Saturday, April 30, 2022

April 29, 2022

 Friday April 29, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Nancy was up at 0700.  Put on swim suit and headed to MVP.

Temperature was in 40s with sun.  A great spring day.

My stomach was acting up all night so I slept in until 0900.  For breakfast this morning I had a banana.

At 1000 got on my Bianchi bike and pedaled the 3 miles to Panera.  Bought coffee and baguette.  With my upset stomach I should not drink coffee.  However I cannot completely give up my morning cup.  I drank 1/2 cup.

Read Michigan papers and checked email before pedaling home.  Total miles = 4.5.

At home I turned on electric blanket and jumped in bed.  I just started a Harlan Corbin book and I read several chapters before falling asleep.

Spent time today finishing blogs and checking emails.  For lunch I had a cup of pudding.

Just a note that Spring is busting out all over.  The spring flowers are blooming and the leaves are out.  Everything is green.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I are heading to Culver’s for a frozen custard. Sure sounds good.  It was.

Tonight we watched the news and then switched to Apple+ and watched two episodes of “Slow Horses”.  A good but dark show.

Courtyard check before turning in revealed everything ok.  Temperature will remain mild tonight.  I think our morning frost is a thing of the past.

Friday, April 29, 2022

April 28, 2022

 Thursday April 28, 2022

Up at 0645.  Nancy headed out early for a Group Active class at MVP.  I did at home calisthenics before breakfast.  

I woke up this morning  with a sour stomach.  It seems everything is backed up.

It was a cold, 28, but sun was shining.  After oatmeal breakfast I got on Cannondale and pedaled to the Y, 5 miles.  My stomach was still acting up so I reduced the number of repetitions for calisthenics. 

I noted as I unlocked my bike that my front tire was flat.  Same tire that I just had fixed.  I called Nancy to pick me up.  Put bike in back seat and drove home.  Dropped Nancy off and drove to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette and did some light reading. 

At noon I stopped at Meijer for bananas.  Then headed to Ada Bike.  Dropped off bike with a few choice words.  Will pick up on Saturday.

At home shaved and showered followed by a short nap.  I was cold so I turned the blanket up high.

No lunch today.  Spent time in office reading.

I read an article in today’s Grand Rapids about stomach flu that has been invading the GR area.  From the article I know I have it.  Bottom line, plenty of fluids.  Eat only soft food and get plenty of rest.  I complied for dinner I only had a cup of yogurt.  I violate one suggestion I had a glass of wine.  Hard to give up my nightly glass.

Tonight we watched “Anatomy of a Scandal”.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature was still in 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Checking my weather app it looks like morning temps will be above freezing until September.  Good news.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 27, 2022

 Wednesday April 27, 2022

Blog time 1035 sitting in Starbucks Woodland Mall

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Set alarm for 0530.  Woke up at 0525 and shut alarm off.

Did some light calisthenics before dressing and heading out.  The sun was just coming out.  The temperature was 30.  Sure hope no damage to crops.

Stopped at Biggby Coffee to get a coffee to take with me.  The nice gal gave me a free coffee.

As is my practice after I parked my car I took a walk around the block.  Walked past my old office in McKay Tower.  It was cold this morning so a homeless man was sleeping on a steam manhole located in the sidewalk in front of Flanagan’s.

Small crowd today at BC.  Today’s speaker was the director of the Heritage Hills neighborhood association.  Heritage Hills is a designated Historical District located near downtown.  The district has many well preserved large 100 year old homes.  Good talk.

After BC I drove to Woodland Mall.  Bought a coffee at Starbucks and settled down to do some reading.  

I have been following the news from Ukraine and most of it is not good.  I am surprised NATO has not taken a firm stand against Putin.  They seem intimidated.

After Woodland I headed to Breton Village.  Stopped at Orvis and Fitzgerald’s but bought nothing.  I did stop at Lululemon and bought a pair of pants.

Stopped at Cascade Meijer’s and bought a sub for dinner tonight, Motrin and prune juice.  Nancy’s ENT recommended Motrin for her ear problem.  

