Thursday, March 31, 2022

March 30, 2022

Wednesday March 30, 2022

Blog time 1750, sitting in office

Today is Breakfast Club.  Up with alarm at 0530

Did a few calisthenics before dressing and heading to BC.  I did make a stop at Biggby for a small coffee.

Traffic into downtown was surprisingly light.

Last night the TV broadcast Winter Weather Advisory alerts.  Freezing rain predicted making morning traffic treacherous.  Once again the weather folks were wrong.  It was 40 with no rain.

We had a large crowd at BC.  Today’s speaker was the retired director of the GR Museum’s Observatory.  He lives and breaths astronomy.  

Today he talked about NASA’s new James Web Space Telescope.  He had great slides and other visuals.  It was a well received talk.

After BC I drove to Panera to get Nancy a coffee.  Her condition today is about the same.  I do think her cough is better.  She had to cancel her shift at Meijer’s.

My weather app said no rain until this afternoon.  Put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.7 mile ride.  It was cloudy with temperature in low 50s.  Great riding conditions.  At home showered and then drove to Panera for coffee and baguette.  

Finished yesterday’s blog.  I used Apple’ word processing software Pages to write the blog.  I cut and pasted the blog into  It was seamless but some formatting problems.

Rain started as soon as I sat down at Panera.  Rain for the next 24 hours.  Will the rain never end.

Got home at 1330.  Lunch and then started Wednesday.

Gathered up recyclables and trash and put in bins.  Did a load of a laundry.  

After the chores I took my Wednesday nap.  

Spent the rest of the afternoon in office reading the news.

We had a scare this afternoon.  Nancy was warming up some soup for dinner when she felt dizzy.  I had to help her walk to her recliner.  After resting for several minutes she returned to normal.

Missy FaceTimed this afternoon.  She reported that she just got tickets to GR.  They are coming on April 14 for 3 days.  The flight from LA to GR is non stop.  

Missy said AJ, her daughter, played hooky from school.  She and young man her age  were adopted about the same time from Kazakhstan have become friends.  Today they visited Legoland.  Great time.

Nancy and I visited Kazakhstan to visit AJ just before she was adopted.  The flight from GR was over 22 hours.  I remember all the buildings were Soviet style with spotty electricity.  We did take a road trip to visit a famous Mosque.  First time I have ever seen free range Camels.  Road kill on the highway were usually camels.

Chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight.  Watched the news and then switched to Netflix.  We watched another episode of “Pieces of Her”.

Temperature in 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything looked secure.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March 29, 2022

 Tuesday March 29, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700

Temperature was 18, my weather app said high temp 44 with sun during daylight hours.  Might go on bike ride near noon.

First thing, I dressed and drove to Panera to get Nancy her morning coffee.  At home she took her last prescription pill.  She does not feel better.

I do the at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  

Drove to Y.  It being Tuesday the Y was not crowded.  Did calisthenics which took 30 minutes.  Dressed and headed to Panera.

Today I finished yesterday’s blog on my iPad mini using the portable Apple keyboard.  It works ok.


I am writing today’s blog using Apple’s Pages.  Will cut and paste into blog.

After lunch I loaded the Bad Boy onto the Escape and drove to Ada Bike.  Left the bike for it’s spring tune up.  Should be ready Friday.

Nancy called Dr Kutsche and got a 1620 appointment.  I will drive her.  Took a short nap before before heading to the Doctors.  

I accompanied Nancy into the Doctors visiting room.  The Doctor made a quick check of vitals and concluded that everything was fine.  Bottom line it will take several weeks of rest before Nancy gets back to normal.  

The Doctor did recommend Nancy take Mucinex Dm to break up her cough.  We stopped at Meijer’s on way home and purchased Mucinex.

I had a light dinner tonight.  Yogurt with fruit.

Tonight we watched episode two of “Pieces of Her”.

Nancy was part of a joint FaceTime call with Alessandra and Debbie.  These three way calls are great.  We also talked to Steve and Veronica.  

Checked courtyard before bed.  Winter storm warning advisory up for tomorrow.  Rain/snow mix likely.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 28, 2022

 Monday March 22, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was cold, 19, but weather app said sunshine most of the day.  Right now at 1600 the temperature is 32 but wind chill of 21.  

Quickly dressed and drove to Panera to get Nancy a coffee and bagel.  Nancy does not feel much better this morning.

I decided because of the cold no bike today.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast with banana before driving to Y.

The Y’s parking lot was full today.  Luckily nobody’s does chin-ups any more so I never have to wait to use the bar.  My calisthenics routine takes 30 minutes.  If I add aerobics it is another 30.  No aerobics today because I plan on a bike ride or walk this afternoon.

After the Y I drove again to Panera. Got coffee and baguette before settling down to read.  First thing I finished Yesterday’s blog.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News.  These two papers give me a good idea of what is going on in Mi.

At noon I pack up and head home.  Check up on Nancy before heading to Meijer’s.  Today I just restocked my larder.

Lunch and then I bundled up and headed out on a 1.6 mile walk.    It takes me 45 minutes to walk 1.6 miles.  I hope this time increases substantially after the hip surgery.

This and that:

This morning Nancy received a Get Well Fruit basket from the Scott Team, Steve, Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra.  Nice gift.

Checked Great Grandfather’s blog from this date in 1938.  GGF reported the “smelt” run has started in local creeks dumping into Lake Huron.  The smelt swim upstream to spawn.  In springtime nothing tastier than a beer with smelt dinner.

GGF also noted that FDR got Senate to pass the “Reorganization Bill” 49 to 42.  GGF was politically active.  He served two terms in the Mi Legislature.

A lot of talk today about Will Smith’s slap of Chris Rock.  I did not see the Academy Awards last night.  I am glad.

President Biden also got in hot water by saying someone should take out Putin.  Most folks agree but the words should not be spoken in polite company.

This spring I have never seen so many Turkeys.  Flocks of 20 or more are common.  I see Turkeys everywhere but only occasionally see a bald eagle.  Ben Franklin was right the Turkey should have been the national bird.

Debbie Facetimed today.  Everything is improving in GR.  Good news for CA rain yesterday in San Jose.

Putin seems to have changed his strategy in Ukraine.  Looks like he has given up on western Ukraine.  NATO should make him leave all of Ukraine.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of fruit and piece of toast.

