Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 3, 2021

 Monday May 3, 2021

Blog time 1000 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Dr.

Up with 0630 alarm.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

Checked my weather app on my iPhone and no rain.  My plan was to do all calisthenics at home and then pedal to Ada for coffee.

After calisthenics I put on bike clothes.  Quick breakfast and looked outside and it was raining.  Bummer!  The best laid plans of mice and men are screwed by bum weather apps.

I drove to the Lake Eastbrook Panera.  Will take bike ride later.

It must be a Panera policy to keep their stores cold.  I do compensate by wearing an extra layer.  

If it had not rained this morning I was going to try a coffee shop in Ada.  It is 6 miles from the condo to the Ada Coffee shop which would make for a perfect daily bike ride.  I will try on the next sunny day.

Left Panera at 1100. Headed home for a bike ride.  Today I rode 8.4 miles.  Got home at 1230 and quickly showered.

Today we have an appointment with a new senior living facility on Spaulding.  The facility is not to far from our condo.

We spent an hour talking with the sales rep for the facility.  The apartments are still under construction but we saw floor plans for the units.   Availability is scheduled for mid 2022.

Of course in order to get our name of the list we must put down a sizable deposit.  Senior living ain’t cheap.

At home I spent some time in office doing some financial business and reading today’s papers.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Dinner tonight was cheerios with fresh pineapple and baguette.

After the news we watched another episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway on BritBox.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Temp was in mid 50s with strong wind when checked front yard.  Lately we have been having many days with high winds.  I have been told the high winds are related to global warming.

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