Monday, August 31, 2020

August 30, 2020

 Sunday August 30, 2020

Blog time 1130 on Monday August 31, 2020 at Panera

I should make a rule that if I cannot finish a blog within 24 hours I should forget it.  

Sunday morning I was up at 0700.  I dressed and then drove to Panera to get our coffees.  

Breakfast, read some of the GRP before setting up for this morning’s 25th streaming of the service at Trinity Lutheran.  We really miss attending live church service.  

I have two nice light weight Sport Coats that I usually wear to Church or a concert.  I have not worn them this summer.

Nancy’s ankle is slowly healing.  Today she took a mile walk.

After church I went on a 10.75 mile bike ride.  The only critters I saw were geese.  Thousand of geese.

Showered and then had a late lunch.  This afternoon I took a short nap.  Lately afternoon naps are continually being interrupted by robo calls from politicians.

Speaking of phones I heard where fourth graders were given an rotary phone and asked to make a call.  They failed.

In my youth before even rotary phones, you would pick up the receiver and wait for an operator to answer.  She would ask for the number you wanted and then she would connect you.  Most of the phone operators were women.

Making a long distance call was difficult.  Once a month my Grandmother Hughes would call my Uncle Fred in Philadelphia. She would place her call with the local operator and then wait.  As I recall it took about an hour to make the connection in Philadelphia.

Politics, social unrest and Coronavirus dominates the news.  I think the networks are beginning to get a backlash about biased reporting.  CBS has been advertising that they just report and you decide.  

Nancy talked with all our kids today.  Of course the first item we talk about is health.  

We are glad that Debbie has pulled through her bout with the Coronavirus. She has the antibodies.  She still has some lingering fatigue.  

Missy and Stephen are dealing with the start of school.  It is complicated.  Nancy said she was glad she was not teaching.

Late this afternoon I took a 1.25 mile walk.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with soft bread and spinach pie.

We watched an episode of The Trial.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Finnish cop show Deadwind.  I fell asleep as soon as it started and woke up a two hours later.

It was cool, 58, when I check the yard.

August 29, 2020

Saturday August 29, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Once again heavy showers rolled through last night.  Woke up at 0700 and the rain had stopped.  It was a cool 68.

Nancy’s ankle still has not healed fully so no walk to Panera this morning.  We drove.  Sat inside to drink our coffee and for me to eat my oatmeal and croissant.  The place was empty.

After Panera we drove to Trader Joe’s.  We had to stand in line before they would let us in.  There were five folks in front of us and we had to wait 10 minutes before we were allowed in.

Today was Bob’s day at Trader Joe’s.  Our goal was to get some frozen dinners that would comply with my soft food diet.  Not as easy as it sounds.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I headed out on an 11 mile bike ride.   I continue to sing the praises of the weather this summer.  Sun and decent temps all summer. Today was no exception.

This being Saturday I shaved both my face and head before showering.  Lunch and then started my daily reading routine. Took a break to get in a 1/2 mile walk.

At 1700 we drove to Brann’s for dinner.  It had warmed up enough for us to sit outside. We first ordered drinks, a frozen margarita for Nancy and I had a glass of wine.    For dinner I had a bowl of chili and Nancy a Mi chicken/cherry salad.  

To satisfy our sweet tooth we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy had a hot fudge sundae and I had a cup of vanilla frozen custard.

At home we watched an episode of The Case on Acorn.  Talked to Debbie and Missy tonight.  

Nice and cool when I checked outside at 2200.  Weather man tonight said no more 90 degree days this year.  

Brann’s for dinner and watched THE CASE ON ACORN.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Friday August 28, 2020

 Friday August 28, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

I got up with the sun today, 0700.  It was very hot and humid outside.  Rain on and off for most of the day. 

Last night we had some major thunder showers roll through.  Weather folks say we had over an inch of rain.  Nancy slept through all the fireworks.

Today I have a 1020 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  No bike ride today.

Calisthenics, shower before breakfast.  Before breakfast I made a quick run to Panera to get a coffee and croissant.   I had my breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, banana, a croissant and coffee.

Left home at 1000 for the Oral Surgeons.  He checked me over and reminded me I have to remain on the soft diet for at least another month.  I told him I finished Nancy’s chicken sandwich last night.  He told me that was an absolute no-no.

I thought the teeth installed on the 19th were permanent.  They are not.  They are made of plastic.  My permanent are made of a super material which will allow me to eat an apple and other solid foods.  The reason they did not put the permanent teeth in on the 19th was they wanted my gums to heal.  I was given a water pick to use after brushing.  No need to floss when I use the pick.

Kim was cleaning when I got home so Nancy and I took a ride.  First stop Walmart to get our flu shot.  Our insurance covered all costs.

Next stop was Woodland Mall.  Nancy stopped by the Apple Store to get help paying her monthly Apple Card bill.  She was given a phone number to call.

We walked around the Mall and noted a lot of store closures. The stores that were open had an employee at the entrance to check you in.  A lot of added expense to stores that want to remain open.

Kim was just finishing up when we got home.  I took a short walk before lunch.  It was 3/4 miles.

After lunch spent afternoon checking email, reading news and cleaning up my in basket.  No nap today.

This and that:

No HS football this fall.  Tonight would have been the opening game.  Sad!

The Political conventions are over.  Now for the next 9 weeks we will be inundated with political ads.  It is not going to be nice.

We did not watch the GOP convention.  In fact I try any avoid any TV political news.  We have stopped watching the news on PBS.  It is not news.  

The Governor’s office has hinted that maybe she will allow sports clubs to open next week.  Nancy is looking forward to resuming swimming.  

I like the World News section of the WSJ.  I read it every day.

Before dinner I took my second walk.  It was 1.25 miles.  According to my app my average speed was 27’19” per mile.  Now that is certified slow.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie.

Debbie and Missy called last night.  Debbie helped Nancy pay her Apple Card bill.  It was easy.  Debbie told us she was checked this week for Coronavirus.  The test indicated that she had Coronavirus in late February and March.  Her body has the antibodies and we all hope that will provide her some immunity.

Missy and AJ are dealing with the confusing start to the school year.  Some issues with electronic communications between student and teachers are still not resolved.

Nancy headed to bed at 2130.  I stayed up and watched Finnish cop show, Deadwind, on Netflix.

It was raining when I went out to check the front yard.  The temp was in mid 70.  Cool front moves in tonight. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

August 27, 2020

Thursday August 27, 2020

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Happy Birthday Nancy.  Nancy Patton Scott was born on this date in Terre Haute, IN.  I met Nancy when she was teaching school in Flint, Mi.  We have been married 55 wonderful years.  Nancy is the light of my life.

