Friday, March 31, 2023

March 29, 2023

 Wednesday March 29, 2023

Blog time 0945, sitting in chair at Woodland Mall.  I was going to get a coffee but everything is closed until 1000.  The Mall looks distressed.

Up this morning at 0545.  Quickly dressed and headed to Breakfast Club at the University Club in Downtown GR.  My watch said it should be snowing but everything was clear.

Good turnout at BC.  The food was especially good.  The Speaker today talked about climate change and what an intercity organization is doing by creating miniature forests in intercity GR.  Good talk well received.

After BC I headed to Woodland Mall.  Planned on getting a coffee at Starbucks but everything was closed.  The mall was loaded with walkers.

It is now 0954 and the stores should be opening.  First stop, J Crew. Nothing of interest.

I got in Fusion and drove to Fitzgerald in Breton Village.  Bought a bright yellow rain coat for warm weather bike ride.

We had a brief snow squall roll through.

Today is my easy no bike ride or calisthenics.

Nancy had lunch with friends at the Main Dining hall.  We have a quarterly meals allotment.  We are not close to reaching the limit, if we don’t reach by Saturday we lose it.  Nancy bought dessert for everyone and charged to our account.

Spent a quiet afternoon at home.  For dinner tonight we headed back to the Main Room.  I had the salmon, of course, and Nancy had the pasta.

We watched the news and started a new show on Netflix, “The Night Agent”.  Good show.

Tomorrow morning should be very cold, low teens.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

March 28, 2023

 Tuesday March 28, 2023

Blog time 1430 sitting in Fox Ford

Up at 0730.  Nancy was already on her way to MVP for treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I fixed oatmeal with raisins for breakfast.

The sun was up but temperature was in mid twenties.  Bundled up and took the 5 mile route to MVP.  

When I arrived at workout room Nancy had already left. I completed my calisthenics in 30 minutes.  Got back on bike and headed home.

At home grabbed my iPad, jumped in Fusion and headed to the Starbucks in Forest Hills Food.  Got coffee and a croissant before opening iPad.  Read the morning Michigan papers before heading home. I decided that Starbucks Coffee is too bitter and the place was too noisy.  In the future, I will have my morning coffee at MVP.  I will take my mini iPad because it is easier to carry on bike.

Got home a little after noon.  Nancy today is having lunch with friends from the Big House.  The Escape needs servicing so I drove to Fox Ford. The wait is 60 minutes so I will have time to write blog.

This and that:

Yesterday I started gathering the 1099 for this year’s taxes.  I am missing several that might have got lost in the move.

Checked the prices of several Ford 150 pickups.  Good grief the price was over $60,000.  A Ford Escape like the one we have is $35,000+.

The bickering between between President Biden and GOP rep McCarthy is childish.  The President’s statements are very confusing.  Can anyone understand the press secretary?

The Democrats have full control of the Mi legislature for the first time in 40 years.  They are rapidly replacing GOP legislation like right to work laws.  The UAW rules.

At 1700 we headed down to the Harbor Cafe for Happy Hour.  It is a great time sitting and talking with neighbors.

Very light dinner tonight.  Watched the news before switching to BritBox.  I can’t remember the shows name because I fell asleep.

Checked outside at 2200.  All clear. Snow expected for tomorrow.  Hope it does not interfere with my ride to Breakfast Club.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 27, 2023

 Monday March 27, 2023.

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0730.  Why can’t I get up at 0700.

Nancy was gone by 0800 for her Monday swim.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  Fooled around until 0830.

The sun was coming up but temps still in mid 30s.  Today I took my Bianchi bike.  I like this bike because it has a shorter wheelbase than the Cannondale.  Much easier to turn on the narrow sidewalks.  Tomorrow I will take the Cannondale in and get the snow tires off. 

Pedaled the five miles to MVP, the place was empty.  Spring break does not start next week so where was everyone.

I still have not worked out my morning bike schedule.  Today I headed home and drove to Panera.  I think I will start taking my mini iPad and pedal to Forest Hills for my morning coffee after my workout.  Total bike miles today 8.3.

After lunch I took a short nap.  Tonight Nancy and I are attending a members only affair at Meijer’s Garden.  It is members opportunity to see the butterflies.  

The event started at 1900.  We arrived on time and first thing we stopped at the dessert table.  I also got a glass of wine.  

After the goodies we toured the butterfly display.  The butterflies were active.  The opening of the butterfly showing is a sure sign spring is here.

Got home a little after 2100.  Tonight we watched another episode of “Beyond Paradise”.  This show is presently my favorite.

Checked the weather before bed and it was below freezing.  Temperature when I get on bike tomorrow will be in high 20s.

Monday, March 27, 2023

March 26, 2023

 Sunday March 26, 2023

Blog time 2118 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  The rain had stopped.

Dressed, had an oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowed.

Took a 90 minute drive after church.  Ended up at Panera for more coffee.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.25 mile ride.  For this first time this year I wore my bike helmet (not snow board helmet), gloves and unlined pants.

As soon as I got home I showered and took a nap.

I had good intentions but still have not started taxes.

Tomorrow Nancy and I are attending an event at Meijer’s Garden.  Suit is required.  I brought up my 50 year old suit and it still fits.  Surprise.

San Diego State won today.

