Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 11, 2021

 Tuesday May 11, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in today until 0700.  It was sunny but cold, 34.  Nancy is meeting friends this morning at Woodland Mall for a walk and coffee.

I did my calisthenics at home before breakfast.  Bundled up and took a 7 mile ride to the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  

This morning I attached my iPhone to handlebars.  I turned on the compass.  I was curious about the direction of several roads.  For example, I thought Burton Road between Kraft and Cascade Rd was north-south.  In fact it is east-west.

Finally I have no appointments this afternoon. I might go shopping.

Nancy has a 1430 appointment with Oral Surgeon.  She is having a tooth replaced with an implant.

I am glad the Feds have approved a vaccine for kids 12 and over. We hope the Grandkids get their shots soon.

No one has mention if the folks who shut down the petroleum pipe line have demanded a ransom.  Why can’t we retaliate against these criminals?

Easy ride home from Panera.  I had wind at my back.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then some errands.

First stop was Meijer’s to purchase bananas, yogurt and suet for the birds.  Next I stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I bought a small jackknife.  It was a Buck Knife, made in USA.

Nancy was home from her Dentist appointment when I got home.  She authorized the Oral Surgeon to go ahead making her implant.  Implants are not cheap but I am happy with mine.  Nancy will be happy with her implant.

Spent rest of afternoon in office reading.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken on a stick with mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Good.

After the news we retired to den to watch another episode of New Tricks on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Swedish cop show, Backstrom.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Nancy had already gone to bed so I gave her an update on the day’s activities.

Alessandra also FaceTimed.  We had a nice talk.

Another frost warning up for this evening.  When checked courtyard and garage the temp had already dropped to 30s.   

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