Sunrise today was at 0700 the same time I woke up.  It will be hot and very humid all day today.  

Today I continued to increase the intensity of my calisthenics.  I will be back to normal next week.

After calisthenics I had a quick breakfast.  Today I completed my normal 10.5 mile bike ride with little problem.  

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera to get coffee and a croissant.  Panera’s system picked up that today was Nancy’s birthday and she was awarded a free pastry.  I took her home a blueberry scone.

About 1030 I moved my iPad to the deck.  The temperature was already in the 80s but I found a shady spot to read.  Started reading Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.  I moved inside about noon because my shady spot was now in the sun.

At 1300 I drove Nancy to her friend Kathi Kothe’ house.  Kathi is getting ready to sell her house and Nancy is helping her.  Later this afternoon I will pick up some takeout food from Rose’s and we will have an early dinner at Kathi’s.

On way home I stopped at Meijer’s to purchase yogurt, naan bread, vanilla and chocolate putting, ensure and a bottle of wine.  Meijer’s was very crowded.

Quick lunch and then returned to reading today’s news and more back issues of Fortune.  No nap today.

Nancy called me at 1600 and said she had ordered take out from Rose’s and it would be ready at 1645.  Left home at 1630 to make the pickup.

We sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and had a very pleasant dinner.  Kathi fixed us a nice summer drink.  

We got home from Kathi’s at 1930.  We watched a new show on Acorn tonight.  It was not very good which is why I cannot remember the name.  Nancy headed to bed about 1930 and I stayed up and watched a Finnish Cops show on Netflix.  It was good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed Nancy tonight to wish her a happy birthday.  Nancy was grateful.

Still very hot and humid when I made my final check outside.  Rain expected tonight and all day tomorrow.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 26, 2020

Wednesday August 26, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room with AC on.

The alarm goes off at 0615.  Today is Breakfast Club so I have to get some calisthenics done and have breakfast before BC starts at 0730.

Nancy was just getting up when she called me to look out the window.  In our backyard were the two spotted fawns and their mother.  We have not seen the mother in some time and I had assumed she had been hit by a car.  Great to see her.  They all looked healthy.

Did not have time to get a coffee but Nancy drove to Panera and got me one.  Today’s speaker was the retired Athletic Director of GVSU.  He talked about the impact of the Coronavirus on college sports.  It was a great talk.  Two things I took away from the talk.

1.  The folks running the NCAA and major conferences especially the Big Ten and PAC 10 are listening to facts before making their decisions.  The Speaker supported the cancellation of college football.

2. The folks running TV and radio sports shows are just babbling without facts.  I happen to agree. 

After BC took an easy 9.5 mile bike ride.  Sunny and hot but I was taking it easy so hardly worked up sweat.  The only critters I saw on the ride were large flocks of geese.  The geese have crowded out the wild turkeys.  Powers that be must start a control program to reduce flock.

Blog resumes on Thursday August 27 at 1230. Today I am using my Apple laptop.  I like the iPads word processor better than the laptops.  

After Wednesday' ride I took a shower and then started Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash etc.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens today.  She was glad to be called in.  She left at 1230.

Lunch and then continued chores.  We have been having problems with our washer.  Nancy noted black spots on the whites.  I ran the cleaning cycle and it seemed to work.  The whites today came out clean.

Today I continued reading back issues of Fortune.  Stopped at the July 2020 issue.  One more day reading Fortune.  My next job will be to read back issues of Time.

Found time to take a short nap.  The temperature in the house was 80 at 1600 so I turned on AC.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Tomato soup.  It tasted great.  Long time since I had tomato soup.  Also spinach, pineapple and a croissant.

Watched some news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us this evening.  It was warmer in GR than CA.  We told the girls that Mom and Dad were doing fine.   Every day in every way we are getting better and better.

It was 79 when made my 2200 check outside.  Left the AC on until midnight.  Heat continues tomorrow. 



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 25, 2020

Tuesday August 25, 2020

Blog time 1230 sitting on deck

Woke up at 0500.  Emptied dish washer and took morning pills.  Back to bed and finally got up at 0730.

Hooray! for this first time in almost a week I felt like exercising.  Did the calisthenics at 50%.  Breakfast and then took a short 7.8 mile bike ride.  I chose a route with few hills.  Felt good.

Showered and shaved as soon I got home.  Dressed and intended to bike to Panera to get coffee and read.   However, it being already warm, 78, I knew Panera would have their AC cranked up.  I don’t like AC.  Parked my bike and drove to Panera.  Bought a coffee and croissant.  Brought it home and sat on deck.  Our deck is very pleasant in the morning.

It is now 1240 and it just started to rain.  No problem because I am sitting under the deck’s overhang.

Had lunch and then started catching up on back issues of Fortune Magazine.  Today I finished all 2019 issues and will try and to be caught up tomorrow.  

I did run some errands this afternoon.  Thursday is Nancy’s birthday so I bought her present.  Stopped Ford Dealer to look at 2020 Ford Focus AWD sedans.  Look good.  

At Macatawa Bank I got money for Kim who cleans on Friday and checked to see how much I have in my accounts.  Not enough for a Focus.

Final stop was D&W Gas station to fill up the Escape.  Gas was $2.07.

Last night Nancy fixed me the last of the Salmon purchased last Saturday.  Also mashed potatoes and spinach pie.  It was very  good.  

Watched some news tonight before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an Acorn show staring Colin Firth.  It think it is call The Moors, kind of gloomy.  Also watched Wycliffe.  

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

This and that;

Tonight was 2nd night of the GOP convention.  Did not watch.

Like everyone in the USA I watched the clip of the shooting in Kenosha.  At first glance I thought the Police were guilty of gross incompetence.  It just looked like a major lack of training.

It was in high 70s when made my 2200 inspection of our yard.  Tomorrow and Thursday the temps will reach 90 before a cool front moves in.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 24, 2020

Monday August 24, 2020

Blog time 1100 sitting on deck

Up at 0600 to take pills.  Back to bed and finally got up at 0730. Really lazy during my five days of convalescence.  Today is the last day, tomorrow I resume my calisthenics and bike ride.  Or as one maggot said to another “tomorrow we start in dead earnest”.

Bright sun when got up.  Another hot day with temps in 90s.  

Nancy’s ankle is still bruised and swollen.  She called Dr Kutsche and has a 1400 appointment.

This morning I drove to Panera to get my morning coffee.  My heavily bruised face would gross out anyone who looks at me.  However, the face mask covers everything.  Another upside to wearing a mask.