For dinner Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with English muffin.  Eggs are traditional for Sunday dinner.  When young we often had dinner at my Grandparent’s farm.  My Grandmother cooked the eggs in the shell.  She would cut the top off and place them in an egg cup and we would spoon out the inside.  For dessert my Grandfather would go to the root cellar and get a jar of canned fruit.  Great memories.

Tonight we watched an old episode of “Murder in “Paradise”.  Getting old has one positive and that is you cannot remember if you had seen the old episodes.

Rain/snow mix for tonight but tomorrow should be a great day for a bike ride.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 25, 2023

 Saturday March 25, 2023

Blog time 1250 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The temperature was 32 with a very heavy rain.

“The Gathering Place” was not very busy this morning, the weather? Ordered our standard Saturday breakfast.  We ate, talked and watched it rain.  

After breakfast we took a short ride.  The rain had changed to a snow/rain mix.  The roads were getting slippery.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  We also split a croissant.  Love croissants.  It was a treacherous ride home.

1130, Cook Valley’s maintenance man stopped by.  He worked about an hour getting our drain cleaned.  We spent another hour getting all the stuff we had to move to accommodate the cleaning.

This and that:

The Alpena Community College won their first baseball game in 50 years.

A high school class mate Russ Bates passed away yesterday.

The San Diego State’s BB coach got his picture in theAlpena News.  Coach Dutcher was born in Alpena. As everyone knows his Grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

The Iraq war was started 20 years ago.  Big mistake.  For this reason I did not vote for President Bush’s reelection.

The Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis, are visible in Northern MI.

The rain/snow mix continued all day.  Bummer

Took a short nap.

Nancy and I had a bad case of Cabin Fever.  So for dinner tonight we drove to Panera.  We both had a bowl of soup with a baguette.  Hit the spot.

Tonight we watched we watched the final episode of “Happy Valley”.  Good show.

Checked outside at 2200.  I saw two skunks on the path.  Rain will end tonight.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 24, 2023

Friday March 24, 2023

Blog time 1120, Saturday, a day late

Friday Morning:  up at 0730.  Nancy was already dressed and headed to her morning swim at MVP.

For breakfast this morning I had a muffin with peanut butter.  I needed a change from oatmeal.

Temperature was 32 and cloudy when I got on bike.  This morning I took the 5 mile route to MVP.  I did my normal routine at MVP.  

I did purchase coffee and a power bar at MVP.  Drank my coffee and read the papers on my mini.  Left MVP at noon and headed home.   Total miles ridden = 7.9

Lunch today was yogurt, pudding and an apple.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of tomato soup and two shrimp left over from Nancy's Thursday dinner.  Nancy also had several shrimp.

After dinner I was doing dishes when noted our drain was plugged.  Called Maintenance and the girl that was on duty came up with a plunger.  No luck, in fact it made the situation worse.    Tomorrow a maintenance man will come with his snake to unplug the drain.  

Tonight is Mexican Train night.  It is a popular dominoes game.  Nancy loves this game.  At 1900 she walked down to the Harbor Cafe and joined several other players, 6 women, 1 man.  Nancy returned to the apartment at 2100.  She was happy because she won.

While Nancy was gone I watched two episodes of "Happy Valley" on Acorn.  One episode left.

Checked out the window at 2200 and the rain had not started.  The weather folks said it would rain all night and most of tomorrow.  Rain/Snow mix predicted.


March 23, 2023

Thursday March 23, 2023

Blog Time:  1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700

Busy Morning ahead:

At 0800 the installer of our new furnace arrived.  It will take him about 6 hours to install the unit.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike workout at MVP.

I waited until I was sure the furnace man had all he needed.  It was raining and 40 degrees when I headed to MVP.  I took the Fusion.  When I got to MVP the rain had stopped.  Maybe I will take a ride later today.

MVP was not very crowded.  I did my standard routine this morning.  No aerobics because of my anticipated bike ride this afternoon.  After the workout I showered and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook blvd.  Purchased coffee and two baguettes.  Checked emails and read the Alpena and Detroit News.  

I have given up on using the Logitech Keyboard to write my blog.  It was heavy and getting kind of wormy.   I am now typing blog on my laptop.

This and that:

This evening Nancy and I are having dinner with the Moore’s.  

Spring is finally here.  Buds are coming out, the birds are building nests, and the temperature is rising.

Next week I get my steel studded bike tires off.  Another sign of Spring.

I had thought that we were finally fully moved, but in today’s mail got an insurance statement using the Tahoe address.  I called Blue Cross and was put on hold.  Waiting time 60 minutes. Bummer

Our dinner with the Moore’s was enjoyable.  We spent two hours talking.

At dinner we met John Sebastian.  John’s son Andy was on my hockey many years ago.  John and Wife have just moved into Cook Valley.

This evening we watched an episode of “Happy Valley”.  

Temps will drop below freezing this evening.  It will be cold on the bike ride tomorrow.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 22, 2023

 Wednesday March 22, 2023

Blog time 1920 sitting in den

Up the morning at 0730.  Today is my easy day.

I spent a restless night worrying about my April 10 dental procedure.  I really do not want to do it without more info.

Nancy headed out early for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  I got in Fusion and headed to Panera on Kraft.  Ordered coffee, yogurt parfait and croissant.  I did talk to some Panera regulars if they knew the name of a good dentist.  "Partners in Dental Care" on Forest Hills Ave got the most votes.  