We watched the news followed by a new show on Netflix “Pieces of Her”.  I liked the first episode.

Monday, March 28, 2022

MARCH 27, 2022

 Sunday March 27, 2022

Blog time1650,  we slept in until 0730.  The sun was not yet up. It was 20 degrees with light snow.  My weather app said sun later today but temp will not reach 30.  Wind chills in teens.

First thing I got Nancy her pill.  Two more days of these strong pills.  

Drove to Biggby for our morning coffee.  At home I got paper out of box.  Nancy drank her coffee and read the papers.  She is not feeling much better today.  No church today.

I fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.  We drank and read paper until 1000.  We both decided we needed to get out of house so a ride was in order.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee and a 1/2 price bagel.  Today we drove south to Middleville on Whitneyville Road.  Pleasant rural drive.

We went home on M37.  We did drive through Caledonia another pleasant village.  The new homes in this area are astounding.  Our drive took about 90 minutes.  Great for Nancy to get out of house.

At home I checked the wind chill to see if a walk was possible.  No walk the wind chin was 15.  I checked hours of the Y and saw they were open to 1700.

I drove to Y.  The place was jammed with a lot of families.  I walked 1.6 miles, my exercise for the day.

At home I had my normal yogurt lunch.  Nancy and I split a muffin.  I was glad to see Nancy eat.

After lunch I took a 90 minute nap before heading to the office to write this blog.  

On this date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  It was also a Sunday.  Great Grandfather Sanborn said it was a wild day.  Wind with temps at freezing.  He stayed home all day listening to radio and reading.  He did comment on the road conditions.  The frost was gone so the roads were getting better.

Being so cold today the birds and squirrels have been eating all day.

This and that:

The Academy Awards are tonight.  Does anyone care?

Missy and AJ FaceTimed this afternoon.  They were at the beach.  AJ was busy picking up shells.

I sure hope the GOP doesn’t implode.  The supporters of Trump are out of touch with main stream.  If the GOP loses both the house and Senate, blame it on Trump.

I hope our recent cold spell hasn’t damaged our fruit crops.

Nancy fixed scrambled eggs for dinner.  We watched the news followed by two segments of 60 Minutes.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “In From Cold”.  I did not realize the show was science fiction.  

Cold when checked the Courtyard tonight.  Nice Crescent moon.  Temp will drop to teens tonight.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 26, 2022

 Saturday March 26, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Today I am writing the blog on my mini.  Using portable keyboard.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Nancy and I both had a pretty good night’s sleep.

Checked the weather and it was 30 with high winds.  Wind chills in low 20s.  Last night we got a thin layer of snow on the ground.  Took a photo and mailed to kids.

With the cold, wind and snow it looks like no bike ride.   Today will be a rest day or me.

First thing I got in Fusion and drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.  Bought two coffees.  Also got a bagel that was free today.

Nancy was showering when got home with coffee.  I made her take her pill before giving her the coffee. I fixed myself an oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

With the cold and snow on ground the birds and squirrels were hungry.  Brought up a new bag of bird seed from car and filled up our only feeder.  

The squirrels cannot access the bird feeder but they can reach the suet cake I suspended from pole on the deck.  I rigged up a long piece of ribbon from the feeder to our slider door.  When the squirrels get up on the suet I open the door and pull the ribbon.  Works fine.

Nancy did several loads of laundry.  I helped her.  My job was to go downstairs and hang up the clothes.  Don’t want Nancy climbing stairs.

I did read the Alpena and Detroit News this morning.  Not much I want to comment on.

Fixed a lunch of yogurt and pudding.  Took a short nap. It being Saturday I shaved.

Headed downstairs to start today’s blog.  Turned on the heater and called up a Merle Haggard album on my laptop before starting.`

For dinner tonight I had yogurt, coleslaw and toast.  Tonight we watched the news.  For our special viewing we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

Before bed Nancy and I both took 2 Motrin.  The family that pills together stays together.  Dumb.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She asked how Nancy was and I quoted from an Old Peter Sellers movie “every day in every way she gets better and better”.  Pink Panther movies were great.

Light snow with temps in low 20s when checked courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow should be another cold day.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

March 25, 2022

Friday March 25, 2026

Blog time 1200 on Saturday March 26.  Yes I am a day late.

Last night Nancy went to sleep at 2200.  She was heavily medicated.  She slept on her back all night and did not move.

I got up at 0730.  Did my morning at home calisthenics before running errands.  First stop was Meijer’s to pick up a prescription for Nancy.  The pills are antibiotic and she takes one pill at day for five days. While at Meijer’s also bought more supplies.

At home I gave Nancy her pill.  She stayed in bed all morning.

No Y today.  I completed the calisthenics I usually do at Y.  Checked on Nancy.  She was sleeping.  So at noon I started a 9 mile bike ride followed by a shower and nap.

Late lunch.  Nancy spent the afternoon reading in the den.

1800 I drove to D&W.  Bought a turkey sub and coleslaw for dinner.  Also bought milk and mini Naan.

Dr Kutsche called me while I was in parking lot of D&W.  I discussed Nancy’s symptoms and medications recommended by Urgent Care.  Dr Kutsche had the record of Nancy’s visit on his computer (technology can be useful).  The medicine prescribed, levoFLOXacin, is a good medicine.  Who comes up with the name for these medicines?  No one can pronounce or spell?

After dinner we watched a new show on Netflix.  It was called “In From Cold”.  The jury is still out.

Both Debbie and Missy Facetimed today.  We said Nancy is tired but getting better.  Her new meds should work.  


Friday, March 25, 2022

March 24, 2022

 Thursday March 24, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It was still dark.  Stepped outside into a light drizzle.  Temperature was in low 40s.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  She did cancel her afternoon PT class.  She promised that she would rest all afternoon.

At home, calisthenics before breakfast.  Because of rain I drove to Y.

The Y was not crowded.  I did calisthenics and walked a mile.  Showered and then headed to Panera in a light rain.  

First task today was finishing yesterdays blog.  Next task was starting today’s blog before reading the Alpena and Detroit News.  

This and that:

The Russian attack against Ukraine appears stalled.  NATO has been supplying arms to Ukraine but refuses to supplies jets.  

