Tuesday, June 1, 2021

May 31, 2021

Monday May 31, 2021

Today is Memorial Day.

Up this morning at 0700.  The sun was already shining bright.  It was 46 but would warm up to 72 later.

Today we had breakfast at Bob Evans.  The place was empty when we arrived.  Nancy had fried eggs with biscuits and fruit cup.  I had fried eggs with hash browns and a biscuit.  Food was good.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  I filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.99.  Nancy replenished our larder.

At home Nancy finished planting her flowers.  I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Today, for a change, I pedaled my single speed Nishiki.  Single speeds are fun as long as you avoid steep hills, which I did.

Shower and then a quick lunch.  

This afternoon Missy’s FaceTimed asking that I write again about several stories I told about my Navy years.  I agreed.

1. In late 1963 I was stationed in Vietnam.  The USO ran a movie theater for military.  I had been in-country for nearly a year and had never attended.  A friend told me of a good movie now playing called the “List of Adrian Messenger”. I planned on attending but when about to get a taxi my stomach rebelled.  I immediately headed home and missed the movie.  That night the theater was bombed.

2. Most evenings if I was in Saigon I would walk down Tu Do street to a great cafe situated on a busy intersection.  I would order a drink and croissant and people watch.  One evening I headed to the cafe when my stomach rebelled.  Hurried home.  Later I started out again for the cafe when I heard a loud boom. The cafe was bombed.

3.  I am probably the only person who can say I was spared serious injury by my ASSHOLE!

Today is the last day of a very relaxing weekend.  We violated diets and avoided serious exercise.  We especially liked the large dish of ice cream on Saturday night.

Today finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Panera.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had soup with a tuna salad sandwich.  

Noted this evening when paying for our food that a tip option was displayed on the screen.  I always liked Panera because of their no tipping policy.  However, I think because of their difficulty getting employees, tips will offer employees more money.

This evening we watched episode 2, season 6, of Line of Duty.  It was good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was hot in CA and just right in MI.

Checked the courtyard at 2130 and it was still light.  Sun sets today at 2115.

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