After Panera I stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription for some antibiotics that I have to take today for the Apr 10 dental work.

Stopped at Partners in Dental Care on way home.  I was given an interview.  I like the place.  All 6 dentists are UM grads.  I set up an appointment to see a dentist on Apr 27.  

As soon as I got home I called my old dentist and postponed the April surgery.  I felt good with this decision.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8.5 mile ride. On most week days 8.5 miles will be my standard ride.

After the ride showered and took a short nap.  At 1700 we headed down to the Happy Hour.  Spent 45 minutes talking to neighbors.

At home we watched the local news.  First time we watched the news in a week.  The banking problems dominated.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine meal, Spaghetti and meat balls.  Very good.

Tonight we watched "Happy Valley" on Acorn.  We gave it a B.  

Looked out window before bed and it had not started to rain.  Rain predicted for tonight and all day tomorrow.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 21, 2023

 Tuesday March 21, 2023

Once again I got up at 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading to her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.  This morning for breakfast I had the strawberry/granola/yogurt parfait that I bought yesterday at Forest Hills Foods.  It was very good.

The sun was out and temperature was above freezing so I got on my bike and headed to MVP.  Today I took the 5 mile route.

It looks like workers are back in the office.  All the office buildings on my bike route had full parking lots.

Nancy was just finishing her routine when I got to MVP.  Today I did chin-ups/pull-ups, sit-ups, leg raises and push ups.  My standard routine when I ride the bike.  No shower today I headed straight home because I have a 1330 dentist appointment.

At home I showered and shaved.  No lunch today.  The Dentist’s office was crowded. I had to wait 20 minutes.  

In addition to a cleaning the dentist also removed my implant and cleaned it.  I am scheduled to have a molar removed in early April.  Bummer.  

When I got home the molar procedure started to bother me.  The Dentist hit me with this  work and did not allow me an opportunity to ask questions.  Like why do I start taking 4 pills today and then 4 more pills on April 10 the day of the surgery.  Nancy had similar surgery about a year ago.  It did not go well.  Was the surgery responsible for Nancy’s nerve pain on the right side of her jaw?

Tonight Nancy and I had a drink at Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main dining room.  I had the walleye and Nancy had the shrimp.  Very good.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Weather in Ca was miserable.  

Tonight we watched an episode of a cop show set in Scotland.  I cannot recall the name.  It really doesn’t matter because we will not watch it again.

When I checked before bed the temperature was above freezing but no rain until late tomorrow.  Looks like a good bike riding day.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

March 20, 2023

 March 20, 2023

First Day of Spring

Blog time 1930 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0705.  Sunrise today at 0744.  Sunset at 1954.  12h10’ of daylight.

Temperature in high 20s with some wind so no bike this morning.  Nancy headed out early for her morning swim at MVP.

Oatmeal breakfast with raisins, dressed and drove the Fusion to MVP.  This morning I did my normal routine except I added a 10 minute stationary bike ride.  Showered shaved and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  Had coffee and baguette.  Read the Michigan papers.

On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  Bought a package of raisins and a strawberry/yogurt/granola fruit cup for breakfast.  I am getting tired of oatmeal.

When I got home the temperature was above freezing and the sun was out.  Got on my bike and took a short 6 mile ride. A very pleasant ride. Biking is the only aerobic exercise I do without any hip pain.

Lunch and then a short nap. 

Before dinner we attended the evening cocktail hour in the Harbor Inn.  At 1800 we walked to the Main Dining area.  Tonight it was just Bob and Nancy having dinner.  Nancy had soup, salad and a dinner roll.  I had the salmon.  All very good.

Tonight we watched the tail end of the news.  We also watched another episode of “Liverpool”. We gave the show poor marks.

Looked out window before bed.  It was clear and above freezing.  Tomorrow will be a good bike day.

Monday, March 20, 2023

March 19, 2023

 Sunday March 19, 2023

Blog time 1940 sitting in Den.

Slept in today until 0730

Fixed oatmeal breakfast and then headed out at 0850 for Trinity Lutheran.  Small crowd today which was probably weather related.

After church we took a hour ride south.  It was sunny and we drove through prosperous looking farmland.  Great day for a ride.  Bright sun with temps in high 20s.

Got home at noon.  I put on walking clothes and took a 2. 25 mile walk.  Average time per mile, 30’.  Very slow.

Nancy also took a short walk.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

This and that:

News reports I don’t want to hear anymore: Harry and Megan, Any thing about Kardashians, Anything woke.

I still have not started my taxes.  

I wish I had bought stock in any company that manufactures flexible cloth used in workout pants.  

Are electric cars for real?  I don’t think I will ever own one.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on English muffin. 

 Tonight we watched an episode of “Liverpool”.  Ok show if a bit aged (late 90s).

Looked out window before bed.  No critters were seen.  In fact I have not seen any critters in weeks.  

Tomorrow will be sunny cool and windy.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

march 18, 2023

 Saturday March 18, 2023

Blog time 1800 on Sunday, a day late.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and then Nancy and I drove to the “The Gathering Place”.  It had snowed all night. We were first car on Cook Valley Blvd.  The road was not plowed so we broke the trail.

Small crowd at “The Gathering Place”, think maybe it was the weather?  We had our usual, oatmeal with scramble egg for me and a Western Omelette for Nancy.  We both had raisin toast.  Good meal.