When I got home Nancy had already left for her shift at Meijer’s.  I started my Wednesday chores:

Load of laundry.

Recyclables and trash.

And of course my Wednesday nap.

Finished the afternoon with a 4 mile bike ride on Cannondale.

For dinner tonight I had the sub purchased earlier at Meijer’s.

We watched the news which seemed to be dominated by Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  Good grief who cares?

Tonight we watched another episode of “Hidden Assets”.  We give this show a B+.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to 20s tonight.  Hope no crop damage.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 26, 2022

 Tuesday April 26, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room

Up at 0645,  Nancy headed to MVP to walk treadmill 

Temperature was 39 with drizzle.  Cold miserable day ahead.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Got winter bike gear out.

Pedaled 6 miles to Panera.  No Y today.

Fell off bike when trying to mount bike at traffic light.  No harm but embarrassing.

Spent short time at Panera.  Left 1100 and headed home. Total miles today = 8.5.  Showered and shaved.

Drove to Macatawa to correct an improper deposit box charge.

At home loaded car up with three big bags of financial document that are to be shredded.

Nancy has an 1100 appointment with her ear doctor. She has been having a blocked ear for weeks.  Doctor said ear pain is a dental problem.  We both find this far fetched but Nancy did make an appointment with Dentist.

As soon as Nancy got home from Doctor put bike rack on her car, the Escape.  Headed to Ada Bike and picked up Cannondale.

At 1530, I drove to Macatawa Bank and dropped off documents to be shredded.  The place was crowded.  Macatawa also provided free hot dogs and drinks.  I did not abide.

At home finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pork chop cooked in crock pot with rice and sweet sauce.  Also home made apple sauce.  Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of “Harry Wild” on Acorn.  We give this show an A.

It has been a dark cold day with intermittent drizzle.  The drizzle had not stopped when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature will drop below freezing tonight.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 25, 2022

 Monday April 25, 2022

Blog time 1145 sitting at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.  It was cloudy with a temperature of 50.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her swim day.

Morning calisthenics before oatmeal.  Put on bike clothes for my ride to Y.  SURPRISE NOT TO HAPPEN!!  The bike had a flat tire.

Pumped the tires on my backup bike, the Bianchi, and headed out.  Took the short 5 mile route to Y.

The Y’s attendance is still not back to pre-covid.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk.  Put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.

Just settled down at Panera when Nancy walked in.  She said that she is back to pre-pneumonia form.  This afternoon we will drive to Costco so she can pick up at prescription.

Left Panera at 1200.  At home I put bike carrier on Escape, loaded up Cannondale and headed to Ada Bike.  I told them to fix the flat and take off the bike rack.  The rack makes it difficult for me to dismount.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Nancy picked a prescription.  We looked around but did not purchase anything.

At home I sat in living room, worked on blog, read the Detroit News and Apple News.  No nap today.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios and toast w/peanut butter.  We watched the local news and Shepard Smith on CNBC.

Finished our evening viewing another episode of “Harry Wild” on Acorn.  We both like this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She and AJ made a recent trip to San Diego.  Missy likes this area and is thinking of moving there.

Several area agencies have drop off boxes for unused pills.  It think this is a great idea.  Keeps the pills out of reach of kids.

It was cool and gloomy when checked the courtyard before bed.  Temp will drop to mid 30s tonight.

Tomorrow will have temps in low 40s with showers.

Monday, April 25, 2022

April 24, 2022

 Sunday April 24, 2022

Blog time 1914 sitting in living room.

Up with sun, 0644, today.  Dressed and headed to Biggby for our Sunday coffee.

At home I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.  At 0845 we left for Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd at church today.  After church we took the scenic drive to Lowell and then home.  The temperature was in 60s but rain will be starting around noon.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and then we bought grapes, bananas, sugar substitute, cookies, yogurt and mouth wash.

It was raining hard when we left Meijer’s.  It is now 1900 and still raining.  No bike ride today.