The USA is very timid responding to Russia’s attack against Ukraine.  

On way home I stopped Meijer’s to get supplies.

Got home at 1330 and Kim had just finished cleaning.  

Lunch and then I spent time reading today’s news.

Looked in on Nancy about 1600.  She was very chilled and shaking.  She felt like she had a temperature.  

Got worried and took Nancy to UM Urgent Care.  Nancy was very weak and had difficulty getting her to the car.  

When got to Urgent Care had to use a wheel chair to get Nancy inside.  The nurse took her temperature.  It was 102+.  Nancy was not very responsive.  The Nurse took Covid and influenza swaps.  Xrays were also were taken.

Bottom line Nancy did not have Covid but had pneumonia.  She was given an antibiotic shot along with oral pills.  Nancy slowly was getting back to normal.  

The Urgent Care folks provided a prescription that I will pick up tomorrow.  Used the wheel chair to get Nancy to the car.  She was able to get in the car under her own power.

At home Nancy walked inside and we watched the final episode of Suspicion on Apple TV+.  The final was a huge disappointment.  The millennials fight against global warming was stupid.   I gave the show a C-.

Nancy was in bed by 2200.  She slept soundly on her back all night.  She did not move.  

Early tomorrow will be busy. Have to cancel two Doctor’s appointment and Sunday’s get together at Moleski’s.  I will pick prescription at Meijer’s.  We will start a five days of oral medicines. 


Thursday, March 24, 2022

March 23, 2022

 Wednesday March 23, 2022

Blog time 1000 at Panera 

Up at 0700.  Finally a good night’s sleep.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Rope yarn Wednesday for you Navy folks.

Did all calisthenics at 50%.  No Y today.

Nancy heads out at 0800 for her swim.  Her cough is not much better.  Speaking of Nancy she just walked into Panera.  She got her coffee and joined me for 10’. This afternoon she works at Gardens.

On and off rain all day.  Temps in low 40s.  I chanced it and took bike to Panera.  Today I bought oatmeal, coffee and a coffee.  I had enough points so no charge.

This and that:

Once again last night’s rain brought a lot of worms to surface.  Field day for Robins.

The trial of the group that tried to kidnap our Governor is going on in GR.  It is kind of a keystone cops story.  Why would these idiots think they could get away with any kidnap.  They thought this action would start a civil war.  The mindset of the militias is beyond belief.

The right wing group talked about above does not have an exclusive right to stupidity.  A left wing group of environmentalists is against petroleum pipelines, especially those owned by Canadian pipe line company Enbridge.  They have vandalized pipelines in Michigan’s Thump.  

Will stop on way home at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Nancy cleaned out our pantry.  She threw away cans of food that were outdated.  Our trash bin is now very heavy.  Hope we haven’t exceeded weight limit. Checked bin and it’s max capacity is 250 pounds.  I estimate our load today at 150#.

All winter I have filled two bird feeders on our deck.  Today I will take one down.  The remaining feeder is used mostly by pretty small birds.

I bought a mineral block for the deer.  Placed it in the middle of the big field in back yard.  It took awhile but for the past two night several deer have visited the block.

Left Panera early because my app said rain starting at noon.  Got home at 1140.  Total bike miles today 7.25.

After lunch I started my Wednesday chores.

Load of laundry

Took our trash.  

Filled bird feeders.

Picked up living room and office.  Makes it easier for Kim to clean.

Took a nap.

After the nap I continued reading.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios with pineapple.  

Watched the news and then switched to Apple A+ and continued watching “Suspicious”.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We usually give a positive report but today Nancy still has her cough and now an ear ache.

It was raining when checked courtyard.  Yucky weather will continue until late next week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

March 22, 2022

 Tuesday March 22, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0730.  Another restless night.

Nancy headed out to MVP for class.

Calisthenics before breakfast.  The temperature was 38.  Decided I would ride bike to Y.  Rain this afternoon.

Took my Cannondale bike.  Heavy east wind putting wind chill below freezing.

Calisthenics at Y before heading to Panera.  

Finished yesterday’s blog and am just starting today’s.  Checked weather and rain will start soon.  Suspending writing blog at 1140 and heading home before rain. Stay tuned.

The app was correct it started raining as soon as I got home.  Rain and cold for next week.

This and that:

Huge number of Robins this year.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote it was a very warm day, high 80.  Upper atmosphere disturbance caused static on AM radio.  No FM in 38 or TV. He had car greased and trailer hitch fixed all for a dollar.

Nancy continues to clean.  Running out of room in bins.

Local communities throughout Mi are applying for recreation and infrastructure grants.  They all improve quality of life.  The grants have Federal funds. Where is this money coming from and how are we going to pay it back?

My Grandmother said I was a “wool gatherer”.  She was right.

Made a quick run to Meijer’s for bananas.

Wordle is a very popular web-based game.  Nancy, Debbie, Missy and Grandson Lucas are hooked.  Most wool gatherers like me do not play.

For dinner tonight we had ham and bean soup with fruit.  Watched news before switching to Acorn.  We watched two episodes of “Suspicion”.  I am hooked.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  Rain tonight but temps will be above freezing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

March 21, 2022

 Monday March 21, 2022

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Restless night, slept in until 0715.

Checked weather and it was 30.  It will be 1000 before temp is above 32.  High today 63.  Big daily swings in temperature expected in early Spring.

Nancy’s cough is not better.  She is staying home today.  No swim which I think is great.

Decided today I would drive to Y and then come home and get bike for ride.  Calisthenics at home, oatmeal breakfast before driving to Y.

At Y finished calisthenics before driving home.  Stopped at Panera to get Nancy a coffee.

Put on bike clothes and biked to Panera.  Bought coffee and baguette before finishing yesterday’s blog and starting todays. I have concluded that I spend way too much time writing Blog.  Giving some serious thought to shortening format.  

I did read the Alpena News and Detroit News before heading home. Got home at 1300. Nancy was just leaving for her Physical Therapy session.

Shower and then lunch of yogurt before afternoon activities.

Nancy continues cleaning and tossing everything from suitcases, backpacks, sheets, towels and books.  Made several trips to our recycle and trash bins.  Loaded my trunk for a trip to Goodwill.

Spent an hour reading news on iPad. Finished the afternoon with a quick trip to Goodwill.  I was 3rd in line.  Other folks must be spring cleaning also.

