Monday, May 31, 2021

May 29, 2021

 Saturday May 29, 2021

Blog time 2200 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0645.  Quickly dressed and then Nancy and I drove to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  We beat the crowd. I had oatmeal, scrambled egg, coffee and sourdough toast.  Nancy had a western omelette with coffee.  Food was good.

The temperature this morning was in high 30s but with bright sunshine.

At home I got in Escape and took it through the car wash.  Also filled it up.  Gas was $3.09.

Nancy was doing laundry when I got home.  Put on my warm bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.

When I got home noted that Nancy was planting flowers she had purchased at Countryside Greenhouse on Thursday.  I got the shovel and helped her.  The courtyard looks good.

Shaved my face and head before showering.  

This and that:

In 1966 Nancy and I were living in Redwood City, Ca.  Debbie was just a baby.  

The apartment complex was at 875 Woodside Road.  The apartments were arranged in the shape of a horse shoe. The center was open.  Apartments were on the 2nd and 3rd floors.  We parked our car under the apartments.

On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend I planned on sleeping in.  The company I worked for had just completed a big project that had required working weekends.  I looked forward to a relaxing weekend.

About 0700 an alarm goes off.  I tell Nancy to shut the damn alarm off.  She checked and said the alarm was off.  Nancy stuck her head out the door and called it is the building’s fire alarm.

Nancy frantically grabs Debbie and heads out the door.  I soon join her but had to go back because I forgot my cigarettes.

The residents gathered in the center of the horseshoe.  Most of the residents were single.  In fact Debbie was the only child in the complex.  We soon found out who was sleeping with who.  Very scandalous!

I commented to our group that I was glad we had a renter’s insurance policy that included fire insurance.  Most of the folks were surprised that such a policy was available.

In my youth Memorial Day was held on May 30.  Memorial Day weekend did not start until 1968.

I was a Boy Scout and every Memorial Day the Scouts marched in Alpena’s big Memorial Day Parade.  The parade started downtown and we marched over a mile to the Cemetery.  

One year it was very hot and I was drenched when the parade ended.  Every year my mother made me wear long underwear until Memorial Day.  I think my Mother felt guilty making me wear long underwear. This was the year that long underwear was no longer required during cold weather.


Headed to the ice cream store in Ada

Nancy had a small dish of chocolate flavored ice cream and I had a large dish of butter pecan.  

Tonight we watched and episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway followed by Fearless.  

I did check the courtyard at 2200 but beside being cold I noted nothing out of the ordinary.

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