Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 11, 2021

 Friday June 11, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting on Nonna's Pantry outside porch.

Set alarm this morning for 0615.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  Later she has her monthly Book Club.  At 1530 she meets with SofS to get a new driver’s license.  At 1700 we are both meeting with our house sitter, Brenna to go over some things.

First thing this morning Nancy looked out the bedroom window and saw a deer in the backyard.  First time in weeks.  It got spooked when the sprinklers went off.

I did my calisthenics at 75% this morning. Today I have a 1330 appointment with my ENT doctor.

Breakfast and then I pedaled the 5.5 miles to Nonna’s Pantry.  I had a coffee and scone at Nonna’s.  Sat outside and read emails, etc.  another warm sunny day.

Left Nonna’s at 1045.  Took the 10 mile route home.  On my route I passed several open areas with new clover.  Always note a bunny in the new clover.

Home at noon. Quick shower and lunch.  1300 I get in Fusion and head to ENT Doctor’s.  I wait 20 minutes before meeting with Doctor.  The Doc checked my nose for polyps.  No problems.  Next appointment in 9 months.  Total time in office 10 minutes.

At home I started getting clothes ready to pack for our trip.

Brenna arrives at exactly 1700.  We gave her a briefing on the operations of the AC and Apple TV.  She has house sit for us when Petunia was alive.  She had no questions.  Nancy and I feel comfortable with her staying while we are away.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the old Onion Crock’s split pea soup.  This soup is now available at D&W.  Good meal.

We watched some news tonight.  President Biden at the G7 meeting dominated.

Watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway tonight.  

It was still warm and humid when checked front yard at 2200.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave positive report.

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