After breakfast it was still snowing hard but we did take a drive up Thornapple River Drive.  We drove through Ada Village, west on Ada Drive to Spaulding and south to Meijer’s.  I drove carefully because only one lane had been plowed.  

Surprisingly Meijer’s was crowded.  We purchased much more that we anticipated.  Maybe we thought we would be snow bound for several days.

We did stop at Panera and got our free coffee.  At home it took me 30 minutes to unload the car.  Put some items in our storage locker and the rest in our apartment.  We are now fully stocked.

It snowed all day.  We never went outside.  I did walk the halls for an hour.  Estimated distance was one mile.

Short nap and then for dinner we had left overs from First Wok.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

For our viewing we watched “Beyond Paradise”.

Looked out window before bed and it was still snowing.  Temperature in high teens.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 17, 2023

 Friday March 17, 2023

St Patrick's Day

Slept in today until 0745.  Nancy was just walking out the door when I got up.  Today is her swim day.

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

On this day in 1956 several of my high school buddies met at the home of Jerry Kendziorski to celebrate St Pat Day.  What was unique was that Jerry’s mother served green beer, green bread and green baloney sandwiches.  First time a parent had served alcohol in their house.  We played cards and talked.  In several months we would all begin our post HS careers.  

Growing up in a very conservative community Mrs Kendziorski was the only parent I knew who was divorced.  I thought she was hot.

Bad weather this morning so I drove to MVP.  Did my calisthenics and added at 10 mile stationary bike ride.  After showering I drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  Ordered coffee and baguette.  Finished a blog and read the Michigan Papers.  

For lunch I had cup of yogurt and an apple.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

At 1700 we headed to the dining for their St Patrick’s Day meal.  We were surprised but the meal was lightly attended.  The meal consisted of Bangers and Mash, typical Irish meal, topped off with a cake for dessert.

Tonight we watched the final episode of “Hidden Assest”.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature was 17 at bed time.  We expect snow on the ground tomorrow.

Friday, March 17, 2023

March 16, 2023

 Thursday March 16, 2023

Blog time 2100 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0715.

The sun will be up in 30 minutes.  Weather folks say sun and temp in high 30s.  Rain will move in at 1700.

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  Treadmill and bike today.

I have oatmeal breakfast followed by bike trip to MVP.  After the workout I showered, dressed and then bought a coffee at MVP.  I had my mini iPad so I read the morning papers.

Can’t go home until after 1100.  The apartment is having its twice monthly cleaning.

Today Nancy has lunch at the Big House with a women’s group. I got home at 1300.  I had my normal lunch at 1400.

This evening Nancy and I are in charge of the Trinity Lutheran Church’s Over 60s monthly dinner at First Wok.

In preparation I spent some time practicing saying the before dinner prayer.  I followed my Sister’s advice and found an appropriate prayer on Goggle.  Good old Goggle.

We left for First Wok at 1630.  The first guests arrived at 1715. We had 22 folks at the dinner.  Everything went well including my saying Grace.  Food was good and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Missy Facetimed this evening.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched “Hidden Assets”, episode 4.  I am having trouble getting a handle on the show.

This and that:

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has rattled the banking industry.  It looks to me the failure was due to simple greed and incompetence.

Why didn’t the Biden Administration retaliate against the Russian’s shooting down our drone?

Our Michigan Democratic legislators got rid of our “Right to Work” law.  I strongly opposed.

Rain and snow are moving in to the area.  High winds and falling temps are in store for tomorrow.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 15, 2023

 Wednesday March 15, 2023

Blog time 1030 sitting in the Big House’s Harbor Inn and drinking free coffee.

Up with 0545 alarm.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Quickly dressed and left home at 0630. Bright Crescent moon greeted me as I left the garage.  Temperature was a cold 19.

No sun until 0750 so I had to wear my night vision glasses. Very small turnout at BC.  Speaker today talked about getting things done without a boss.  I had trouble keeping my eyes open.

On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  Bought yogurt and two donuts.

Nancy went swimming this morning.  She was not yet back from her swim when I opened the Apartment at 0930.  

Grabbed my iPad and headed down to Harbor Inn.  Got my free coffee and started working on my blogs.

After some blog work I started reading the Michigan papers.

Interesting article about the struggle local NE Mi communities have in balancing their budgets.  Communities still have some money left over from the large grants given by the Federal Government.  That money will help this year but when it runs out local Governments will have to struggle to make ends meet.

Later in the morning I got on bike and headed to MVP.  Today is my easy day so I did my calisthenics at 50%.

When I got home I took a quick shower.  Called my Sister, Helen, and asked where I could find a short prayer for tomorrow’s Over 60 dinner.

She said Goggle it.  I did and found a perfect prayer.

Ended the afternoon with a short nap. At 1700 we attended Happy Hour.  As always a nice crowd.  We talked until 1800 and then went back to apartment for dinner.

Light dinner.  We watched the local news.  First time in about a week.

Missy FaceTimed this evening. For our viewing we switched to Acorn and watched “Hidden Assets “.

Nice clear evening when checked at 2200.  Heavy rain tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 14, 2023

 Tuesday March 14, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up at 0730,  the temperature was below freezing so no bike ride until later today, when it warms up.

