Monday, May 31, 2021

May 30, 2021

 Sunday May 30, 2021

Blog time 1500 on Monday sitting in office

Sunday Morning up at 0630.  It was sunny but cold, low 40s.

This morning we decided we would forego attending Church.  Today we would make our annual Memorial Day trip to Saugatuck for breakfast.

Stopped at Bixby’s for coffee before heading out.  Pleasant drive to Saugatuck.  Just before we got to the Saugatuck exit we ran into heavy construction on I 196.  The exit we usually use to get to Saugatuck was closed.  We headed south to another exit but too many obstacles so we decided to head to South Haven.

South Haven is a very touristy Lake Michigan town like Saugatuck.  We drove along the waterfront and looked at the boats in the Harbor.  Very pleasant.

We parked downtown and had breakfast at Captain Nemo’s.  Nancy had an omelette and I had fried eggs with hash browns and raisin toast.  Very good food.

We got home about noon. On our trip today we encountered four deer.  My first sighting in several weeks.

At home  I took a short nap and then at 1430 headed to the Moleski’s.  

All of Nancy’s book club was in attendance.  We sat outside and had drinks and conversation before our meal.  Linda fixed a  chicken dish cooked in her crock pot.  We also had salad and bread sticks.  A very pleasant afternoon.

We got home at 1800.  Watched the news and 60 Minutes before heading to the den.  Tonight we watched New Tricks on Prime.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave them an update of our relaxing weekend.

Bright moon when checked the courtyard this evening.  A warmup is finally coming.

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