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with fruit.  Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight was watched an episode of “Republic of Doyle”.  

This and that:

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She gave a positive report. On the 23rd AJ will no longer have to wear a mask to school.  Good news.

Covid outbreaks in EU and China.  Covid is not going away. Keep current on shots is the best defense.

Why does POTUS refuse to approve Polish Jets for Ukraine?

I was surprised to learn that Great Lakes water levels are down.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything normal.  No frost tonight but a cold wet spell is predicted for rest of week.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022

 Sunday March 20, 2022

Blog time sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was dark, sun does not come up until 0743.  My app said it was 34 and foggy.

Dressed and drove to Biggby to get our Sunday coffee.  At home fixed Oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Today around at 1133 DST is the Spring Equinox.  We have 12h 53’ of daylight.  15 hours of daylight on June 21, the Summer Solstice.

Left home for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good crowd today.  Pastor Bob gave a fine Homily.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Headed north on East Beltline to 13 mile road,  west to Pine Island and south to Comstock Park before heading home.  We noted some green on the trees and fields.

At home I read the GRP comics and obits.  The only things worth reading in the paper.

Put on bike clothes and headed out on a 8.4 mile ride.  The fog had burned off and temp was in low 50s.  Great ride.

Quick lunch and then I took a nap.  Nancy continues to clean up.  I helped her by making several trips to trash and recycle bins. 

For dinner tonight fruit, scrambled eggs and toast.  We watched the news and first segment of 60 minutes.  It was on the Ukraine, very depressing. I am in favor of no-fly zone.  President. Is too timid.

 Switched to Apple A+.  We watched episode 3 of “Suspicion”.  I like the show but it has Luke warm reviews.

Courtyard check before bed revealed everything ok.  It will freeze tonight but tomorrow should be another nice day with high temps in 50s.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening wanting to know our well-being.  She picked up on Nancy’s cough.  Despite Nancy’s objections, no swim tomorrow.

Every Sunday I get a daily screen time report for past week.  I have been averaging over 9 hours.  Way too much, changes needed.

March 19, 2022

 Saturday March 19, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0715.  It was raining and temp in high 30s.  My weather app said rain all day.

We got dressed and headed to Gathering Place for breakfast.  Nancy had her Western Omelette and I had oatmeal with an egg.  We both had coffee and raisin toast.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at the Lake Eastbrook Panera for our free coffee.  On way home we stopped at Meijers for fruit, radishes, cookies, pudding, yogurt and prune juice.

Emptied the car and then Nancy started laundry.  I filled up bird feeders.

Later in morning started some errands:

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to put items in lock box and cash in some coins.

Filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $4.25.

Stopped again at Meijer’s.  Bought gallon of distilled water, bottle of Spray and Wash, and a bottle of wine.

At home lunch and then I finished the monthly notes to Grandkids.  Walked to post box to mail them.  

I have mentioned in previous blogs that our full moon is called the Worm moon.  It gets its name because  the frost is gone allowing the worms access to the surface.  This morning I noted that with last night’s rain the sidewalks were loaded with worms.  The Robins will have a feast.

After lunch I took a short nap.  Nancy continues cleaning so I made several trips to trash and recycle bins.

For dinner I had a Shepard’s pie with blueberries.  After the news we switched to Apple A+ TV.  We watched episode 1 and 2 of “Suspicion”. I liked the show but when checked on Google only 59% likes.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard this evening.  It has rained all day. Weather app says sun and 55 tomorrow.

Just as I was heading to bed Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Rain expected in Ca which is good news.  Nancy and Bob gave a positive report.


Saturday, March 19, 2022

March 18, 2022

 Friday March 18, 2022

Slept in this morning until 0715. I am glad it is Friday.

This morning I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  Breakfast and then started my 5 mile bike ride to Panera.  It was 45 and cloudy.  Strong wind put wind chill at 37.  But spring is coming.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  She continues to do the Spring Cleaning.  I am continually taking bags out to trash.

Panera was not crowded this morning.  Ordered coffee and baguette before finishing yesterday’s blog.  I did read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home at noon.  Total bike miles today 8.3.

At home I checked bird feeders and again saw our neighborhood skunk.  I got out the skunk spray and wetted down areas I thought he visited.  Why is the skunk a he?

Showered and put on my warm street clothes.  Rain starting this afternoon and continues through Saturday.

This and that:

The squirrels have been climbing the pole to my bird feeder.  This afternoon I put Vaseline on the pool to discourage climbing.

Tonight Nancy and I are either going to Shepard’s Grill or Brann’s for a bowl of soup.

This day in 1938, Ossineke.  GGF Sanborn said it will get to 50 today and it is beginning to look like Spring.  This afternoon he let the Plymouth Rock hens out of the hen house to scratch.  Smelt might start running next week.

This afternoon I continued titivating.  I have cleaned out old clothes, shoes, office papers and other things I no longer need.  Our recycle bin is nearly full and it won’t get emptied for 2 weeks.  I think I am 90% done with spring cleaning.  

Nancy also continued cleaning, her pile is much bigger than mine and she is only 75% done.

We left home at 1630 and headed to Brann’s for dinner.  There were several empty tables but no wait staff.  The wait for a table was about 30 minutes.  We left and headed to Shepard’s Grill.  We got the last table.  Nancy had a cup of navy bean soup and I had a  bowl along with a glass of wine.  The food and wine are always good at Shepards but what I like is the neighborhood feel of the place.

At home we watched the news before switching to Acorn. Tonight we watched episode 2 of “Chelsea Detective”.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was warm in CA.  Bob and Nancy gave a positive.

It was starting to rain when checked the courtyard this evening.  Temperature will drop to high 30s tonight and it will rain all day tomorrow.

Friday, March 18, 2022

March 17, 2022

 March 17, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in living room.

Up this morning with alarm at 0620.  No sun until 0748. But it will be sunny and warm today.  At 1700 the temp was 68.

Today is St Patrick’s Day.  It is also my Great Grand Father Sanborn’s Birthday.  He was 83 in 1938.

Today I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  Quick breakfast and then got on bike and headed to Panera via a 5 mile route.

Ordered coffee and baguette. Finished yesterday’s blog and started some reading.  Left Panera at 1015 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 7.8.