Drove to MVP.  Did my normal routine except no rowing.  The rowing makes my right hip sore.  I want to prolong right hip surgery for as long as I can.

Quick shower and then drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd for coffee and some reading.  On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods for some supplies.

When I got home it had warmed up enough to take a bike ride.  Today’s ride was a short one, 6 miles around the neighborhood.

This and that:

President Biden is getting my approval for his Ukraine policy.  His proposed tax policy is another story.

The Unions have Gov Whitmer and the Dem legislature wrapped around their finger.  The legislature is repealing our Right to Work law.  They also are proposing a tax break for union dues.  I oppose all.  

A lot of locker talk about the NCAA BB tournament.  I have no interest except I would like to see San Diego State do well.  As I have mentioned before the Coach Dutcher’s Grandmother was my Sunday School Teacher.

Several folks have pointed out GR has had over 100” of snow this season.

I did take a short nap this afternoon.  This evening Nancy and I met Bill and Carol Masten and Doug and Kathy Vance for dinner at Shepard’s Grill.

We met at 1730. I had the fried perch sandwich.  Nancy had a wrap.  Everyone had a drink.  It was a very pleasant dinner.

Tonight we watched an Irish mystery on Acorn. So far so good.

Looked out window before bed.  Bright Crescent moon.  Tomorrow morning will be sunny but cold.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 13, 2023

 Monday March 13, 2023

Blog time 1515 sitting in office.

DST has screwed up my biological clock.  This morning I slept in until 0730.  Nancy was already up and getting ready for her morning swim.

Last night’s snow prevented me from riding my bike.  I drove to MVP.  Today I did my calisthenics and because no bike I rowed 1,000 meters and put 5 miles on stationary bike.

Nancy and I met at the Lake Eastbrook Panera for coffee.  We talked and shared several baguettes. 

Today I had a 1300 appointment with a PA from our Dermatologist’s office.  He checked my nose and upper body.  Found several spots on my head that needed a shot of Freon.  The rest was ok.

After the Doctor visit I drove to Walgreen to get some Cetaphil face lotion with SPF of 35.  I had been using SPF 15 but the PA recommended something stronger so I got 35.  I wanted to buy lottery tickets but Walgreen’s does not sell.  So I stopped at Forest Hills food across the street and bought a Mega Million and Powerball lottery ticket.  Always buy lottery tickets on 13th.

At 1715 Nancy headed down to the cocktail hour.  Left at 1800 because we had dinner reservations.  Tonight I had a burger and Nancy had soup and a salad.  Cook Valley’ dining room has the best burgers.

Back in our room we watched the final two episodes of “Deadline”.  Weird ending.  

The temperature today did not get above 30.  The snow is still on the ground.  Probably no bike tomorrow.

Monday, March 13, 2023

March 12, 2023

 Sunday March 12, 2023

Blog time 2130 sitting in den.

Despite DST I did manage to get up at 0700 DST.  In case you want to know, I hate DST.

Looked out the window and the area was blanketed with a thin layer of snow.  Temperature was 27.

Quick breakfast, and then I read several sections of the GRP on line.  I like the GRP’s on line edition.

We left at 0850 for the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Got to church early enough to get a coffee.

I thought it was a great service.  The band was especially good.  

We took a hour ride after church.  The back roads were snow covered.

At home I took a 2.97 mile walk.  My mile pace was 29’28”.  It took 1h28’.  Very slow.

Lunch followed by a nap.  Dinner was a poached egg on English muffin.  Very good.

We watched the local news tonight. Also watched 2 episodes of “Deadline” on BritBox. Good show we will finish the series on Monday.

I sent Grandson Lucas a message to cheer for San Diego State in NCAA BB.  The SDS’s coach’s Grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

It just started snowing when I looked out the window before bed. Snow all day tomorrow.  What happened to Spring?

Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 11, 2023

 Saturday March 11, 2023

Blog time 1900 sitting in office

Up at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We arrived early enough to get a desirable table near a window.  We had our standard breakfast.

Took a short drive before stopping at Meijer’s.  We replenished our stock of food stables.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee.  We also stopped at Verhey to pay for our new shades.

It took awhile to unload our supplies because they were split between our upstairs storage and the basement storage.

After storing the food I put on my bike clothes and took an 8 mile ride.  Bright sun and temp in high 30s.  Great ride.

Rest of Day:

Took a short nap.

Nancy and I attended the apartment’s Happy Hour.

Lean cuisine dinner.

We watched “Beyond Paradise”.  Unfortunately I slept through the whole show.

Weather folks say snow tonight.  Looked out window at 2200 but no snow. Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 10, 2023

 Friday March 10, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in office.

Up at 0700, looked out window and the walks were snow covered.  The weather folks said we got 4-6” over night.  The temp at 0800 was 30.

Nancy was worried she might have to cancel book club because of snow.  She decided no swim today.

After breakfast I got in car and headed to MVP.  I was surprised that the roads were passable.  With 30 degree temps the deicing agents worked great.  

Normal crowd at MVP today.  On non-bike days I add a 1,000 meter row and 5 minutes on stationary bike to my calisthenics.

Showered and then drove to Panera.  Got a quick cup of coffee and a baguette before heading home.  

Nancy had done a great job getting the place ready for book club.  Guests will arrive at 1330 so I waited in the lobby.  I will guide them to our apartment.