My major activity this afternoon was to write monthly note to kids.  With each note I include a $2 bill.  I wonder how much longer the Feds will continue printing the $2?

Today I also took down my 2 bird feeders.  I guess the bird flu threat is serious. The DNR recommends removal of bird feeders for several weeks.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on an waffle. Very good.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Hidden Assets” on Acorn.  Looks good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her everything ok.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard tonight.  Tomorrow should be dry.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 23, 2022

 Saturday April 23, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  It was warm and sunny when we left home.  Temperature will reach 80s later.  About time!

The Gathering Place was crowded this morning.  The bright sun probably got folks up early.  We had our usual fare.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  Stopped at Panera and got our free coffee.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  Today is laundry day.  While Nancy was doing the laundry, I ran some errands.

I filled up both the Escape and Fusion up.  I cannot remember the price of gas.  Also stopped at D&W and bought some mini-naans.

The temperature was near 80 when I decided to go on a long bike ride.  For the first time this year I wore my knickers and just a light long sleeve tee. 

Today I rode 10.7 miles, my longest ride of the year.  It took 90 minutes.  Perfect day for a ride.    

At home I showered and shaved followed by a short nap.  

Finished the day reading the news on my iPad.  We had a very light dinner.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Anatomy of a Scandal” on Netflix.

Temperature was in 60s when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Rain predicted for tomorrow.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

April 22, 2022

 Friday April 22, 2022

Up this morning at 0730.  I slept in because today is my birthday.  This is my present to me.

Bright sun with temperature of 30.  Rain moving in later this afternoon.

April is a big birthday month for the Scotts.  My dad and Granddaughter Alessandra have birthdays on the 17th.  My cousin Betty Scott had a birthday on the 21st.  Betty is a year and day older than me.  Grandniece Paige Kassebaum also has a birthday. 

This morning I did 100% of my calisthenic routine at home.   Put on warm bike clothes and took a 5 mile route to Panera.  Today is my lucky day because I got a free birthday scone.

Just got started when Nancy walked in.  She thought my scone was tasty.  My weather app told me that rain was starting in 45 minutes so I cut my Panera time short and headed out on the 5 miles home.  Total bike miles today, 10.

I got cold riding the bike so first thing I did at home was turn on electric blanket and took a short nap.  

After the nap I worked on renewing my Global Entry pass.  It took some doing but I finally was able to renew.  Debbie was able to help me.  Why do the Feds make renewing so difficult? Their web site is a disaster.

This evening Nancy and I are attending an over 60 dinner for Trinity Lutheran members at the Cascade Road House.  We left home at 1645 in pouring rain.  The dinner was well attended.  About 30 seniors were in attendance.  I was given a shout out because today is my birthday.  We had a great time.

Got home about 2030.  Started watching a show on Acorn.  I immediately fell asleep.  I have no recollection of the show.

It was still pouring rain when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Tomorrow should be a sunny warm day.

I want to thank Debbie and Alessandra, Missy and AJ and my Sister Helen for giving me a birthday call.  I got a birthday email from Cousin Mary Hughes.   

April 21, 2022

 Thursday April 21, 2022

Up this morning at 0715.  Why can’t I get up with the sun at 0649?

Nancy this morning is heading to MVP for some time on treadmill.

I did my morning at home routine of calisthenics followed by oatmeal with banana breakfast.  Light rain showers when filling up bird feeders this morning.  

No bike this morning but maybe later this afternoon I will take a ride.  

Drove to the Y.  Put on workout clothes and did my calisthenics and a 0.6 mile walk.  Normal light Thursday crowd at Y.  Same folks every Thursday.  Drove to Panera.

Just got my coffee and baguette when Nancy walked in.  She had stopped at Meijer’s and got info on getting our Covid booster.  We both filled out form.  Will get shot this afternoon.

Bird flu:  this morning in the Alpena News I read an article about bird flu in Mi.  The State recommends that we take down our bird feeders for a couple of weeks.  Before putting the feeders back up they should be cleaned.