Showered, shaved and dressed.  Today John Kraus at 1130 is picking me up and we are having lunch at Cascade Road House.  In keeping with the day I had a Guinness beer along with a club sandwich.  John also had the club.

John worked with me in the early 70s at Kent County.  At the time he was hired as an inspector.  He so liked the work that he went back to MSU and got a Civil degree.  He ended up owning a small engineering firm.  John retired this year at age 71.  We had a nice talk.

This morning I saw a skunk in back yard.  He probably wanted to take a lick off the mineral block in the back yard. As soon as I got home from lunch I moved the block away from the condo and swept the porch and lower deck of all bird seed that I had put out for squirrels.  No more food for squirrels.

Fell asleep while reading in the living room.  Sure sign that I needed a nap.

This and that:

Being St Pat’s day I wore a green sweater.  Both Nancy had I have roots in Ireland.

Nancy’s Grandmother Patton was an Armstrong from Northern Ireland.

My mother’s maiden name was Hughes. The Hughes before heading to Canada lived near Gory, Ireland.  They were Protestants.  They headed to Canada after a group of Catholic extremists put 40 Protestants in a barn and set it a fire. 

In 1956 a group of my HS friends were invited to Jerry Kendorski’s home for a St Pats party. Jerry’s mother bought green beer to drink and baloney sandwiches made with green bread and baloney.  We played cards and talked about the future.  We were all ending our HS careers. I email several participants every year on the 17th and asked if they remember.  All do saying it was a great HS memory.

Just driving around GR I am surprised at the number of eating establishments that have closed.  

I bet 90% of women exercising at the Y have their iPhones on them.  I always leave my phone in the locker.

Because of my large lunch I had just yogurt with blueberries for dinner.

After the news we watched an episode of “Mr and Mrs Murder”. Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Check of Courtyard before bed found every thing ok.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

March 16. 2022

 Wednesday March 16, 2022

Blog time 1300 sitting at Starbucks at Woodland Mall. Using iPads screen to write blog.

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0530 alarm.  Did a few calisthenics before dressing and heading out.

It was pitch black but a bright full moon was visible.  Made a quick stop at Biggby for a small coffee to take with me.  I am glad my Eye Doctor gave me nighttime glasses because I needed them today.  The freeway was bumper to bumper.  Heaviest traffic I have seen in two years.  Folks must be back to work in office.

The speaker at today’s BC was a neighbor, Harry Jones.  Harry is 86 and a leader in the Boy Scouts.  He has been a Boy Scout since he was 9.  

In recent years the Scouts have had major problems not unlike the Catholic Church with its wayward priests.  Harry explained the current condition of the Scouts.  They are recovering.  Several changes have helped.  Girls can now become scouts, rigid training for leaders.

After BC I headed home, changed into bike clothes and took a 7.5 mile ride. Showered and then drove to Woodland Mall to the Apple store.  I bought Apple’s standard cover for my iPad Pro.  This cover is much lighter than my super duper keyboard.  I am trying to lighten my backpack’s load.  

At home I used my new cover to elevate iPad’s screen to type.  It works great.  The screen’s surface is big enough for both keyboard and text.  

I spent time today taking care of trash and recyclables.  Did a load of laundry before lunch.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios with blueberries and 1/2 scone.  Watched the news before switching to BritBox.  We watched “Sister Boniface” and a husband and wife detective show.  Both were terrible.  Gave them a D.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The bright full moon is called the Worm moon.  Spring time brings out worms.  Food for birds.

Warm weather sunny weather continues for one more day. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

March 15, 2022

 Tuesday March 15, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  It was still dark outside.  Sunrise not until 0752.  The temperature was a mild 34.  

As every Latin student knows today is the Ides of March.  The day Julius Caesar was assassinated.  My HS Latin teacher, Ms Lee, was big on reading about the Ides of March.  I took two years of Latin in HS.  Surprisingly I got good grades.

Calisthenics before breakfast of Oatmeal with banana.  Put on my warm weather bike clothes and headed to Y.  I took the short route, 4.5 miles.  Spring must be here because I saw 4 robins on my ride.

At Y I did my calisthenics and then headed to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays. Today I found no news I want to comment on.

Nancy’s morning started with a class at MVP.  She is having lunch with our old neighbor Sonya.  

Quick lunch and then when Nancy got home put the bike rack on the Escape.  Loaded up the Bad Boy and headed to Ada Bike.  Today I had the winter steel studded tires removed and put on the warm weather tires.  Will schedule a tune up for next week.

Continued with reading this afternoon.  Ended the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me six breaded shrimp.  Also apple sauce and a scone.

After the news we watched the final two episodes of “Young Wallander”.  I gave the show an A-.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright full moon.  Temperature will drop below freezing tonight.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Her condo association texted Missy about the cost of bringing the building up to code.  It ain’t cheap.  Several options are available.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March 14, 2022

Monday March 14, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Is was dark outside.  With DST sunrise is not until 0754.  Temperature was 34.  My iPhone said it will start rain at 0900.  Bummer I had planned on riding bike to Y.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.  Later today she has a PT session.

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  I put on my bike clothes before heading to Y.  After Y session I will come home and bike to Y.

The parking lot at the Y was full.  Body pump and aerobic classes are in full swing.  I only did my chin-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and pushups today.  I will get my aerobics today riding my bike outside.

At home I hopped on bike and headed to Panera. It felt good being on the bike.  According to weather reports I have at least 10 days of good bike weather.

At Panera I ordered coffee and two baguettes, my standard morning fare.  Finished yesterday’s blog before reading the news and checking emails. Left Panera at noon because I have a 1430 dental appointment.

At home showered before a quick lunch.  Left home at 1400 for Dentist.

Today they are performing a 6 months maintenance on my upper implant plate.  Also a cleaning of lower teeth.  

They removed the upper plate.  It is held up by 4 screws.  Cleaned the plate and replaced the screws.  I was in the chair for two hours.  Since I have been using an electric flossier, cleaning the lower teeth is easy.  

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home to get milk and yogurt.  Monday afternoon is a great time to shop, no customers.

The weather was mild so I took a mile walk before dinner.  For dinner I had cheerios with strawberries and 1/2 a scone.  Watched the evening news.  I don’t know if I am accurate but GR seems to be having an increase in violent crime.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of a new show on Netflix, “Viking Valhalla”.  I liked the show.  Nancy gave it a mild ok.

