Saturday, May 22, 2021

May 21, 2021

 Friday May 21, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera

0700 is becoming our default wake up time.  

It was 69 and sunny.  High temperature today, 82

Nancy has an appointment this morning with the folks who are making her shoe inserts.  Later this morning she will help her friend Kathi get ready for her move to Indianapolis.

Today I did all calisthenics at home.  Fixed an oatmeal with banana breakfast before biking to Panera.  Today I took the longer 8.6 mile route.  I over dressed.  Had to stop an remove a layer.

Once again Panera was empty.  Had my coffee and bagel before checking email and finishing yesterday’s blog.

At home quick shower and then errands.

Stopped at ACE to get a new towel rack but instead bought $0.44 of screws and this solved problem.

At REI bought a bike rack for Fusion.

Short nap 

At1700 we drove to GRAM to see an exhibit of American folk art.  It was great getting out and mingling with folks.  Even saw some folks we knew.

Because of Covid the GRAM did not have drinks or light snacks.

We got home at 1930.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  No critters and temp still in 70s.

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