At home Nancy and I got our vaccine data cards and headed to Meijers.  We had to wait 5 minutes before getting our shot.  It was painless.  The needles must be super sharp.  We are now up to date on vaccine.

At home I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Showered and shaved after the ride.

For dinner tonight I had toast and peanut butter with pineapple.

We watched the news before switching to Apple+ and watching another episode of “Slow Horses”. It is getting dark and violent.

It was cold when checked Courtyard before bed.  Another cold evening ahead.  

Thursday, April 21, 2022

April 20, 2022

 Wednesday April 20, 2022

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Wednesday, my easy day.  Up at 0700.  First thing I do lately is put drops in Nancy’s right ear.  It has been a week and she does not see much improvements.

This morning Nancy is going swimming at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at gardens.

Being my easy Wednesday I do my entire calisthenics routine at 50%.  It took 28 minutes.

It was sunny but cold this morning, 27.  Not much wind so I decide to ride my bike to Panera.  I will have my breakfast at Panera.

At Panera ordered oatmeal and a toasted blueberry bagel.  Panera’s oatmeal is very good.  Read the local papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  

The Squaw Bay renaming controversy.  

Our friends in the Federal government think Squaw bay, a small bay located on Lake Huron south of Alpena needs to have a name change.   According to the Feds the name Squaw is hurtful to native Americans.  Most local folks have never heard complaints. The name, squaw, has been around since the area has been settled.  

So a process is now underway to rename the bay.  Send your preferred name to the Feds.  Another example of the Feds wasting our money!

Took the long route home.  Total bike miles today. 10.

At home:

Lunch, load of laundry, take out trash and nap.

Nancy got home from Gardens at 1700.  She said they were busy.

Cereal for dinner.  Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Watched an episode of “Chelsea Detective”.  Good light show.

It had started to rain when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Rain most of night and tomorrow morning.  Temperature in low 40s.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 19, 2022

 Tuesday April 19, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0715.  The days are getting longer because sunrise today was at 0652.  Temperature was below freezing.  Light snow predicted around 0800.

Today Nancy headed to MVP.  She plans to walk on treadmill for 2 miles.

I did my at home routine before oatmeal breakfast.  I decided to ride my bike today despite being 33 degrees.  Put on heavy clothes and pedaled to Y.  The only critters I have seen lately on my bike rides has been bunnies.

Sparse crowd at the Y.  Completed my routine in 32 minutes.  Dressed and headed to Panera.

Like the Y, the crowd at Panera was sparse.  Ordered coffee and baguette before settling down for morning read.  Not much in the papers that I want to comment on.  Ukraine and covid news dominates.

Left for home at 1300.  I was lucky to have the wind at my back.  The temperature still had not reached 40.  Total bike miles today, 9.

Shaved, head and face, before a nice hot shower.  I am still wearing lined pants to stay warm.  I don’t think I have ever worn lined pants this long.

Quick lunch and then I ran errands.  First stop was Gerald Ford Airport to get more info on renewing my Global Entry pass.  I was given a list of numbers to call.

Stopped at Dick’s Sport Goods to see if they had any special underwear I like in stock.  They did not.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.  

Spent the rest of afternoon sitting at iPad in living room.  Completed blog and finished reading news.

This and that:

I am against forgiving student loans.  They are using tax dollars from folks who scrimped and saved to help their kids get through school.  

Why is it that I see only healthy looking folks wearing masks?

This cold spring must be miserable for kids playing outdoor sports.

Despite all the public service announcements about texting and driving I still see many folks doing it.

Has our recent below freezing mornings harmed the fruit crop?

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a pork chop with dressing.  Very tasty!

After the news we watched an episode of “Pieces of Her”.  It had been several weeks since we had watched this show so it took awhile to get caught up.  Best advice, once you start a show continue viewing with no break.

The temperature was near freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temp will drop to high 20s this evening.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 18, 2022

Monday April 18, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0715. I did my at home calisthenics before enjoying an oatmeal breakfast.  