Courtyard check this evening and the temp was in high 30s.  Will ride bike tomorrow.

Monday, March 14, 2022

March 13, 2022

 Sunday March 13, 2022

Blog time 1745 sitting in office.

Up at 0645.  Because of DST I needed an alarm.  Dressed and headed to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  It was cold, 14, with a light snow.  Warmup will start later this afternoon.

At home, oatmeal breakfast and then dressed for church.  I did have time to read the comics and fill bird feeders before heading out.

Despite the snow, church was crowded this morning.  Associate Pastor Bob gave the Homily.  It was quite good.

Today after church we drove to Lowell. Stopped at Farm and Fleet.  I bought a solid mineral block to set outside for the deer. In a perfect world the deer should just take several licks from the block to get essential minerals. 

On this date in 1938, Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary: it was Sunday, overnight thaw so water over roads. GGF and GGM had dinner with my Scott Grandparents in Hubbard Lake.  They were home by 1600. Quiet day in Ossineke, Mi.

Late lunch and then my Sunday nap.  After nap I set out mineral block and picked up empty cobs.  I quit feeding deer last week so anticipate this was my last cob pickup.

Read the newspapers today and they all claim that the covid pandemic is almost over.  The war in Ukraine is getting bitter. Don’t think President Biden has stated the USA’s position forcefully enough.

For dinner tonight I has two scrambled eggs with a scone and blackberries.  After the dishes it was still light outside so I took a mile walk.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Spring must be coming to northern Ca because she has been taking long walks with Violet. 

Tonight we watched an episode of “Republic of Doyle”.  It is filmed in either St Johns, New Brunswick or St John Newfoundland.  Either way the town is very attractive.  A visit is on our Bucket List.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Temp above freezing and will remain above freezing all night.  Good sign!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

March 12, 2022

 Up at 0700

Light dusting of snow.  Temperature was 11 and will stay in teens all day.

Breakfast at Gathering Place 

After breakfast took a short drive.  We stopped at Lake Eastbrook Panera to get Nancy a coffee.

At home Nancy started laundry

I started errands.  Stopped at Staples, Chow Hound and Meijer’s.  Nothing at Staples, bird seed at Chow Hound and yogurt, cookies, prune juice and pudding at Meijer’s.


Spent most of afternoon in office cleaning out my filing cabinets.  Worked until 1640.  The Office Spring cleaning is now done.

Shaved, face and head and then a short nap.

We had a light dinner.  Scone and blueberries.

Tonight we watched a new 90 minute show on BritBox.  It was called “Murder in Provence”.  I gave it a B.

Before bed I set the clocks ahead an hour.  I don’t like DST.  I am a morning person.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and everything secure.  Temperature was in teens and it will remain cold all night and most of tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

March 11, 2022

Friday March 11, 2022

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out window and we had a layer of new snow.  Unlocked the garage and shoveled the courtyard walk.  The temperature was 19.  32 degrees will be our high today.

Calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Filled bird feeders and then headed to Y.

The Y was very crowded today.  Luckily the only equipment I use is a chin-up bar.  Despite the crowd I never had to wait to use bar.  In additions to chin-ups and pull-ups I also do sit-ups and pushups. Finished workout with 3 miles on stationary bike.  Showered before heading to Panera.

 Panera once again was cold.  However, today I got an email asking me to evaluate the my local Panera.  I took this opportunity to comment on the lack of heat. 

Read the papers and finished today’s blog before starting todays.  The national news today was about:

The USA’s response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine.  Many elected officials are pressing the President to me more aggressive.  

Masks are coming off in most areas of the country.

Michigan’s GOP legislators want to reduce the gas tax.  They claim it will help folks because of high gas prices.  Good grief are roads are full of potholes.  This is outright pandering.  Governor Whitmer to her credit said she will veto any reduction.  Good move Gov.

At home lunch.  Nancy and I spent the afternoon pitching old files.  We must have 30# of paper.  

Toast and blueberries for dinner.  Watched the news and then switched to Acorn.  Watched episode 1 of “The Chelsea Detective”.  It was 90 minutes and I gave it a B.

It has been cold most of the day today.  Temps will drop to low teens tonight.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and temp was already 19 with a light snow.  Brr!

Friday, March 11, 2022

March 10, 2022

 Thursday March 10, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  It was 25 and high temp today will be 32.  Is this our last below freezing day this year?  No!

Nancy headed out at 0800 for a class at MVP.  I did the at home stuff before my oatmeal breakfast.  Filled bird feeders before heading to the Y.

It is Thursday so the Y was not crowded.  Calisthenics and 3 miles on stationary bike.  Showered before heading to Panera.

Today Kim is cleaning. She usually finishes about 1300 so I took my time at Panera.  

At home, Nancy and I started our big push to reduce the amount of paper we have in our file cabinets.  Who needs bank statements from 2004.  Started going through Nancy’s files.  We threw away 90% of the paper we reviewed.  It took us several hours.  Tomorrow I will clean out my files.

Macatawa Bank in April is have a free shredding day.  They will shred all the paper we bring in.  We already have two big garbage bags.  

Dinner with Paul Chardoul and wife Connie this evening at Bluewater Grill.  We left home at 1800.  We were seated at 1830.  

Paul and I have a lot in common.  He is a year younger, went to Flint Central HS which Alpena HS played football against in 55 (it was a tie).  Graduated from UM and was a Naval officer during Vietnam.  

Connie and Nancy met at MVP.  They both attend the same classes.  Nancy and Connie were both born in 42 and grew up in midwestern states.  Connie in Wi and Nancy in In. 

We had a great time talking, eating and drinking.  The food at Bluewater is great.  I had the scallops and Nancy a salad.  We also split an appetizer of Baja shrimp.  A very enjoyable evening.

We got home too late to watch any TV.  Finished reading the GRP before heading to bed.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  It was snowing lightly.  Temperature will reach teens this evening.  It will be colder on Saturday.  I hope this will be our last cold weekend of the season.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 9, 2022

 Wednesday March 8, 2022

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715 the sun had been up for 14 minutes.  Temperature was in high teens but will warm up to high 30s.  Intermittent sun.  Spring is coming.  I saw my first Robin today.

