Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 26, 2021

 Wednesday May 26, 2021

Blog time 1015 at the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up this morning at 0630.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

It started raining around 0300 and was still raining hard at 0800.  We really needed the rain.

This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I do my calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed, ate a banana and drove to Panera.  Today I had a bowl of oatmeal with a toasted bagel.

Finished yesterdays blog and read email before heading home. The temperature was in 70s and the rain had stopped.

I did stop at Dick’s Sporting Goods to check if they had any Ex-Officio underclothes.  They did not.

Today I took an 11 mile bike ride. For most of the ride I had to ride into the teeth of an 18 mph wind.  

Only civil engineers select their bike route based on number of large depressions they encounter.  I wanted to see how much rain we had last night.  It was a good, not great, rain.  The puddles were 80% full.

Lately I have seen more turkeys.  We have several living in our back yard and this morning I saw several in my favorite Spaulding Ave viewing area.

As soon as I got home I showered.  Lunch and then I started laundry and took out trash and recyclables.

Found time for a hour’s nap.

This and that from the news:

President Biden wants a study into the origins of the Coronavirus.  So what?  Why not spend the intelligence community’s time and money on current east Asia problems.

Another mass shooting.  This time in San Jose, Ca.  Yet Texas has recently allowed open carry with hardly any restrictions. I support a ban on open carry.   

Belarus is back in the news.  The dictator rerouted a commercial flight heading to Lithuania so that he could arrest a passenger who has written damaging articles about him.  Why hasn’t the EU taken strong retaliation.

For dinner tonight we had our standard Wednesday evening meal of Cheerios.  I had mine with blueberries.

We watch evening news on NBC and CNBC.  Lately we have become very critical of their mushy reporting.

This evening we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called Whitstable Pearl.  We liked the first episode show so we watched episode 2.

Nancy told me to check the moon when I made my 2200 inspection of the courtyard and garage.  She was right the moon was full and looked very large and bright.  

We will have several days of cool temperatures.  Temperature tonight will drop to 40s.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We gave a positive report.


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