Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 17, 2021

 Monday May 17, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up this morning at 0645.

This morning Nancy has a 0900 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  Nancy gets a new tooth today.  

I do calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then tried to figure out what to wear today.  It was 54 at 0800 but will get up to 75 later.

I have been complaining about not seeing any deer lately.  Well this morning while riding on 28th Street I encountered a young deer at the edge of the trail.  I could have touched it.  Made my day.

Later on the bike ride on 28th St,  I encountered two geese and their 6 goslings.  I did take a photo.  

At the Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera I order coffee and two bagels.  I could not get on Panera’s internet.  I thought maybe I was in a blind spot.  Not the case.

I asked a young lady using her laptop if she was on the internet.  She said she was using her iPhone.

I turned on my iPhone set it next to the iPad.  When I hit the WiFi button on my iPad I selected RHSCOTT.  Hooray I got on-line.  First time I have used the iPhone to get on-line.  Works great.

Nancy had an appointment with an Oral Surgeon this morning and I have an appointment with a Dermatologist at 1400.  We a grateful for health insurance.

This and that:

Big news this morning about AT&T.  I don’t fully understand it but the Business news folks say AT&T made a big mistake several years ago when the tried to create a Vertical organization.  They are divesting from this mistake.

The Dems left wing is attacking President Biden for supporting Israel.  The easy solution is for Hamas to stop their rocket attack on Israel.  

The mask issue is very confusing.  Our Gov has added to the confusion.

Glad to see President Biden is sharing vaccines with third world countries.  Great gesture.

My old iPod with all my CDs on it is on the fritz.  So I am listening to my iPhone’s XM radio.  Listening to 40s station.

It was 70 when I left Panera.   At home quick shower before lunch.

Nancy did not get a new implant tooth today.  They just put in the implant anchor.  It takes a month for the area to heal.  Nancy was given a temporary.  She is not a Happy Camper.

Today I had my first appointment with my new dermatologist, Dr Chahill.  The Doctor gave me a quick full body check.  He froze several spots on my head.  

I was in and out in 15 minutes.  I was disappointed.  I did not feel he had my full attention.

Cheerios  with fruit and sourdough bread for dinner.  Every evening I also have 2 oatmeal cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched an episode of Call the Midwives.  As always the show was great.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Valhalla Murders on Netflix.  Good show.

Facetimed with Debbie and Missy this evening.

Temperature still in 70s when checked outside at 2200. Also noted the pretty crescent moon.

Another warm day tomorrow.

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