Also made a quick trip to Meijer’s to get more yogurt.  At 0830 Meijer’s was empty.

Breakfast this morning was oatmeal with yogurt, a banana and glass of milk.  I think yogurt in my oatmeal will become my default breakfast item.

Spent several hours sitting on deck doing my morning reading.  It is now 1130 and I think in 30 minutes the entire deck will be in the sun.  Can’t use my iPad in bright sun so I will go inside and start reading magazines.

This and that;

Today starts the GOP convention.  Our President is featured every day on the four day schedule.  The ego on this man is amazing.  Saw some polling data this morning.  President Trump is 10 points behind Joe Biden.  The polls in 2016 showed the same advantage for Clinton.   I thought in 2016 that no way Trump could beat Clinton.

I would like to know the number of viewers watching professional sports?  

On this date 11 years ago Missy, Nancy and yours truly were in Kazakhstan.  Missy had to appear before a panel to see if they would allow Missy to adopt AJ.  They approved and Missy was overwhelmed.  Big milestone in Missy’s life.

First thing this morning I looked out the slider and saw the two fawns playing in our back yard.  They still have their spots and look healthy.  We have not seen the mother in several months.  Car accident?

After a lunch of yogurt, Ensure and a croissant I retired to the living room.  The temperature was 89.  Turned on the AC.

This afternoon I read back issues of ENR.  In fact it was three years worth.  I have now finished all the print back issues.  I now only get the digital issue of ENR.  No more paper copies.

Doctor Kutsche thought Nancy just had a bad ankle sprain.  However, he recommended an X-ray.  Nancy complied and should have results tomorrow.

After her Doctor’s appointment. Nancy picked up our old neighbor and took her shopping.  Sonya can no longer drive.

During my recuperation I have not done any exercise.  Not even a short walk.  During this same period I have not taken an afternoon nap.  Draw your own conclusion.

Finished the last ENR at 1730, just in time for dinner.  Nancy tonight fixed me scrambled eggs with spinach pie.  Love spinach pie.

After the news we watched the final two episode of The Commander, a show about Scotland Yard’s highest ranking women.  The show ended on a down note, the Commander resigned.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was 75 when I checked outside at 2200.  The low temperature this evening will be in low 70s. However, I turned the AC off because we like fresh air and the sound of the birds in the morning.


Monday, August 24, 2020

August 23, 2020

 Sunday August 23, 2020

Blog time 1440 sitting in living room

Got up at 0600 took my pills and then went back to bed.  Finally got up at 0730.  Nancy drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

I shaved, head and face, showered and then dressed for Church.  Quick breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, banana and glass of mike.

Today was the 23rd Sunday of streaming church service.  About 300 folks were tuned in.

After Church I sat on the deck and read the GRP.  Finished the GRP and then took a reading break.

Noticed recently a big buildup of Cobwebs along the soffit on our garage.  Took a broom and spent an hour removing cobwebs.  During the entire operation I did not see any spiders. 

After my little outdoor chore I returned to my project of reducing my backlog of unread magazines.  Today I concentrated on Vanity Fair, UM Alumni mag and AARP.  Some issues were two years old.

Lunch today was yogurt, croissant and sugar free pudding.  I have lost 5 pounds on this soft food regime.  

The bruises and swelling on my face seem to be getting better.  However, the dark color of the bruises seem more intense.

Today is my brother-in-law’s 91st birthday.  We called Gaylord and wished Don well.  

Got tired of reading so I watched two episodes of the small town Polish Cop show.  Finished season 1.  Season one did not conclude the story of a serial killer.  Must wait for season two. Bummer!

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the Salmon that we bought yesterday at Family Foods.  Also had mashed potatoes and a croissant.  Very good.  

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us this evening.  We reported that Nancy’s swollen ankle and my swollen jaw are getting better.  Very hot in CA as it is in MI.  Temps in 90s both places.

Tonight we watched the final two episodes, season 5, of “Line of Duty” on Acorn.  This show had a successful conclusion.

Temperate was still in mid 70s when made my outdoor check at 2200.  My app said temp will drop to low 60s this evening.  I turned the AC off.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

August 22, 2020

 Saturday August 22, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting on east end of deck.  Will switch to west end soon.

I think the Surgeon playing with my jaw yesterday caused some pain. I had discomfort after midnight and it was a struggle to make it to my 0200 pain pill time.  The pills work.  No pain this morning.

Up at 0600 to take some more pills (not pain).  Back to bed and got up at 0700.  It was sunny and 60 degrees.  High today will be in high 80s.

Nancy drove to Panera to get our coffee.  I had breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, banana and a glass of milk.

This morning we drove to Family Foods in the new shopping center in Ada.  We bought salmon for tonight’s dinner.  Also cottage cheese and more pudding.  

We drove around Ada Village and noted all the restaurants that had outdoor seating were filled.  A great morning to sit outside and enjoy breakfast.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I sat outside on the east side of our deck and finished yesterday’s blog and read email.  It is now noon and the temperature is 81.  The sun now covers the entire deck.  I will have to move inside until about 1400 when I can sit on the deck’s west side.

This and that;

Forest and brush fires continue to rage in CA.  The state is drastically short of firefighters.  I remember in October 1961 while attending the Civil Engineering Corps Officer’s school in Port Hueneme, CA our entire class was put on standby to assist in fighting a nearby forest fire if needed.  Luckily we were not called.

GOP convention next week.  Probably more of the same like the Dems convention.

Most High Schools in Mi are still confused about the fall sports schedule.  The only sure thing is that no football this fall.

Lunch and then I spent time catching up on back issues of the many magazines we subscribe to.  The pile is getting smaller.

About 1500 my craving for frozen yogurt overcame me.  We got in the Escape and drove to a local Frosty Boy.  Nancy had a medium dish of soft ice cream and I had a large dish of frozen yogurt. It really hit the spot although I really did not need the large size.  Because of our overindulgence we decided to forego the salmon for dinner.  I just had bread and an Ensure.

Tonight was movie night.  We watched Tinker Tailor Solider Spy on Netflix.  It was good.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was still warm when I made my evening inspection outside at 2200.  However, at this time of year the temp drops quickly after the sun goes down.  I did turn the AC off before heading to bed.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

August 21, 2020

Friday August 21, 2020

Blog time 0920 sitting in office

My new routine includes getting up at 0200 to take a pain pill.  The ibuprofen is working.

Got up this morning at 0700.  Looked in the mirror and the bruising on my jaw is getting worse.  I also have a lot of swelling.  The bruising and swelling are normal for the type of surgery I had.  I have an appointment this afternoon and will have a chance to ask the Doc all sorts of questions.