The temperature was 33 when we woke and it was just starting to snow.  Checked my weather app and snow all day.  No bike!

Nancy this morning is going swimming at MVP.  Her big worry is having to wait to get a free lane.  

Today is Easter Monday:  In my youth we got off school on Good Friday and Easter Monday.  This was the only break between New Year and Memorial Day.

After breakfast I got in Fusion and drove to the Y.  I was surprised that the place was empty.  I did my calisthenics and walked 0.6 mile.  When I finished my routine drove to Panera.

Panera was empty.  Got my coffee and baguette before settling down to read papers.

After Panera I made a stop at Meijer’s to replenish my supply of yogurt, cookies, pudding and naan.  It was Monday so Meijer’s was empty.

At home, quick lunch before heading downstairs to office.  Spent time checking how to renew my Global Entry permit it expires on my birthday.  The Homeland Security web site must have been written by a masochist.  Very confusing.  But what should you expect from the Federal Gov.

I found time the afternoon for a nap.  For dinner tonight I had sourdough toast with peanut butter and fruit.  

Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched two episode of “Harry Wild”.  Good show.

Missy called this evening.  Everything ok in LA.  AJ returned to school today.

It was cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Temperature will get below 32 tonight with light snow possible.  Will the cold ever end.


Monday, April 18, 2022

April 17, 2022

 Sunday April 17, 2022

Blog time 1310 sitting in living room.

Today is travel day for Missy and AJ.  They are heading back to LA.  Will leave Condo about 1000.

We started getting folks up at 0730.  First thing, I drove to Starbucks to get Missy her special coffee drink.  Dropped the coffee off for Missy. Headed to Biggby to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Surprise! Biggby was closed for Easter.  Drove back to Starbucks and got mild coffee for us.

For breakfast Nancy fixed “pigs in a blanket” a food request from Missy.  

We got Missy and AJ to the airport at 1020.  We enjoyed their visit.  It was sad to see them off.

Today is a special day for the Scott Family.  Today is Granddaughter Alessandra’s 13th birthday.  We FaceTimed her to wish her a Happy Birthday.  The Scott Team was traveling in Texas when we caught up with them.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Alessandra.

Today is also the birthday of my father, Robert Sanborn Scott.  Dad was born in Virginia, Minnesota on this day in 1906.  Later today I will call my Sister so we can reminisce.

When we got home from airport I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.4 mile ride.  The ride took me 1h05’ to complete.  Avg speed 7.7 mph. 

At home showered and then took a long Sunday afternoon nap.  After the nap I spent time finishing my blogs.

Blast from past!  Easter egg hunt.  In 1962 while stationed on Midway Island Navy base, I was assigned an extra duty.  I was in charge of the Chaplin’s Easter egg hunt.  I had to buy the chocolate covered Easter eggs for the Chaplin’s hunt.  The eggs had to be ordered from a store in Hawaii and flown to Midway.  As you can imagine I did not join the Navy to buy Easter eggs.  

Midway Island had about 3,000 Navy personnel.  All the young sailors and officers were single.  Senior enlisted men and Officers could bring their families. 

The Chaplin was a holly-roller who disapproved of the drinking establishments provided for the sailors.  He was disliked because his first duty should have been the welfare of the young enlisted sailors,  not the children of a select group.  

For several months before Easter the Chaplain constantly reminded me of my duty to order the eggs.  Finally I placed the order.  The eggs would arrive on either the Monday or Friday flight from Hawaii.  When the eggs did not arrive on the Monday before Easter,  the Chaplain warned me that if they did not arrive on Good Friday’s flight I would face serious disciplinary action. My boss Lt. Commander Tinklepaugh told me not to worry he had my back.  Luckily the eggs arrived on Friday’s flight.  My Easter story for the year.

No lunch today so tonight for dinner I had my normal lunch of yogurt.  

We watched some of 60 Minutes before switching to the final episode of “Madame Blanc Mysteries”.  

