Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 1, 2021

 Tuesday June 1, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Meteorologists consider June 1 the first day of summer.  I agree.

Up this morning at 0645.  It was sunny but temps still in 50s.

Nancy is going walking this morning with friends at Calvin.  

I do my calisthenics at home before a breakfast of oatmeal w/banana.  Got on bike and pedaled to Panera a distance of 8.3 miles.

Read my emails, finished yesterday’s blog and checked headlines before heading home.

This afternoon my sister, Helen, is visiting.  We will all go out for dinner.  Karen Horlings will join us at NO CO restaurant.  Nancy, Helen and Karen were classmates at Albion.

At home showered and shaved.  Lunch and then took my Bianchi bike to Ada Bike to get smaller tires.  Present size is 40mm, new size 37mm.  I think the smaller tires will make pedaling easier and thus reduce hip pain.

Helen arrived about 1430.  Our dinner appointment is for 1800 so we had some time to spare.

We drove to Meijer Gardens.  Today we walked through the Japanese Gardens.  The Gardens were in full bloom.  The Japanese Garden is a beautiful recent addition the gardens.

We left for NO CO at 1730.  We were glad we had reservations because the place was crowded.  Karen joined us at 1800. We all had wine.   I had fish and chips.  The girls had a lighter fare.  The food was good.

We spent two hours drinking, eating and talking.  Everyone had a great time.

Got home at 2030.  Spent the next 90 minutes sitting in the living room talking about the “good ol days”.  Great time.

Missy FaceTime the evening.  

The temperature was still in the 70s when checked the courtyard at 2200. 

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