Friday, May 21, 2021

May 20, 2021

 Thursday May 20, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Temperature was in 70s and should reach high 80s this afternoon.

Only did chin-ups/pull-ups this morning before breakfast.

Put on my warm weather bike clothes and headed to the Y a distance of 8 miles.  The Y was empty this morning.  

Good News, masks are not required at Y.  I finished my morning calisthenics before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 12.1.

Kim and her daughter Brenna were almost done cleaning when got home.  Nancy and I had the opportunity to talk to Brenna about house sitting for us when we are in Ca.  She agreed.

Showered and then drove to Panera for coffee.  Purchased coffee and bagel before doing some reading.

At 1230 headed home for lunch.  After lunch headed to my Optometrist, Dr Anderson, for my annual checkup.  Every thing ok.

On way home stopped at Y to pick up my dirty workout clothes.  

Next stop was the Cleaner Place to pick up shirts.

Final chore was to clean our washing machine.  Cleaning is quite simple, add bleach and turn on special cycle.

Finished afternoon with nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed a chicken drumstick, rice and onion dish. She cooked the meal in crock pot.  Very good.

Watched the news and then watched an episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was in the 80s in GR and 60s in Ca.  We win!

Warm and muggy when checked courtyard at 2200.  I love these warm days.

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