 I think the three book club members were impressed with the apartment.  The especially liked all the windows creating a bright feeling.

After book club ended at 1530 I help Nancy clean up.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

At 1800 we headed to the dining room.  Tonight we had dinner with Mike and Sue Morris.  The Morris’s lived near us when we lived on Mackinaw.  They recently moved to Cook Valley.  They live in a Condo.  All the Condos and townhouses in Cook Valley have the same dining privileges as the apartment folks.

It was an enjoyable evening.

After dinner we headed to the Harbor Cafe.  Tonight they are having a dominoes game.  About ten folks started playing including the Moores and Nancy.  I am not into games so I headed to the Apartment for some reading.

Debbie Facetimed this evening. We had a nice talk.   Debbie asked me about the first names of my Grandparents.  I did the best I could.  I will call my sister to make sure I gave the right answer.  

Nancy got back to the apartment at 2200. She said she had a great time playing dominoes.  No streaming tonight.

Looked outside before bed.  The temp was below freezing.  No Critters.  Tomorrow will be a nice sunny day with high temps in 30s.  

Friday, March 10, 2023

March 9, 2023

 Thursday March 10, 2023

Blog time 1430 sitting in comfortable chair at end of our hall on Friday, yes a day late.  Right now Nancy’s book club is underway.

Thursday morning at 0720 looked outside and another nice day. Temps will reach low 40 today.  Heavy snow tonight.

Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill/stationary bike routine. I had my oatmeal breakfast followed by some goofing around apartment before biking to MVP. Took the short 2.5 mile route.  

Nancy was leaving when I was just parking my bike.  She has book club on Friday so she has a lot of work to do.

Calisthenics followed by a shower before biking home.  At home I helped Nancy get ready for tomorrow’s book club. 

Took out trash and recyclables.  Nice thing about Cook Valley I just have to walk across hall to empty recyclables. 

Cleaned my work space. Hung several items like a bulletin board, Navy plague from Vietnam, and map of Sanborn, NY (named after GGF Sanborn).  Area now actually looks tidy.

I had time for short nap.  At 1720 Nancy and I walked down to the evening cocktail hour.  We spent 30 minutes talking with neighbors.

Light dinner tonight.  Watched news, had FaceTime conversations with Missy and Debbie before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched “Beyond Paradise”.  Great show.

This and that:

I watched President Biden’s talk on his proposed budget .  I thought most of it was fantasy but he made a strong delivery.  The GOP needs a front person who can made a strong talk on the parties positions.  So far I have not seen anyone who can play this role.

Looked out window before bed.  At 2200 the snow had not started but the weather folks promise 4-6” by morning. 

March 8, 20

 Wednesday March 8,2023

Blog time 0840 sitting in Panera, the one on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did not get up until 0730.  

Nancy was already up and getting ready for her morning swim.

I decided that I would drive to Panera, get a yogurt fruit cup and bagel and do some reading. Later I would take a long bike ride.

Before heading out I stepped on scale and was surprised, no weight gain even after last night’s binging.

Grabbed my iPad and headed out.  Realized halfway to Panera I forgot to take my MG pills.  Bummer.

Panera we empty this morning. Finished my breakfast and started working on blog.  Also read Detroit and Alpena News. Left for home at 1030.  At home I suited up and took a 7.45 mile bike ride.  The route I selected today will be my warm weather route, with a stop at MVP.  Only three traffic lights and entire ride is on concrete sidewalks.

At home showered and then a trip to Costco. Today we replenished our paper supply i.e. paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissues. 

Light dinner and then an episode of “Madame Blanc Mysteries”.

Beautiful evening when checked outside before bed.  Tomorrow will be another great bicycle day.  

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

March 7, 2023

 Tuesday March 7, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in den.

Up with sun in eyes at 0700.  Looked out window and it look like a great day.

Nancy headed out for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/ stationary bike day.  After breakfast I hopped on bike and headed to MVP.  Miles to MVP, 3.5.  

MVP was not crowded.  Most folks are on MWF schedule.  I performed my calisthenics.  It takes about 40 minutes.  After showered and lotioned up before heading home.

I wanted to get to apartment before 1100 so I could get my free coffee.  No lucked today.  I arrived and 1105 and the coffee pots were gone.

Hoped in car and headed to Panera.  I got my coffee and two croissants.  

Later stopped at Post Office in Ada to mail my Passport renewal.  It cost $130.  

Stopped at Ada Bike and bought new pedals for my Bad Boy.  At home I tried taking the old pedals off.  No luck! they were rusted in.  Put bike rack on Escape and headed back to Ada Bike.  After some grunting and groaning the mechanic got the pedals off and put the new ones on.

At home Nancy and I looked over our snack inventory.  Tonight at 1700 we are going to a neighborhood block party.  We have to bring food to share.  We did not have either a cheese or fruit tray.  Nancy headed to Family Foods.

Today being Tuesday I have to shave.  While Nancy was running her errand I shaved my face and head.  

Finally after a quick lunch I was able to finish several blogs and do some reading.  No nap today.  Bummer.

At 1700 we took our cheese tray and walked down the hall to the “Tea Room”.  About 20 folks attended the party.  Some brought big food and dessert trays.  

Sitting on both sides of me were men in their early 90.  Across was a 91 year old women.  They were all sharp as a tack.  However, old folks tend to be very conservative.  I am glad we did not talk politics because I think my table guest were slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.  