I did all my calisthenics at home, of course at 50%.  Filled up the bird feeders before heading out to Panera.

I had enough points to get a free bowl of oatmeal. To go with oatmeal bought blueberry scone and a toasted bagel.  Love scones.  

Completed yesterday’s blog and started todays before starting my morning reading.  Only  read the Alpena News and Detroit News before heading out on some errands.

1.  Drove to Ford dealer and got the Fusion’s serviced including a tire rotation.  I intended to finished my morning read but to my surprise the work was done in less than 15 minutes.  Reason for the speed was no other customers.   The dealer also had no inventory of new cars and SUVs.  To my surprise I had enough points that the cost of service was free.  Is the auto industry hurting?

2. Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

3. Got Fusion washed at Mister Car Wash.

4. At Staples I bought a 2 drawer file cabinet and some file folders.  Finally decided I have to get better organized.

4. Drove Downtown to the Kent County building.  Changed to bank that receives my pension check for County CU to Macatawa Bank.

5. Filled Fusion up.  Gas was $4.25 per gallon.

6. At home gathered up trash for tomorrows pickup.

7. Did a load of laundry. 

8. Cleaned up office so Kim can clean.

This afternoon Missy FaceTimed.  She explained her efforts to get her mail delivery straightened out.  She will get a PO Box. 

For dinner we had our standard Wednesday fare.  Cheerios with fruit.

Watched the news.  I really think President Biden is making a mistake asking dictators to sell us oil.  The Ukraine President is coming across as a hero.  Putin is the bum.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Young Wallander” and an Acorn show “Deadwater Fell”.

Courtyard checked out ok this evening.  It was 30 and temps tomorrow will be below freezing all day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 8, 2022

Tuesday March 8, 2022

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up this morning at 0705.  The sun was up at 0704.  However, this weekend we will switch times.  So sunrise will be 0804.  Bummer, I am a morning person.

Temperature was 27 but will approach 40 later today.

Nancy has a very busy day with Doctor’s appointments, meetings and class at Meijer Gardens.  Tonight we are having dinner with Paige our niece Jennifer’s daughter.  Would this make Paige a Grand niece?

Paige has some eggs for us from Jennifer.  We will make a switch.  She gives us the eggs and we buy her a burger at Bagger Dave’s.  Fair trade?

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Drove to the Y.  Performed my same routine, calisthenics, 3 mile stationary bike ride.  Shower, dress and head to Panera.  Boring!

Panera today was empty and cold.  Every day they say parts for the heating system will arrive tomorrow.  Tomorrow never comes.

I have changed my morning routine slightly.  I now complete yesterday’s blog and starts todays before any reading.

This and that:

In high school this time of year was kind of dead.  Basketball season was over and still too cold for spring sports.  No school dances.  Main social activity was to take a date to a movie followed by a burger at Jim and Anns.

I should not talk politics because I would lose my cool.  It infuriates me when our President wants to deal with dictatorships in South America and Middle East to buy their oil when we have plenty of our own.  

If you want to clean the air require truckers to switch to natural gas instead of Diesel.  Several nuclear plants are scheduled to close.  Don’t close them just upgrade.

Yesterday I finished my bag of corn.  Decided no more corn this year.  The days are warming up, snow is leaving and natural sources of food are available.

I don’t watch or follow most college or professional sports.  However, I am following the progress of NE Mi high schools in winter sport tournaments.

Big trial coming up for group of idiots trying to kidnap our Governor.  They had thoughts of starting a civil war.  What percentage of population believe this thinking?

Left Panera and drove to D&W.  Bought miniNaan, yogurt and bananas.  

At home quick lunch and then a short nap.  When Nancy got home this afternoon I had her sign our tax data and then I walked over to Accountants and left it off.  I expect to know how much we owe in several weeks.

We left for Bagger Dave’s at 1745.  Found a table and Paige arrived several minutes later.  Bagger Dave’s has great food but it was nearly empty.  How long can it stay open.

We had a nice conversation with Paige.  She is a pleasant young lady.  

Got home at 2000. Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called “Deadwater Fell”.  No opinion until we see another episode.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  Noted nice bright half moon.  What do you call a half moon?

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 7, 2022

 Monday March 7, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.

Looked out window and saw we were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow.  Temperature was 32.

One of my first morning duties is to unlock the garage.  Slippery snow on the walk. So I shoveled.  The snow was wet and heavy. Unfortunately more snow to come.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  This afternoon she has a PT session.

Did calisthenics before breakfast.  My calisthenics are always easier on Monday after a rest of two days.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana.  I never tire of this meal. Put on warm clothes and drove to Y.  

The Y was crowded this morning.  I did calisthenics and 3 miles on stationary bike before showering.  Drove to Panera.

Panera was cold. They still have not fixed their heat.  Major league turnoff.  Got my coffee and baguette before starting a morning read.

This and that:

Ukraine still dominates the news.  Sure wish US and EU would ban Russian oil.

The EU has large petroleum deposits suitable for fracking.  The global warming folks won’t allow, so they are dependent on Russia for fuel to heat their homes.  Makes no sense.

President Biden is trying to get Venezuela’s Maduro to sell us oil.  Maduro is a dictator with ties to Cuba and Russia.  You figure!

We have plenty of domestic oil.  We just need to get approvals for pipelines and new drilling.  I don’t think this will happen as long as the Dems are in power.

Yesterday I made my annual contribution to Juvenile Diabetes.  Why haven’t we found a cure after all these years.  

After a quick lunch I headed down to my office.  I spent the afternoon gathering up all my tax info.  Luckily I found in my in basket a packet from our tax accountant about this years taxes. It was a great aid.

Dinner tonight was ham and bean soup with blackberries.  We watched the news before switching to Netflix.  Watched an episode of “Young Wallander”.  I like.

Temperature was 32 when checked Courtyard.  Typical this time of year, the temp in morning will be below 32 and in the afternoon in 40s.

Monday, March 7, 2022

March 6, 2022

 Sunday March 6, 2022

Up at 0700.  We had a very noisy night.  High winds with thunder showers.  I checked our deck several time to see if nothing had blown off.

Today the winds will continue until late afternoon.  Temps in mid 30s.

Dressed and headed to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  Today I will only drink 1 cup.

