Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 18, 2021

 Tuesday May 18, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting on deck, temperature 81.

Up this morning at 0645.  Bright sun and temperature was in high 50s.

Today Nancy is meeting friends at Calvin College for a walk.

I do my calisthenics and then a quick breakfast.  

For the first time this year I wore my knickers.  Also wore a thin tee shirt and jacket.  Love this nice weather.  Total daylight today is 14h47’.

Pedaled 5.5 miles to Ada.  I had coffee and scone at Nonna’s.  I sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air.  After 30 minutes the sun was high enough in the sky that I had trouble seeing the iPads screen.  Packed up and pedaled home.  I took the scenic route. Today miles biked today, 15.4 miles.  

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  I was rearranging some files when I came across my vehicle file.  Suddenly realized that the Escape is overdue for an oil change.

Grabbed the keys and headed to Fox Ford.  Normally an oil change takes about 90 minutes.  I brought my iPad so I could finish yesterday’s blog and do some reading.

Wouldn’t you know they completed the oil change in record time.  Packed up my iPad and headed home.

It was so pleasant I decided to continue my blog writing and reading on the deck.  Very pleasant sitting outside.

Blast from past:

This morning I encountered a young man getting ready to take off on his Vespa Motor Scooter.  I stopped and talked to him.  Told him in 1958 while working a summer job in Albuquerque, NM I bought a Vespa at Sears Roebuck.  It was a great machine.

Drove the Vespa around Albuquerque all summer.  I also started to drive it home to Alpena.  Got to Illinois and had an accident.  I was pretty banged up.  Called home and my Sister, Helen and cousin Doug Hughes drove to Illinois.  Packed up the scooter and headed home.

My fondest memory was the summer of 1959.  My Dad’s firm got a big job at the Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda, Mi about 45 miles south of Alpena.

The crew I worked with rented a cabin on the AuSable River.  We worked 12 hours a day Monday thru Thursday and 4 hours on Friday.

Early Monday morning, 0400, I would get on the scooter and drive the 45 miles to Oscoda.  It was a pleasant drive along Lake Huron.

At noon on Friday I would leave Oscoda and head to my Grandmother Scott’s farm at Hubbard Lake.  Friday’s were bread baking day for Grandmother.  I would arrive just in time to have several slices of home made bread.  Great memories of eating and talking to Grandmother.

I don’t think I got rained on once all summer.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Scotch pie.  Also fresh pineapple, cottage cheese and baguette.  Cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched the last two episodes of Jack Irish on Acorn.  Liked the show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We compared temps and it was warmer in GR.

Temp still in 70s when checked garage and courtyard at 2200.  Clouds partially covered the crescent moon.  Another warm day predicted for tomorrow.

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