Nancy and I stayed to help clean up.  It is now almost 2000 and time to watch some streaming. We tuned in to “Madame Blanc Mysteries” on Acorn.  I immediately fell asleep! must start taking my afternoon nap.

Looked out window before turning in saw no critters.  However, today on my bike ride I did see the two neighborhood Sand Hill Cranes, several Robins and a bunch of wild turkeys.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 6, 2023

 Up this morning at 0700.  Last night we had an ice storm roll through.  The path in back of our apartment was ice covered.  No bike today.

Nancy headed out for her Monday swim.  After an oatmeal breakfast I drove to MVP.  On days I can’t ride my bike I add a 1K row and 2 mile ride on stationary bike to my normal routine. 

After I showered, applied my lotion, dressed and headed out.  My skin is so dry I apply lotion three times a day.  I headed straight home.

Today is the monthly meeting of the men living in Cook Valley.  I attend because of the jokes.  We have two attorneys in their 90s who have a large repertoire of jokes.  We do occasionally talk about issues relating to the apartments but generally it is just a good time.

I do know I did not take a nap today but what I did in the afternoon aside from reading the papers is a mystery.  Why would we ever want men my age running the country when they cannot remember anything that happened in the last 24 hours?

For dinner tonight we headed down to the main dining room. Tonight we sat with Lars Larsen and wife.  They are good table companions.  

The Larson’s have a cottage on Beaver Island and spend their summers on the Island.  I have alway wanted to visit the Island. 

Tonight we watched the final two episodes of “Entrapped”  good show but strange ending.

Looked out window before bed.  The ice was gone and it looks like tomorrow will be a nice day for bike riding.

March 5, 2023

 Sunday March 5, 2023

Blog time 1730 sitting at office desk.

Up today with the sun 0710.  Looks like another nice sunny day, for a bike ride.  First thing I fixed an oatmeal with blueberries breakfast.

At 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran.  The church was crowded.  Pastor Bob was in fine tune.  After every service Nancy and I stayed around for coffee and cookies.  Good opportunity to mingle with fellow parishioners.

After church we drove north on the East Beltline to Rockford.  Drove through Rockford and were surprised at the activity in the downtown area.

Came home on the freeway and stopped at Meijer’s.  Filled the Escape up, gas was $3.49.  We also purchased grapes, prune juice, oatmeal cookie and blueberries.

At home I suited up and headed out on a 7 miles bike ride.  Perfect day for a ride.  Quick lunch and shower followed by a short nap.

We had left overs for dinner.  We watched “60 Minutes” and another episode of “Entrapped” the story of drug gangs in Iceland.

Check outside before bed and nice and mild.  Tomorrow will be another nice day.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

March 4, 2023

 Saturday March 4, 2023

Blog time 0830 on Sunday, a day late.

Up on Saturday at 0715, dressed and made a beeline to “The Gathering Place”.  The restaurant is beginning to lose its luster.  For the past two weeks we were not allowed to sit by a window, even thought several tables were empty.  Bummer.  

We had our standard fare.  A Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with a scrambled eggs for me.  We both had raisin toast.  As always the food was good.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  It was sunny with temps slightly below freezing.  Rode along the Thornapple River.  The wild fowl were very active.  On most Saturdays we drive through the Village of Ada.  The Village is going through a big transformation.  New apartments and retail stores are being built.  We check on the progress of construction every Saturday.

We ended our drive at “Total Wines”. I replenished my wine supply of my favorite red blend “Apothic Red”. 

At home we changed the bed sheets.  Nancy started the laundry and I suited up and headed out on a bike ride.  Total miles today, 8.1.  It took me 1 hour and 21 minutes.  Pretty slow.

I called my sister, Helen, in Tucson today.  March 4th is our mother’s birthday.  Today Mom would have been 116.

I remember one of my best memories of Mom’s birthdays.  It was 1943 or 44 during WWII.  Dad was too old for the military but the war effort was in great need of civil engineers.  Dad was sent to Chicago to work in military base management.  He could not come home for Mom’s birthday but sent a huge box.  The box was loaded with presents for Mom.  What I remember most was that the gifts were wrapped in the Chicago Tribune color comics.  Mom enjoyed the presents but I had a field day looking at the comics.

After my bike ride I showered and took a short nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to “Zoup’s” for a bowl of soup.  I had lobster bisque and Nancy had chicken noodle.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  We got caught up.

Tonight I finally talked Nancy into watching a show “Entrapped” filmed in Iceland with English subtitles.  A grim crime show but worth watching.

It was clear with temps above freezing when checked outside before bed.  Tomorrow should be a nice sunny day.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 3, 2023

 Friday March 3,  2023

Blog time Saturday Morning at 1140.

I left our new bedroom blinds partially open last.  This morning I got up with the sun in my eyes, 0645.  

Today Nancy left early for her morning swim at MVP.  I fixed my oatmeal breakfast and waited until the sun warmed things up.  Today I took my bike to MVP.  I was surprised MVP was empty.  

After the workout I showered, lotioned up before getting on bike and heading home.  Total bike miles today was 7.5.

After lunch I sat down to read and write my blog.  Boom!  My iPad was invaded with spam.  I could not get rid of it so I shut everything down.  