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The full moon was still visible.  Temperature will drop to low 30s tonight.  Snow possible.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She was sad because today she paid her taxes.  We told her to be thankful for San Jose’s mild weather.  We have snow coming.  

Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 16, 2022

 Saturday April 16, 2022

Once again I am a day late writing the blog.  Blog time 1230 on Sunday sitting in living room.

This morning I got everyone up at 0700.  It was a struggle but we made it.

We had breakfast at “The Gathering Place”.  Nancy and I had our usual Saturday breakfast.  AJ had a huge stack of pancakes and Missy had a breakfast burrito.  Big Holiday crowd today.  

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Made a quick stop at Dollar Tree and Starbucks before heading home.

Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my warm bike clothes and at 1130 started out on a 8.4 mile ride.  It was cold and windy but I was glad to get outdoors.  Showered and shaved as soon a I got home.

For dinner tonight we took and trip down memory.  We stopped at “Yesterdog”.  Nancy had a plain hot dog.  Missy and I had two of the original “Yesterdog”.  AJ had a modified Yesterdog.  

Tonight Missy, Nancy and I watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called “Wind River”.  I gave it a B.

Cold when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp will drop below freezing tonight.  

April 15, 2022

 Friday April 15, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  No exercises today for Bob or Nancy.  Missy and AJ were still sleeping.  I made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee.

We sat in living room reading.  Got Missy and AJ up at 0900.  We had breakfast this morning at Sundance.  The place was jammed.  Breakfast at Sundance is always good.

After breakfast we took a ride around our old GR neighborhood, Ottawa Hills, and East Grand Rapids.  I was surprised to see all the new homes.  

After the ride down memory lane we headed to Meijer Gardens.  Our purpose today was to see the butterflies.

The place was jammed.  I had trouble finding a parking place.  

Despite the crowd the Gardens did a great job getting folks in to see the butterflies.  The butterflies were very active today.  AJ especially liked the exhibit.  

At home we relaxed a bit and then at 1630 we headed to the “Beltline Bar” for their famous wet burritos.  Missy especially like the burritos.  First time in years we had visited the Beltline Bar.  Nothing had changed.  Love the burritos!

Tonight we watched “CODA” on Apple +.  It was a great movie.  Missy, being hearing impaired, especially like it.  It was worthy of an Academy Award.

It was cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Cold weather continues.

Friday, April 15, 2022

April 14, 2022

 Thursday April 14, 2022

Blog time; 1100 at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0715.  Woke to bright sun with temperature of 35.  The wind was 14 mph but expected to increase significantly around 1100.

I did not want to ride into a stiff wind so I decided to not go to Y.  I would do calisthenics at home after the ride.

Good move because it was very cold riding into just a 15 mph wind.  A 25 mph wind would be miserable.  The folks at Panera said I was early today.  I explained I wanted to avoid the high winds starting later this morning.

I just sat down when Nancy arrived.  She joined me.  Today she swam her normal distance.  Great news.

It is now 1130 and I am heading home.  The temp is 45 but wind speed of 22 mph.  Luckily I will have the wind at my back on the ride home.

Quick lunch at home and then got basement bedroom ready for Missy and AJ who are coming this evening.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Light dinner tonight because we might have a light meal after Missy and AJ arrive.

2030 we headed to the airport.  Dropped Nancy off at the terminal and I headed to the Cell Phone Lot.  Plane was scheduled to arrive at 2100 and actually arrived at 2110.  

Picked up Missy and AJ.  Drove along 28th St to find a restaurant that might be open for a quick snack.  No luck.

At home Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  Also had toast, fruit and cookies.  Sat in living room talking until 2300.  

Checked courtyard before bed and it was still windy and cold.  We did have a bright full moon.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  She was checking up.  We gave a positive report.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 13, 2022

 Wednesday April 13, 2022

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  up with 0530 alarm.

Temperature in high 40s with rain most of the day.

On way downtown I stopped at Biggby for coffee.  Traffic was heavy on freeway.  Glad I have night vision glasses.

