Monday, May 10, 2021

May 9, 2021

 Sunday May 9, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700. Temperature was 34 and high today will be in low 50s.  I sure hope our cold snap ends soon.

Dressed and fixed my oatmeal w/banana.  Normally I would have had a bagel and coffee from Panera.  However, Panera has new hours and does not open until 0800.  

After breakfast I did drive to Panera and got our coffees.  I also got a bagel.

Left for Trinity Lutheran Church at 0845.  Still a small crowd at today’s service.  

The church is sponsoring a residential home for children left homeless by a civil war in central Africa.  A Trinity member gave a good pitch of the needs for the home.  We were impressed and will make a donation.

After church, took a drive.  We drove north to Knapp and then proceeded east  and north along local roads to Ten Mile Road. Continued east to Lincoln Lake.

Took Lincoln Lake through Lowell and then west on Grand River to Ada and home via Thornapple Apple River Drive.  

We drove through several very upscale recent developments.  Also a lot of productive farm land.

The total drive took about 90 minutes.  We thoroughly enjoy our rides through rural west MI.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8.9 mile ride through the neighborhood.  Noted several road kills but no live critters.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s for supplies.  Meijer’s was jammed.  Noted that gas is now $3 per gallon.

Took a nap before heading downstairs to finish blogs.

For dinner I had two fried eggs on waffle.  Also spinach pie and a muffin.

Today being Mother’s Day, Nancy received a FaceTime call from all three kids, Debbie, Missy and Steve.  She really appreciated these calls.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We especially liked the segment about a group of mostly Jewish men who fled Germany.  The US Army trained these men and then put them in front line Army units.  With their language skills they were invaluable.  

The thing that impressed me most was that several of the men are still alive.  They were in their late 90s and sharp as a tack.  Very impressive.

We finished the evening watching New Tricks on Prime.  As always a good show.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  The cars and garage were secure. Temp will drop to low 30s tonight.

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