Sunday, June 6, 2021

June 4, 2021

 Friday June 4, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

I do my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then head out on bike ride to Panera.  Today I took the Bianchi bike with new tires.  The tires are much smaller than previous ones making pedaling much easier.  Good move Bob.

The temperature was near 70 so for the first time this year I wore shorts.  Halfway through the ride to Panera I got overheated and had to stop to remove a layer. 

Today along 28th Street, the busiest street in MI, I saw a huge snapping turtle along the edge of the sidewalk.  I took several photos.

At Panera I got two plain bagels and a coffee.  Read Alpena News, checked my email and finished yesterday’s blog and started today’s blog.

On way home encountered turtle again.  This time he was digging a hole to lay eggs.  I assumed.

Took a long shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I found time for a nap.

Dinner tonight at Cascade Road House.  All the outside seating was taken so we ate inside.  

Nancy had a salad and I had the beef dip.  The food was good.

Tonight we watched Fearless.  Good show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.

It was hot at 2200 when checked the front yard.  Heat will continue through weekend.

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