Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 14, 2021

 Monday June 14, 2021

Blog time 0900 sitting in Panera

I could have slept in this morning but was wide awake at 0630.

The sun was up and temp was 68.  Another nice day.

I dressed and drove to Meijer’s to fill the Escape up.  Stopped inside and bought a banana.  The Pharmacy still did not have my prescription ready.  They said noon but I won’t have time to pick up.

Stopped at Panera and got a bowl of oatmeal and Croissant.  Finished yesterday blog.

Kim came to clean today.  At 1230 she drove us to the airport.  I have been hearing all kinds of horror stories about staff shortages creating massive backups getting through security.  No problem in GR. We sailed through.

The plane was on time.  I think because we were flying first class, boarding was a breeze.  Flight to Denver went quick, arrived early.

No delays in our flight from Denver to San Jose.  Debbie picked us up.  Her home is a short distance from the airport.  

We were very tired.  It was 2100 in San Jose but midnight in GR.  A long day for Bob and Nancy.

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