Small crowd today.  Our speaker today was a fellow BC member.  He is a retired medical Doctor but his topic today was used cars.  They Doc owns a used car dealership.  He also owns many 50 and 60s vintage cars.  It was a great talk.

It was not raining when I left for home.  At home I put on bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.  Good timing today because it started pouring when walked in door.

Showered, dressed and headed to Panera.  Spent short time at Panera reading local news.  Finally got Detroit News app to work.

After Panera I headed to Meijer’s in pouring rain.  Picked up prescription for Nancy.  Being the 13th I bought lottery tickets.

Nancy had already gone to the Gardens when I got home.  She is working the afternoon shift.

Activities for rest of afternoon:

Pick up trash and recyclables and take to curb.

Load of laundry


Trip to D&W for milk, bananas, mini-naan and a turkey sub for dinner.

Watched 5 deer in back yard eating from mineral block I put out earlier this month.

Dinner tonight included turkey sub purchased earlier.  Also raspberries and cookies.

After the news we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

This evening Missy FaceTimed.  Missy and AJ are ready for Thursday’s trip to GR.  The trip is nonstop from LA to GR.  The airline is strictly no frills.  If they have to print your boarding pass the charge $5.  

It was raining when checked courtyard.  Rain will stop tonight.  Temp will drop below freezing.  High winds tomorrow but the good news, sunshine.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 12, 2022

Tuesday April 12, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0745, checked weather app and temp was 32 but will reach mid 60s later.  Calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Today I put on warm weather gear.  Pedaled 5 miles to Y.

Today for the first time in several weeks Nancy is going swimming at MVP.  Good news.  Later she is having lunch with friends.

All the classes today at Y were full.  I did my calisthenic routine.  My hip pain is getting worse.  Could only walk 1 lap today, 0.2 mi.  Good news bike riding is pain free.

Temp in mid 50s when left Y and pedaled to Panera.  Now I am overdressed.  Ordered coffee and baguette before starting my morning reading routine.  Still can’t get Detroit News.

With Covid, terrible weather and all the bad news I think most folks are on a downer.  Who wants to read the bad news?

Left Panera at 1200,  total bike miles today, 9.5.

Spent time in office cleaning my desk before lunch.  

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken pot pie.  We also had raspberries.  I had forgotten how good chicken pot pie is.

After the dishes I took a short walk.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We talked about her upcoming trip to GR.  They arrive on Thursday.  We have a cold front moving through on Thursday.  Recommended they bring warm jackets.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Pieces of Her”.  Kinda dark.

It was a warm 50 when checked Courtyard before bed.  Rain most of the day tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 11, 2022

 Monday April 11, 2022

Rise at 0700, 50 degrees with sun this morning.

Nancy has a 0900 appointment with PA at our ENT Doctor’s office.

Did my home calisthenics followed by oatmeal.

Put on lightweight bike clothes and biked to the Y.  Great to be riding in sunshine.  

Small crowd at Y.  Put on workout clothes and began calisthenics.

After calisthenics put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.  

Got coffee and baguette before starting morning reading.  Checked the Detroit News but was unable to open. Bummer.  

Read emails, Apple News and Alpena News.  Ukraine is dominating the news.  

China is having a difficult time bringing the new covid strain under control.  Thought they had all the answers.

Nancy stopped at Panera so we sat and talked awhile.  No positive news from ENT visit.  She was told to take Coricidin.

Left for home at 1230.  Total bike miles today, 9.5.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs.  Checked with Detroit News to see if they could fix my digital account.  No luck.

Busy weekend so I did not write blog.  Today I wrote both Saturday and Sunday’s in one blog.  I should never put off writing because after 12 hour I cannot remember what I did.

Cheerios and raspberries for dinner.  Will watch the evening news and then switch to Acorn.  Tonight we watched episode 3 of “Harry Wild”.  After finishing episode 3 we viewed episode 4.  Great show.

It was 48 and partly cloudy when checked the courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be a warm sunny day.