Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 22, 2021

 Saturday May 22, 2021

Once again we get up at 0700.

The sun was up and temperature 70.

We drove to Gathering Place for breakfast.  Nancy had an omelette and I had my standard oatmeal with scrambled egg.

Dropped Nancy off at home so she could start laundry.

Drove to Meijer’s to replenish my Ensure, yogurt and cookie supply.

A squirrel had knocked off a suet basket I had hung from our lower level deck beam.  Picked up the basket and noted the concrete floor was very dirty.  I swept the deck and removed cobwebs from wood beams.  Even found a dead mouse.

This morning I went on an eleven mile bike ride half way through the ride my super Brooks bike seat lost a support bolt.  I pedaled 8 miles with a broken bike seat.

At home took off bike seat post and drove to Ada Bike.  They removed the broken Brooks saddle and replaced with a new saddle.

Saturday so I shaved (shave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) and then showered. Quick lunch.

Spent time in office cleaning up before taking a nap.

This and that:

Cease fire in Israel seems to be working.  I don’t think I will ever see peace in the Middle East in my lifetime.

China continues muscling its neighbors in the South China Sea. I sure hope President Biden keeps the US Navy fully engaged in the area.

More and more folks are getting their vaccines.  I sure hope son Stephen gets his kids their shots.

Still no infrastructure plan.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight we drove to Brann’s.  The place was empty.  Nancy had the potato soup and I had a burger.  Good food.

Tonight we watched another episode of Death in Paradise.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was still in 70s when checked the courtyard and garage at 2200.  The possum and skunk I saw earlier this spring in the courtyard must have found better eating spots.

It was 75 when I got in bed.  The slider door was open allowing a breeze.  No need for AC.

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