Breakfast this morning included oatmeal with plain yogurt added.  I really like this combination.  Also had a banana and glass of milk.

Spent the morning checking email and reading the news.  Last night Joe Biden gave his acceptance speech.  Depending who you read the speech was either great and unifying or a dud.  I think it did no harm.

I have found a new spot to use my iPad.  I find a shady spot on the deck.  Today is warm so sitting outside is great.  I need shade in order to see my iPad’s screen.  

We had a lot of birds in our backyard today. I got out the binoculars and checked them out.  I thought the binoculars were losing power but I took time the clean the lenses and the change was remarkable.  Great view of the cardinals, blue jays, robins, doves and of course geese.

Speaking of Geese they are becoming a nuisance.  Poop everywhere, making walking difficult.  The NE MI cities of Roger City and Alpena have annual goose hunts to control the population.

Lunch and then at 1300 I drove to the Oral Surgeon.  Today they took out my plate and put in a new one.  

Very interesting how the plate attaches to my jaw.  The Surgeon inserted four small permanent screws in my jaw.  Four holes are put in the plate.  The holes are placed over the screws and small nuts attach the plate to the inserts.  The Dentist actually uses a torque wrench properly tighten the nuts.

The new plate is a big improvement.  My upper and lower teeth are in alignment and my bite is improved.  

On my way home I stopped a Meijer’s to get more foot/liquids.  Bought yogurt, pudding and Pinconning soft cheese.

At home I spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck.  The sun had moved so I changed locations.  Moved from east end to west end of deck.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a corn chowder.  Also had vanilla pudding and a bottle of Ensure.  I like the Light Ensure.

Tonight’s viewing included the news and the Brook and Shields debate on PBS.  We watched an episode of Line of Duty on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of “Signs” the Polish small town cop show.  It is gloomy but interesting.  I give it a B.

Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed us this evening.  I grossed them out by letting them look at my bruised and swollen jaw.  Veronica is coming up tomorrow to take Alessandra home on Sunday.  Debbie and Alessandra enjoy each other’s company.  

Lately Missy had been walking four miles on the beach each morning.  She sends us a short movie of the fog covered beach and surf.  Yesterday she filmed Dolphins swimming.  Very interesting.

The temperature had dropped to 75 when I made my 2200 yard check.  Turned the AC off before turning in. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Thursday August 20, 2020

 Thursday August 20, 2020

Blog time 1035 sitting in office

I got up at 0600 and took three pills before heading back to bed.  Nancy did not walk today because she sprained her ankle yesterday.  It is really swollen.

Finally got up at 0715.  I spent a pretty restful night.  I did get up at 0200 and took a pain pill.  The pills are working.

For breakfast I had my normal oatmeal but I mixed plain yogurt with it.  Pretty tasty.  Also had a banana and glass of milk.

Nancy said my jaw was swollen and bruised.  I checked in the mirror and determined Nancy was right.  Today will be a truly easy day.  I will stay inside and do nothing but read.

Nancy did make a quick run to her Credit Union to renew a CD. This afternoon she is going over to Sonya’s apartment for wine. Sonya is our old next door neighbor.

My activities included reading all the news including a print edition of the GRP before noon.

Took a short morning nap followed by lunch.  Lunch today was yogurt with a piece of soft white bread.  Also drank a bottle on Ensure.

I started catching up on some old issues of magazines.  Nancy as a teacher got specials on low cost magazine subscriptions.   One magazine we get is Vanity Fair.  I read several issues and determined that it was way too liberal for me.  I gave a magazine a D rating.

Late this afternoon I watched a Netflix Polish small town cop show called ZNAKI.  I give this show a solid B.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed split pea soup.  It was good.

After the news we watched two episodes of Line of Duty on Acorn.  Good show.

It was a pleasant 75 when I made my yard inspection at 2200.  Big warmup coming tomorrow.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  AJ is back home and today they went swimming.  It has been hot in LA.  


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday August 19, 2020

 Wednesday August 19, 2020

Blog time 0850 sitting in living room.  

Nancy was up at 0630 and headed out on her morning walk.  I was also up and took my morning pills before heading back to bed.

I have my Dental Surgery at 1030.  No food or drink 10 hours before surgery.  However, I had to take several pills so I can take a sip of water with the pills.  

I did have time to finish yesterday’s blog this morning and make a quick check of the online news.  We left home for the Doctor’s office at 1000.

We checked in and waited in the car until the nurse came out and got me.  Nancy was not allowed inside.  They took her cell phone number and said they would call her when the surgery was complete about 1700.

I remember sitting in the operating chair and being hooked up to monitors.  The surgery started at 1030 and I do not remember a thing until 1500.  The first thing I remember was the Doc telling me the operation went well.

My top teeth were gone and the four steel screws were set in my jaw.  They were now making my upper plate.  They use a 3D printer to make the plate.  A piece of costly high tech equipment.

After the plate was finished it took the dentist about five minutes to attach the plate to my jaws using small screws and a screw driver.  I was provided a mirror to look at my new teeth.  Looked good.  

Plate they installed is only temporary.  After some checking they decided on some minor adjustments.  I go back on Friday to get the new plate.  It should take less than 20 minutes.

Got home at 1730. We had dinner at 1800.  I had plain yogurt and a protein drink.  This evening I snacked on the yogurt.  No wine tonight.

We watched the news before switching to Prime.  Watched an episode of Wycliffe. 

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening wanting to see my new teeth and asking how I felt.  I gave a positive report.

It was cool, low 60s, when I made my final check outside.  Temperature will drop to mid 50s this evening.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Tuesday August 18, 2020

Tuesday August 18, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up at our normal 0630.  It was cool, high 50s.  Sunrise today was not until 0651.

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I am winding down before tomorrow’s surgery.  Did calisthenics at 50% and biked only 7.7 miles.  

At home my first chore was to use the second of two mouth washes I must use daily.  Shaved and showered before the short bike ride to Panera, 0.8 mi.  

Before going to bed last night I watched Senator Sanders speech to the Democratic convention.  I did not see any other speakers.  No interest. 

At Panera finished yesterday’s blog, checked email, read news while drinking coffee and eating a cinnamon raisin bagel.  Panera was empty.  About ten folks who I use to see daily at Panera have not returned.

Got home at 1300.  Quick lunch followed by a mile walk.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Trader Joe’s Shepard’s Pie.  It was good.  Also had salad and croissant.

After the news we watched an episode of Grantchester.  It was kind of dark and gloomy.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.  Both girls wished me well tomorrow.