Monday I am hiring a guru to look over all our iPads and laptops.  We will also changed passwords.  I think we should shoot all spammers.

This and that;

I cannot believe that in 2024 we will have the same old guys running for President.  Surely we can do better.

Weather folks say a big storm coming late this afternoon.

I haven’t started my taxes yet.  The move scattered all my financial papers.  Some are still in boxes.

Since our move we have spent more time in social gatherings.  That is good, I think.

This afternoon at 1600 we headed to Pietros for a surprise 80th birthday party for Bill Masten.  The party was well attended.  Nancy and I knew most of the attendees. Some attendees were:

Of course the Masten’s, their sons Jason and Darin.  Darin was a classmate of our son Steve.

Jim and Pat Haskin.  Their son Dan was a classmate of Darin and Steve.

Dr Schwader and his wife:  the Doc’s son Chris was in daughter Missy’s class.  He was one of many Albion alumni.

Doug and Kathy Vance:  their son Simon was also a classmate of Darren and Steve.

Carol Masten ran the Michigan Athletic Club for many years.  A lot of her staff was in attendance.

The food provided by Pietros was very good, especially the birthday cake. Nancy and I had a great time talking with old friends.

When we left I had to wipe over an inch of new snow on car.  At home we watched an episode of Whitstable Pearl.  I slept through most of it.

I did FaceTime Debbie to ask her some questions on my Apple problems.  

The snow had stopped when I checked outside before bed.

March 2, 2023

 Thursday March 2, 2023.

Blog time 1700 sitting in den.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Quickly dressed and had my oatmeal breakfast.  This morning I am staying home because Cook Valley’s carpenter is coming at 0800 to install a bathroom door.  The door was an oversight by the management.

Also this morning we are having our apartment cleaned. Cook Valley provide a cleaning twice a month.  Busy morning.

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  Today is treadmill/bike day.

It took three hours for the carpenter to put the door in.  The cleaning crew was done at 1100.  

After all the help had left I put on bike clothes and took a ride.  Today’s ride was 8.5 miles, longest of the year.

After a quick lunch, I got a call from the installer of our blinds.  He now has the correct blinds and wanted to install them today. I said ok.

Today we feel finally settled in,  new bathroom door, blinds and a clean apartment.  Life is good.

Every evening Cook Valley has a Happy hour from 1700 to 1800.  We attended tonight and had a great time talking with neighbors.

For dinner tonight I just fixed a muffin with butter butter and some fruit.  I cannot remember what we watched Thursday.  My iPad went down on Friday so I am finishing this blog on Saturday.  My memory fails me.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 1, 2023

 Wednesday March 1, 2023

Blog time 1645 on Thursday, a day late, sitting in den

Up Wednesday morning at 0545.  This morning I have Breakfast Club. It was dark but temp was above freezing.  I will be able to ride bike later.

Today March coming in like a lamb (mild temp).  That means that the end of March will leave like a lion.  As the legend goes we will have bad storms on the 31th.

First of March in Mi means that High School Spring sports can begin.

Small crowd at BC this morning.  Too bad because breakfast was especially good.  

Our speaker today was the Executive Director of a group lobbying for laws supporting Climate Change.  Kind of a weak presentation.

Today is usually my easy day but because tomorrow we have a contractor coming to install our bathroom door I decided to head to MVP.  Put on bike clothes and pedaled to MVP.  I did my normal routine except for using the rowing machine.  Showered, lotioned up and headed home.  Bike miles today, 7.

Lunch and then spent time reading.  I did find time for a short nap.

Tonight we ate dinner in the dining room.  Our table mates were a couple who lived all over the USA.  They have lived in Cook Valley just over 7 months.  Nice table mates.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Good Cop” on Netflix.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in Ca.

Checked outside before bed.  No critters were seen.  Our neighbors all talk about all the animal life they see.  We must be blind.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

February 28, 2023

 Tuesday February 28, 2023

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Up at 0720 this morning.  Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries this morning.  Nancy headed out early for MVP.  She has an important appointment this afternoon with the Neurologist.

I goof around before heading out to MVP.  My Fusion’s message board said they shut everything down to save my battery.  It has been almost a week since I drove the Fusion.

Nancy was just finishing her routine when I started.  After the routine I showered up, put on lotions.  My skin this winter has been super dry.  I lotion up at least two times a day.  Drove to Panera for morning coffee.  I expected to see Nancy but it did not happen.  Got my coffee and baguettes before checking emails and reading Alpena and Detroit News.

At 1345 Nancy and I headed to her neurologist.  We met with her Doctor and the Doctor’s boss.  Bottom line Nancy’s medications will be increased from 20 mg to 25 mg per day.  

At home I took a short nap.  It being Tuesday Nancy and I drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  Leo’s was empty this evening. On way home we stopped at Meijer’s to pick up Nancy’s prescription.  It was not ready.  

Got home too late for the news.  Tonight we watched “Madame Blanc Mysteries” on Acorn Good episode.  For first time in a week I did not fall asleep during a show.

Stephen texted me tonight to say UC Irvine had beaten UM in baseball by a score of 15-3.  Grandson Lucas is heading to UC Irvine next year to play baseball.

Checked outside just before bed and all was quiet.  Temperature will remain in 30s all evening.  Tomorrow will be another mild day.  Hope to be able to ride my bike.