoying reading about the pres-elect and his young family. I think that the BO family are a good model for the USA. I think they should get a poodle.

After much hectoring I finally called Phil Dougherty to get our door bell fixed. Phil came within a couple of hours and had it fixed in 20 minutes.

It was such a nice day that Nancy and I decided to drive to Grand Haven and walk the pier. By the time we got to GH the clouds have moved in. The temperature had dropped about 20 degrees. We started the walk but after a short distance we played penguin and said this sucks. Nancy and Bob headed back to GR. We had dinner at the Brandywine.

November weather is returning tonight. Snow is expected.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday November 6, 2008

Yes folks another sunny 70 degree day. The Detroit Free Press today was huge with all the election returns. The east side of the state was a blood bath for republicans.

The election is not a day old and already the dems are fighting. Representative Henry Waxman of CA is trying to unseat Detroit's John Dingell from being chairman of an important committee. Dingell, the longest serving representative, is a favorite of the auto industry. I agree with many of his positions. He may be a UAW man but if a power plant or a new bridge creates jobs he is all for it. Waxman does not want power plants he supports solar power and diapers for cows. I think Dingell serves MI well. (good English?)

It was too windy for kayaking today so I walked around Reeds Lake. It took me 2 hours.

Nancy needed a new swim cap, so before dinner we stopped at MC. Dinner of course was at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the wet burrito. I watched "My Name is Earl" tonight and then I started writing this blog. My 1956 dictionary does not list "blog".

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday November 5, 2008

All hail!, the silly season is over. In Michigan, the Democrats totally creamed the Republicans. We had 2 state wide proposals on the ballot. Legal marijuana for sick folks and stem cell research. Both proposals passed, despite the best efforts of the religious right.

Today was another sunny warm day. The high temperature was 73. This is November in Michigan?

I had a 1000 appointment to get my stitches removed. It took about 5 minutes.

I took advantage of the nice weather to go kayaking. I put in on the Flat River at South County Line Road in Montcalm County. It was great.

When I got home Nancy reminded me that we were going to a paper product sale. The annual sale is held in the factory of Designer-Designer. The sale started at 5:30. We got there at 5 and the line was already a block long. I held the bag as Nancy purchased various paper items. I felt out of place because the crowd was about 98% female. We spent 1 hour at the sale.

The news this evening was all about the election. It was nice to hear all the positive reactions overseas. The last time we had young children in the White House was when JFK was president.

I did predict that the election would be decided by young people (young being the age of my children). Young people voted and major changes were made. The USA is no longer an euro-centered nation. I think this is good. Now just bring the troops home.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday November 4, 2008

Election Day! The day started warm and sunny. I cannot recall the weather on any of the previous 13 elections I took part in . I have voted for 7 winners.

I decided to ride my road bike this morning. My front brake seized up and I took a tumble. I have decided that the best bike brake is the old fashioned coaster brake, like on my retro. I think I pulled a muscle in my rib cage. I am amazed at how fragile I have become.

Everyone at the MAC was talking about the election. I think the turnout will be huge. This is good for our democracy. Everyone is participating.

It was such a nice warm day I decided to cut the grass. I set the cutter blade up to 3". It took 1.5 hours to complete the cutting. Usually it takes over 2 hours.

Tonight Nancy and I will watch the returns. I am interested if the Dems reach 60 in the senate. If this happens beware of the unions. They will get legislation that puts small firms (like mine) out of business.

I was sorry to hear about BO's grandmother. It was interesting to read about the greyhound bus tour she took BO on. They visited Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and other western points of interest. I don't know if any of my kids have ever been on a greyhound bus. Grandma sounds real cool.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday November 3, 2008

I love the end of DST because now my ride to the MAC does not require a light. The weather guy is very confused. We had brilliant sunshine and warm temperatures (60+) today, November 3. The outdoor patio at the Kava House was full.

After running several errands I headed for Reeds Lake. The lake was smooth. I love to paddle on the lake this time of year because all of the docks have been taken in and I can get close to shore. Also there are no jet skis or pleasure boaters.

We had rain last night so it was too wet to rake leaves or cut the grass. Tomorrow Nancy and I will work in the yard.

Election day eve has finally arrived. I can remember in 1948, Dick Kurrash, a cool high school guy (mayors son), showed us 10 year old kids his big bottle of red pop. Dick said that every time he heard about a vote for Dewey he would take a swig. I don't think he finished the bottle. Did you know Dewey was from Owosso, MI and a graduate of UM?

Although Nancy and I have voted we are very interested in some local races. So like everyone else in the USA we will be watching the returns. I will be especially interested to see if California votes to eliminate small houses for egg laying chickens.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday November 2, 2008

Ah the end of DLT, we got an extra hour of sleep. We headed for the MAC at 0745. Nancy went swimming but because of my stitches I could not swim, so I used the recumbent bike.

We did not need groceries at Meijers so we headed right home. Nancy fixed poached eggs on toast. After breakfast I read the newspaper and then took my nap.

I did take a 3 mile walk after the nap. This evening we will watch 60 minutes and probably head for bed early. Sunday is still a day of rest?

I am glad DST came to an end. It was so dark in the morning that I had to use my bike lights. I hope that I will now be travelling in broad daylight.

2 more days left in the silly season. Like every one in the US, I will be glad to have the election over with. Why doesn't my spell check work? Probably a commie plot.

Saturday November 1, 2008

Another unseasonably warm day. After a big breakfast at the Brandywine, I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Grand River. I put in at Lowell and paddled upstream 2 hours and downstream 1 hour. The day was perfect and the river was like glass. I did not see any mammals but did see plenty of waterfowl.

When I got home Nancy was busy getting ready for this evenings dinner party. She was out of cream cheese so I mounted my bike and headed for D&W to purchase said cheese.

I did watch a part of the UM game. It was the wrong part because I saw Purdue take the lead for good. Speaking of Purdue, my Grandfather Scott had an uncle who taught at Purdue in the late 1800s. It was intended that when my Grandfather finished high school around 1892 that he would head for Purdue. However, my Grandfather contacted pneumonia when he was 17. The doctor told him that he should find work in the woods because it would be good for his lungs. Grandpa headed for the clear air of Minnesota and started working for a lumber company and eventually had his own company and sawmill. My father was born in Virigina, Mn, the location of the sawmill. The mill was in operation until around 1916 when the supply of timber ran out. They returned to the family farm at Hubbard Lake, Michigan around 1917.

Nancy's dinner was to start at 6:30. At 6:27 the first couple arrived and at 6:33 everyone was in attendance. I thought being late was fashionable?

The dinner was a success. A good time was had by all. Like most old folks we just sat around and talked.