It was cool, 60, when I made my final check outside.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Monday August 17, 2020

Monday August 17, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy called me to the window to see the two fawns grazing in our back yard.  First time we have seen the fawns in several weeks.  They looked healthy.

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I did my calisthenics before breakfast.  Today I took my normal 10.5 mile bike ride.

At home I showered and dressed before biking to Panera.  Nancy headed out at the same time to get her hair done.

This and that:

Northern CA is having some really wild weather.  

Restaurant workers who are at the bottom of the economic food chain are really suffering during the Coronavirus.  They really need financial assistance from the USA.

Two weeks ago I did not know where Belarus was. Now it is all over the news.  

Annual exams for Senior high school kids in UK determine their eligibility for elite schools.  The exams were cancelled this year because of the Coronavirus.  Some idiot decided to use an algorithm to determine what the students test scores would be.  This created a major backlash.  The algorithms were probably written by some geeky wimps.  The Government has backed off on using the algorithm.  Good

POTUS’s recent comments on his opponents have been getting very nasty.  Not very classy Mr. President.  

I get mad at news commentator who call the President only by his last name and not President Trump.  Another less than classy act.

Lately, even though I have been spending more time at Panera I still cannot finish reading all the news I would like.  Today I did not get home until 1300.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Breton Village.  Nancy returned an item at Talbots and I visited Orvis.  No purchases made.

We also stopped at Meijer’s.  We bought yogurt, ensure and other drinks and soft foods I can consume following my dental surgery.

This afternoon I cleaned up my desk, paid bills and read instructions for the many medicines I must take starting tomorrow.  It can be confusing.

Took a nap followed by a short walk.  For dinner tonight we had Cheerios with blueberries and an English muffin.

After the news we watched a show on Acorn called Taken Down. Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Polish Cop show on Netflix. 

Debbie and Alessandra Facetimed us this evening.  They are surviving the Northern Ca heat wave.  Nancy told several stories about her pony.

Missy FaceTimed us from her store.  She was just closing.  She is beginning to miss AJ.

The temperature was near 70 when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to low 50s tonight.  Great sleeping weather.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday August 16, 2020

 Sunday August 16, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting I living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera.  Purchased coffee for Bob and Nancy.  At home fixed breakfast, Oatmeal, bagel and banana.

Set up iPad in living room so we could watch the streaming Trinity Lutheran service.  This was the 23rd consecutive streaming service.

Read some of the GRP before heading out on an 8.5 mile ride.  Another great day, sunny, temp in low 70s temps.  After shower I took the Escape to get it filled up.  Gas was $2.07 per gallon.

Today I started the medical procedures for my Wednesday dental surgery.  Today’s medicine includes a mouth wash, a spray placed under my tongue and finally I apply a gel to my upper jaw.  I do this three times a day for at least a week.

Quick lunch and then finished reading the GRP.  Also checked some online news.  

This and that:

The High School football season in Mi has been postponed to Spring.  Non-contact outdoor sports like tennis, golf and cross country are still on.  Who plays football in the Spring?  Why not just cancel the season to Fall 2021?

Speaking of sports I have no interest in the current Baseball Season.  Basketball and Hockey are totally off my radar.

The start of school is still undetermined, full attendance, hybrid or all online?  Kids and parents must be confused.  Nancy said she was glad she was no longer teaching.

As a boy I always enjoyed listening on the radio to the Presidential Conventions every four years.  All the yelling, speech making and drama leading up to the voting by each State.  I remember in 1952 I even had a tally sheet to record each state’s vote.  All the hoopla will be gone this year.  The Conventions will be online.  Monday starts the Dem convention. I probably will watch the first night just to see the how it works.

During the Coronavirus lockdown I keep hearing about young folks out partying and then going home and giving it to their parents or in multi generational houses their grandparents.  Young folks don’t think.

Speaking of multi generational household I grew up in one.  My grandmother Hughes owned the home we grew up in.  I remember that it worked well.  We did not have any conflicts especially since we had only two bathrooms.

Took a quick nap and then a mile walk.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with dinner rolls.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Unforgotten.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and continued watching the Polish Cop show on Netflix.

Both Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed this evening.  It is very hot in San Jose but they found time for a trip to Costco.  

Missy FaceTimed and reported she is enjoying her freedom.  AJ is still up at Bear Lake with a friend.

Turned the AC off before heading to bed.     


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday August 15, 2020

 Saturday August 15, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0630, dressed and then walked to Panera.  The sun was just coming out.  The temp will be in mid 80s today.

Nancy had her coffee and I had oatmeal and a toasted bagel.  We talked about dinner tonight.  We are taking the Moleski’s to dinner at Brann’s.  We planned to sit outside but our weather app said it might be raining.

Did you know that today is VJ DAY? On this date in 1945 the Japanese surrendered, thus ending WW II.  I remember the day well.  My Dad and I were just ending a visit to my Uncle Bill’s.  All of a sudden the church bells starting ringing.  We were confused why were the bell’s ringing?  My Dad was the City Manager of Alpena.  He saw the Fire Chief, Tanky McGinn driving down the street.  He hailed him down and asked why the church bells.  The Chief said the Japanese had surrendered.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Got home at noon and shaved my face and head before showering.  

Today I had my standard lunch.  Spent time in office checking emails and writing blogs.  Took a short nap.

This and that;

The USPS is in the news lately.  They are massively in debt.  Folks are worried that they won’t be able to handle the November absentee ballots.  It looks like they want a big bailout. A big cost saver would be to stop Saturday deliveries.

Massive heat wave in Ca.  The Power Companies are having problems meeting AC demands.  The temperature in many parts of the state have been above 100 for almost a week.  126 in Death Valley.

Checked several US papers and they made no mention of VJ DAY.  The UK’s Telegraph had several stories.

Our Immigration Service does not get good marks for it’s handling of immigrant children.

It rained hard about 1630 and we thought no sitting outside tonight.  However, when we got to Brann’s at 1730 the rain had stopped.  We sat outside and had a pleasant meal with the Moleski’s.

At home we watched an episode of Unforgotten.  Debbie and Alessandra FaceTimed tonight.  Nancy provided Alessandra with some Patton family stories.  It was very hot in San Jose so they stayed inside all day in the AC.

We also talked with Missy.  She is having problems with her hearing aid.  Has an appointment with repair folks on Monday.  Missy has been sending us photos of all the homeless tents on San Vicente Blvd.  The tents take up an entire sidewalk and go on for what looks like blocks. The home owners in the area have to be furious.  

Very pleasant 70 when I checked outside at 2200.  The nice weather continues tomorrow. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

August 14, 2020

 Friday August 14, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0615.  Today I have a 0900 appointment with the Dental Surgeon.  I did my calisthenics at 75%.  Showered and had a quick breakfast.