Oatmeal breakfast and at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd at church.  Nice that we do not have a mask mandate.

After church we took a hour drive.  South to Gun Lake and then home.  Nice ride.  Noted several tapped maples on our ride.  Maple syrup time in Mi.

With the snow gone I was able to see many cobs that had been buried by the snow.  I picked up about 15.  

We got our GRP late today.  I am assuming the plane carrying the papers from Ohio was delayed because of the high winds. I read the comics and obits before lunch.  Does my reading priority say something about me?

Late lunch of Yogurt and grapes.  Being Sunday I took my mandatory nap.

After the nap I headed down to office to continue to gather my tax data.  I got waylaid by my full in basket. It took an hour to clean it.  Hard to believe I had neglected taking action on several important items.  

For dinner I had two scrambled eggs and blueberries.  Our refrigerator is full of fresh fruit.  In my youth we never got fresh fruit in the winter. 

We watched the ABC world news.  Ukraine still dominates.  

We finished the evening watching an episode of “Shakespeare and Hathaway”.  I gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

We FaceTimed Missy because we had not talked in several days.  Everything ok in LA.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The wind had died down and temperature was 32. Snow predicted for tonight.  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

March 5, 2022

 Saturday March 5, 2022

Blog time 1400 sitting in living on Sunday, yes I am a day late again.

Up this morning at 0700. The temperature this morning was in mid 30s.  High temp today predicted to be near 60.  Good Grief it is early March!

Saturday morning so we headed to “The Gathering Place for Breakfast”.  My stomach has settled down probably because my intake of coffee had decreased significantly.

Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal and raisin toast.  No coffee for me.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a paper towel holder.  The place was closed.

At home Nancy started laundry and I filled up the bird feeders and put out new corn.  I will stop all feeding on St Patrick’s Day.

Later we got back in car and headed to BBB.  We found the paper towel holder that fit our needs.  

Dropped Nancy at home.  I then ran a few errands.  At Chow Hound I bought a bag of bird seed.  I had enough Chow Hound points that the bag was free.  

Took five shirts to Sheldon Cleaner which is in the same strip mall as Chow Hound.  My former cleaner has closed.  It was a nice family owned business but Covid took its toll.

It was in high 50s when I got home.   Perfect weather for a bike ride.  Left home at 1230 and rode 9.1 miles.  Average speed was 7 mph.  Temperature when got home was 59.

At home showered and shaved.  Put on comfortable clothes and started my daily reading.  Also paid some bills and continued working on taxes.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  Toast with fruit.

At 1930 we started watching the last two episode of “Stay Close”.  Surprise ending for me (not for Nancy).  I gave the show an A-.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening to check up on her old parents. We gave a positive report.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The wind was strong.  In fact we are under a high wind advisory.  The temperature was 60.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 4, 2022

 March 4, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office on Saturday:  yes I am a day late.

Slept in this morning until almost 0900.  My stomach has been acting up lately.  I attribute the sour stomach to coffee.  Free refills at Panera does not help.  I have decided to take is easy today.

I did all my calisthenics at home this morning. Decided no aerobics today.  

After feeding the birds I went back to bed for a short nap.  After the nap I drove to Panera because my award app said I had a free bagel.  I grabbed the free bagel (no coffee) and headed home.

Spent the morning reading the papers.  For lunch I had a cup of yogurt.  This afternoon I took another nap.

Today March 4 is my Mother’s birthday.  Margaret Louise Hughes was born in 1907 in Alpena.  She graduated from Alpena High in 1924 and from UM in 1928.  Mother majored in French with a minor in English.

Her first teaching job was in the small St. Joseph County community of Constantine, current population of 2,000. About 10 miles north of the Indiana line.

Mother told me she loved Constantine and the school system.  She started work in 1928.  Worked two years but the great depression hit in 29 and the school system had no money.  She was paid in script.  She was forced to move back to Alpena and live with my Grandparents.  She did get a job with the Alpena Schools.  

She starting seeing Dad, Robert S. Scott, a high school classmate soon after moving back to Alpena.  Dad had a job with the Road Commission.  The rest is history.

Today the over 60 church group met at Euro Bistro.  We left home at 1745 and walked to Euro Bistro.  

25 folks were at the dinner.  Pleasant dinner of wine, food and conversation.  Left at 2030 for the short walk home.

Finished the evening watching another episode of “Stay Close”.

Friday, March 4, 2022

March 3, 2022

Thursday March 3, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0645.  It was 19 and the temp will remain below freezing all day.  Unlocked garage door and brought up empty garbage can.  I think the Disposal Company empties our trash about 0600.

Calisthenics and took care of bird feeders before breakfast.  Nancy left at 0800 for her class at MVP.  Too cold for bike ride so I drove to the Y.

The Y slowly is beginning to get more members back.  Good for the Y and also members.   I just hope they return to the old policy of providing towels.

Calisthenics and 15 minutes on Stationary bike.  Shower and then headed to Panera.

Ordered baguette and coffee before settling down for my morning reading.  Panera was extra cold today.  Bummer, I heard a lot of folks complain.  I have considered taking a break from Panera.  I usually spend about 90 minutes reading.  With unlimited refills I drink way too much coffee.  My stomach is beginning acidic.  I have been taking several Tums when I get home.  

Got home about 1200.  I was going to help Nancy deliver book bags to her Book Club members.  However, she had already completed the deliveries to some members.

Quick lunch of yogurt, milk, and cheese.  

This afternoon Nancy and I ran errands.

First stop Meijer’s.  I was intending to pick up my nose drops.  But the Pharmacy had not yet got approval from my ENT Doctor.  Bummer!  I called the ENTs office and was assured that the prescription would be delivered within the hour.

Nancy had one more book bag to deliver.  We drove to Tim Mask’s home and  left the bag at the front door.

At home I spent rest of afternoon reading.

At 1630 we headed out to Marco’s restaurant.  We are meeting the Vances and Mastens.  The food is always good at Marco’s and tonight was no exception.  I had the whitefish and Nancy had meatloaf.  We both liked our choices.  

Pleasant evening with old friend talking, eating and drinking.  

At home we had time to watch another episode of “Stay Close”.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.  Temperature will drop tonight to teens.  Typical March weather, cold nights and daytime temps above freezing.