Nancy headed out at 0630 for her morning walk.  Today she is hosting her Book Club at noon.

Spent 90 minutes in the Dentist’s office.  Signed many forms telling me everything that could go wrong during surgery.  I asked if the Surgeon is so good how come I had to sign these forms?  Just a precaution I was told.

They took more impressions and a full jaw X-ray.  I was given several prescriptions that I will need.  Dropped the prescriptions off at Meijer’s on way home.

At home changed into bike clothes and headed to Panera.  For coffee and some reading. 

It is now 1230 and I am heading out on an 8 mile ride.  Hope to be home after BC.

Got home from the ride at 1400 just as BC was ending.  Showered, dressed and had a quick lunch.  Nancy said BC was a success.  Have some Costco pinwheel sandwiches left over so I know what I will have for dinner.

After lunch drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  The Dental Surgeon prescribed six different medicines.  I was surprised the cost was less than $25.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  As mentioned earlier I had pinwheel sandwiches for dinner.  Also had coleslaw and a croissant.

Watched NBC news and the Brooks and Shield debate on PBS.

Debbie was right.  To get our Prime Video back all I had to do was unplug the system for a minute and plug it back in.  It worked.  Sometimes simple works!

We watched two episodes of Unforgotten.  Good show.

When I went out at 2200 I encountered a small skunk.  Turned around and headed inside.  Shrunk wins!

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She is enjoying her alone time with AJ visiting friends in the mountains.

Friday, August 14, 2020

August 13, 2020

Thursday August 13, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

Both up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  Today she is having lunch with friends.  About 1400 we are heading to Costco so Nancy can purchase food for tomorrow’s Book Club which she is hosting.

Calisthenics, breakfast followed by my morning bike ride.  This morning I saw several flocks of turkeys.   Also noted several pretty butterflies.  Both Nancy and I agree that we have a bumper crop of butterflies this summer.

Kim was already cleaning when I finished with my ride.  Quick shave and shower before heading to Panera.

It is now noon so I will bike to Meijer’s to buy two lotto tickets and pick up a prescription.  Today is the 13th.  Alway buy lotto tickets on 13th.

Today is International Left-Handers Day.  I texted several left handed engineers.

Quick lunch and then waited for Nancy to get home from lunch.  As soon as she arrived we headed to Costco.  Nancy purchased pinwheels sandwiches for tomorrow’s lunch.  She also wanted a veggie tray but found none that she liked.  Stopped at Meijer’s on way home so Nancy could purchase a veggie tray.

At home did a quick read of the online news before starting our paper edition of the GRP.  The only worthwhile thing In the GRP are the funnies and obits.  Local news is a disaster.

This afternoon took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk, 0.67 mi.

Nancy brought home a doggy bag from lunch.  No Ms P so I finished the items in the doggy bag at dinner.

We watched the NBC news, local and national.  Started watching PBS news but we have become very disappointed with this show.  They certainly don’t present a balanced viewpoint.  We both dislike Judy Woodruff.  

Headed to den to watch some Apple TV.  We had problems getting Prime Video to work on TV in den so switched to living room TV and had no problem.  We watched an episode of Unforgotten.

When Debbie called this evening we told her our problem with getting Prime on den TV.  She said something was probably stuck. She recommended unplugging.  Sounds like a plan.  During our talk with Debbie she said niece Alessandra will visit for a week starting on Saturday.  Nephew Lucas might also come.  Good news for everyone.

Missy also FaceTimed us this evening.  She said that AJ will spent some time with a friend at Bear Lake, Ca.  I had to get a map out to see where Bear Lake was located. 

All the Grandkids are traveling.  I think a change is good in these difficult times.

The temp had dropped to mid 70s when I check the yard at 2200.  Turned off AC before turning in.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wednesday August 12, 2020

 Wednesday August 12, 2020

Blog time 1230 sitting in office

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Set the alarm for 0615.  

Calisthenics at 50% and then drove to Panera to get a coffee and bagel.  Back at home breakfast with oatmeal, bagel and banana.

BC today was again on Zoom.  Today’ sound quality was not very good.

The speaker was CEO of Cherry Street Health, Tasha Blackmon. She explained the operation.  This is the largest health service in MI.  They provides Health services to folks of limited mean.  Good talk.

After BC I took a nine mile bike ride.  It was sunny with temps in high 70s.  Lot of bikers and walkers were out enjoying the day.

Shower and then spent some time on the iPad reading emails, etc.  I tried sitting out on the deck.  Picked a shady spot.  I need shade to see the screen.  It worked ok until my shady spot became sunny. 

Today my chores include; gathering up and taking out trash, doing a load of laundry.  Typical Wednesday chores.

Lunch at 1300 followed by a short nap.  At 1730 took a short walk.  It was hot, high 80s.  Low humidity so walking was pleasant.  

Our condo is very well insulated.  The temperature inside was in mid 70s all day.  No need for AC.  We enjoy sleeping with windows open.

Blast from past:

In the summer of 1960 I had a summer job with the Vermont Highway Department.  I did not know how I would get to Vermont because I had limited funds.  

The day before leaving a fraternity brother asked that I join him on at trip to a race track.  Because of limited funds I did not want to bet.  My friend grabbed two bucks from my wallet and placed a bet on the last race of the day.  The horse won.  The payout was $35.  With this money I took the train to Vermont.  The horse’s name was Will of Allah.  

It was a great job.  I was assigned to a traveling survey crew so we traveled all over the state.  The state paid for our motel which was a big saving for me.  I just paid for weekend lodging.

Vermont is a beautiful state.  I was 22 so a fellow survey crew member and I were able to enjoy the many pleasant Vermont pubs.  The big news in the summer of 60 was the Democratic Convention.  We would watch on the Pub’s TV.  As everyone knows JFK won.

In mid August I had to figure out how to get back to Ann Arbor.  I had one more semester before graduating.  A fellow crew member offered to sell me a 1950 Ford sedan.  I paid $35 for the car and it made it back to Ann Arbor with no problem.   I sold the car in the fall for what I paid for it.

Light dinner of Cheerios with blueberries and croissants.

Tonight after the news we watched two episodes of Partners in Crime on Acorn.  We finished the season.  Good show.

Very pleasant when I made a check outside at 2200.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 11, 2020

Tuesday August 11, 2020 

Blog time noon at Panera

The sun was not yet up when I got up at 0630.  I don’t like these shorter days.

Nancy headed out early on her morning walk.  Today she walked nearly 4 miles.  She also has a 1300 PT appointment.  This will be her last.

I headed downstairs and slowly completed my calisthenics.  I think I need to take a break.  As soon as the shelter in place is lifted we should take a week’s vacation.

Breakfast and then hopped on the bike and took the 10.5 mile ride.  No critters seen this morning.  Another perfect day for a ride.  Sunny and not too hot.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.  Panera was cold.  They had the AC cranked up.  Not a pleasant dining experience.  I did bring a sweat shirt which helped.

Does anyone watch professional sports?  I don’t.  It is a shame that the Big Ten cancelled their football season but probably it was the right move.

Blast from past:  about this date in 1955 I was looking forward to the upcoming HS football season.  The coaches wanted me to put on some weight, 150 pounds at least. I came up with an idea.  My Grandfather and Uncle raised beef cattle.  They had a huge barn where during cold weather the cattle would congregate.  About 2 feet of manure covered the floor.  I needed an exercise regime so volunteered to clean the barn.  I spent a week at the farm.  Every morning I would back the manure spreader into the barn and using a pitch fork would load the wagon.  The manure was very heavy.  When filled I would spread the manure over a vacant field.  I would make at least 15 loads a day.  Grandmother took her task to put some weight on me seriously. She prepared three huge tasty meals a day.  Every evening I would end the day with a four mile walk.

When practice started I weighted 155 pounds.  The additional weight must have helped because I played more minutes than anyone else on the team.

Today I have one chore to do.  This afternoon I plan on replacing the guts of the toilet bowl in the master bedroom.

Got home from Panera at 1245.  Before lunch I checked the problem toilet bowl’s workings.  With some effort I figured out how the thing worked.  Made a simple adjustment and problem solved.  I was proud of myself.

Lunch and then I pumped up the tires on my 50 year old single speed and biked to Macatawa Bank.  Withdrew money for Kim who cleans on Thursday this week.  Nancy has book club on Friday.

While at the bank checked to see if I have sufficient funds to pay for my implants.  I have a meeting with the Dentist on Friday.  Payment is due.  The actual surgery is on the 19th.

Biden’s Vice President selection became the big news story for the day.  I think Senator Harris was a good choice.  Of course I will not vote Democratic this fall.  I will probably vote Libertarian.  I have never voted for Trump.

This afternoon I took a short nap followed by a 3/4 mile walk.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed hot dogs with scalloped potatoes.

Tonight we watched “Partners in Crime” on Amazon.  It was very good.  After Nancy headed to bed I watched a Polish detective show on Netflix.  It was also good.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We reported everything ok.

Checked front yard and garage at 2200.  The temperature had dropped to mid 70s.  Turned off AC before turning in.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Monday August 10, 2020

 Monday August 10, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Both up at 0630.  Nancy has a 0900 Doctor’s appointment so no walk this morning.  

Morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Standard breakfast, microwaved oatmeal, 1/2 sandwich thin with peanut butter and a banana.  

My Grandparents Scott were not familiar with peanut butter until they had their visiting grandkids asking for it.  My Grandfather called it wagon grease.

Speaking of PB, while in Vietnam a Vietnamese employee, Herbie, and I were talking and I asked if he liked PB.  He had never heard of it so I went to the PX and bought a jar.  It was a big hit with his kids.  My contribution to the People to People program.

This morning I took my easy 10.5 mile bike route.  It was hot and humid.  

For the past several weeks I have been writing my blog on Google’s new blog format.  It took some getting use to but now I like it.

A lot of news lately on the Atomic bomb being dropped on two Japanese Cities in 1945.  I remember these events and my parents talking about the use of the bomb.

In July 1962 the USA made an above ground test of the powerful H bomb.  This bomb was much larger than the bombs used in 45.  The test was held on the Johnston Atoll.  The Atoll is near Midway Island.  I was stationed on Midway and remember the Island being loaded with tech folks with high tech monitoring equipment.  I think Midway was the closest land mass from the test site.

I remember walking to the beach about 2200.  Most of the Navy folks were there.  It was pitch black but when the explosion went off the sky brightened like it was midday.  I remember thinking I hope no one is dumb enough to set one of these off.

Sticking with 1962 events on Midway Island.

On Oct 3, 1962 a Mercury space capsule landed 440 miles NE of Midway.  It was picked up by the aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge.  The Kearsarge headed to Midway.  The capsule was offloaded to a small tug that was stationed on Midway.  Once it reached Midway, Ensign Scott and a group of Seabees were responsible for offloading the capsule to a flat bed truck and taking it to a cargo plane.  It was a big deal because of all the news coverage.

The space craft’s pilot was Wally Schirra.  The capsule orbited the earth 6 times.  I could not get over how small the capsule was.  It was covered with a layer of soot from retry.

On Oct 16, 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis started.  I was scheduled to be given a new assignment.  I really wanted to get off Midway.  The Officer charged with getting me a new duty station said because of the Cuban Missile Crisis everyone was frozen at their current duty station.  Later that day I was notified of an immediate opening with the Deputy Officer in Charge of Construction Southeast Asia.  I wired back, get my ass to SE Asia.  When my orders arrived I headed to the library to find out where Saigon, Vietnam was!

And that folks were the highlights of my 1 year, two weeks, three days and 13 hours on Midway Island, Navy #3080.

Left Panera at 1230 for home.  Before lunch I took a 3/4 mile walk.  I wanted to get my walk in before the afternoon rain.

After lunch spent an hour in office finishing my daily news reading.  After I took  a short nap.

Nancy heard on the news that a storm with high winds is headed to GR.  We removed the umbrella from our deck table.  Also moved the table to a safe place.

We had our normal light Monday dinner.  Cheerios with blueberries and croissants.

About 2000 a big thunder storm with high winds rolled through.  After the storm I checked outside to see if we had any wind damage.  We lucked out.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Midsomer is our default show when we cannot agree what to watch.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  Not much to report other than we are still sheltering in place.  


Monday, August 10, 2020

Sunday August 9, 2020

Sunday August 9, 2020

Sunny this morning with temps later today reaching the high 80s. Nancy headed out on her morning 3 mile walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get a coffee and bagel for myself and a hazelnut coffee for Nancy.

At home I fixed a bowl of oatmeal, toasted my bagel, ate a banana and enjoyed my coffee while reading the GRP.  At 0915 we turned to YouTube on my iPad and watched the 22nd streaming service from Trinity Lutheran.  Nancy and I both miss attending a real church service.

After church I finished reading the GRP.  At 1100 took a relaxing 7 mile bike ride.

This and that:

I was thinking while riding that during my summers on the farm my Grandfather and I would shoot a chicken for our Sunday meal.

I got the first shot and if I missed Grandfather got the second.  If after several tries we still did not have a chicken Grandfather would get his shotgun and end it for the frightened bird.

My Grandmother would clean the bird and we would have fried chicken with mashed potatoes for our big meal.  We ate a lot of mashed potatoes on the farm.  Great memories.

We watch Our Church services on YouTube.  After the service I watch a clip of Scottish Military Bagpipe bands.  Love bagpipe music.  In fact I told Nancy at my funeral I want her to hire a bagpiper to play Amazing Grace.

During high school a popular dance was called the “Herr Schmidt”.  I used YouTube’s search function and sure enough found several renditions of Herr Schmidt.  The magic of the internet.

During the school year on many Sundays the five of us would attend a late afternoon movie.  After the movie we would go to Jim and Ann’s for burgers.  Life was great in the 50s.

Lunch and then took a short nap.  Spent some time reading the news before finishing the afternoon with a short walk.  Tough walk because the temperature was in high 80s with humidity near 90%.  I think we call this condition “muggy”.

For dinner tonight we cleaned out the refrigerator.  Asian Chicken salad with blueberries and a croissant.

We watched the local news before switching to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Ozark.  Not very good.

Debbie called after Nancy had gone to bed.  She was late because she spent several hours on her porch talking with a neighbor.  Good to see Debbie socializing.

It was still hot and muggy when I checked outside at 2200.  Turned the AC off before turning in.  At midnight I turned the AC back on.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Saturday August 8, 2020

Saturday August 8, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Looked out the window and nothing but bright sun and a cloudless sky.  Temp was in low 60s.

 This morning we walked to Panera.  Sat outside and drank our coffee.  I also had oatmeal and a bagel.  We had time to plan our day and next week’s activities.

At home I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Nancy started the laundry.  Does this seem fair, Nancy works and I take a bike ride?

A lot of couples were walking and riding bikes this morning.  I did see a flock of wild turkeys.

As soon as I got home I shaved, head and face, before my shower.  Dressed and then Nancy and I took a drive.

Nancy has a Doctor’s appointment early Monday morning.  She was unfamiliar with the office location so we made a dry run.  

Today is my sister’s, Helen, birthday.  We gave her a call.  Did you know Nancy and Helen were roommates in college?

Lunch and then headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog, checked email and read the news.  Really not much new in the news, 

Coronavirus is not getting better

No one has figured out how to start school

Except for the explosion in Beirut thing seem quiet in World News.

Have we entered the “Dog Days of August”?  I just Googled this phrase and found “lethargy and indolence tend to reign due to the heat”.  It has been hot all over the world this summer especially the Arctic.  Read that the temperature yesterday in Baghdad was 106.  Now that is hot.

I took a short nap this afternoon followed by a 2/3 mile walk.  This evening for dinner we drove to Cascade Roadhouse.  We sat outside and had drinks and a nice meal.  Very pleasant.

At home we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called “Erased”.  Nancy gave it a C and I rated it B.  Kind of a Guy film.

Speaking of movies:  the Coronavirus has killed movie theaters.  Some experts say theaters will never return even after a vaccine is found.  I tend to disagree.  Movies are still an inexpensive date.  In my dating days a movie followed by a burger was a great evening.  Also a great place to take the kids on a rainy afternoon.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.  

Very pleasant when I checked outside at 2200.  I did note that after 6 months of calls our street light is finally fixed.  

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Friday August 7, 2020

 Friday August 7 ,2020

Blog time 1915 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Today I have a 0900 Doctors appointment.

Nancy headed out on her 3.5 mile walk.  Later this afternoon she took a 1.5 mile walk.  Wow 5 miles.  Way to go Nancy.

This morning I did the calisthenics at 75%.  Took a shower before breakfast.  Shower #1

Today I have an appointment with an Ocular Neurologist, Dr Santos.  Dr Santos is monitoring my Myasthenia Gravis.  I gave him my recent history.  The MG acts up in the winter but in summer it is very mild.  Took 8 pills per day in winter and now I take 3 pills.  He said great and scheduled an appointment for later this year.

At 1130 took a 9.5 mile bike ride.  Another great day for a ride.

Shower #2 and then Lunch.  After lunch started errands.  

First stop was car wash.

Next stop was Ada Bike.  Purchased parts for my bike rack. 

Bought gas at Meijer’s.  Can’t recall gas price.

Final stop was Costco.  Bought three bottle of red wine.

This afternoon Nancy and Mary Namey had lunch at Cork.  Nancy said they both had a great meal.

Found time this afternoon to take a nap.  No apple snack today and I probably will not eat an apple until I get my new upper plate.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Asian Chicken Salad.  It was very good.  We also had Croissants and fresh fruit, pineapple and blueberries.  Very good.

I took a short walk after dinner.  I enjoy a short evening walk.  However, with the days getting shorter I only have about 2 more months to enjoy an evening walk in bright sun.

The only news I watched tonight was the Brooks and Shields debate on PBS.  David Brooks always has sage advice.

Tonight we watched Vexed, episode 1 of season 2, on Netflix.  Great show for a Friday night.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything was up to snuff in CA and MI.

Very pleasant when I made my outside check at 2200.  


Friday, August 7, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

We both got up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  Later she will go to Trader Joe’s for supplies.

Calisthenics and breakfast before heading out on my 10.5 mile morning bike ride.  Great day for a bike ride, sunny with temps in 60s.  The critters must be in hiding because I did not see any.

At home showered, dressed and then biked to Panera.  Slowly more folks are sitting inside at Panera.

I checked my email and finished yesterday’s blog.  Read the headlines on the iPads news app.  Started the WSJ before heading home.

Got home at 1230 and immediately had a quick lunch.  This afternoon I have a 1400 Dentist appointment.  

The Dentist checked out my sore jaw and the teeth that are to be removed on the 19th.  Everything seems normal so the surgery will go ahead.  Spent about an hour in the chair.  Left the Dentist reassured that I made the right decision to have implants vs a standard denture.

1600 Nancy and I took a mile walk.  I was glad I could keep up with Nancy.

 At 1700 we drove to Brann’s restaurant.  We sat outside enjoyed our drinks before ordering dinner.  I had a bowl of chili and Nancy had a chicken sandwich.  Of course I ate half her sandwich.  Sitting outside on a Summer’s evening is a real pleasure.

While at the restaurant Nancy heard the folks at the next table talking about Gaylord.  Nancy asked in they knew my sister Helen.  They did.  Small world.

Tonight we watched an episode of Unforgotten on Prime.  It was good.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok. 

It was nice and cool when made my 2200 check of the garage front yard.