Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday July 30, 2020

Thursday July 30, 2020

Both up at 0615.  It was still dark. The days are getting shorter.  We have lost a hour of daylight since June.  Bummer.

Followed our normal morning routine.  Nancy started her 3 mile walk and I did my calisthenics before breakfast.

Today on my 10 mile bike ride I ran into a lot of construction.  I had to leave the safe bike path and pedal in traffic.  Tomorrow I will change my route.

Temperature was in high 60s with sunny skies.  Perfect for a bike ride.  A lot of bikers and walkers on the trail but saw no critters.

This and that;

I am on day 2 of the new Google blog format.  It seems user friendly.

 Just received a News flash saying POTUS wants to postpone November election.  Dumb,  I hope this never happens.

The Coronavirus sure has created problems for local school systems.  Many Michigan schools are having meetings with parents to explain the options;  Total on-line, Attend School part time or full time school.  I think a hybrid will prevail. Not an easy problem to solve.

School systems are also figuring out fall sports schedules. Tennis, cross country and golf probably will start on time.  Football and soccer will probably delay their start.  Inside sports like swimming and volleyball might have their season cancelled.

Just as soon as a Country or State think they have the Coronavirus under control some clowns have a huge party with plenty of alcohol and no masks.  The Coronavirus rears it’s ugly head again.  Alcohol causes folks to become careless.

President Trump should take PR lessons from the UK’s Boris Johnson.

As soon as I got home I shaved and showered.  Dressed and biked to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to finish yesterday’s blog and read today’s news.  Panera was empty.

Spent two hours at Panera.  Most of my time is spent on the blog.  I must find a way to not be so wordy.

Got home at 1230 and immediately grabbed two bags of empty bottles.  We drove to Walmart.  I returned the bottles and Nancy did some shopping.   First time we had returned bottles to Walmart in five months.  Returned 62 bottles.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  After the nap I took a walk around the ponds in our backyard.  Only critters I saw were geese.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two hot dogs.  Also had salad and pineapple.

Tonight we watched Absentia followed by another episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  

Very pleasant when I made my final inspection of our front yard.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We gave them a positive report.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wednesday July 29, 2020

Wednesday July 29, 2020

Blog time 1750 sitting in office

Up at 0615, today is Breakfast Club Wednesday

First thing I did was to do my calisthenics at 50%.  Then ran to Panera to buy coffee and a bagel.

Breakfast of oatmeal, bagel, banana and of course coffee. 

Nancy headed out early on her morning walk.

The speaker today was a Native American journalist who publishes an online Native American newspaper.  The newspaper has nation wide readership.  The speaker lives in Grand Rapids.  Good program.  27 folks in attendance.  Looks like we will continue to have our meetings on Zoom.

After the meeting I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  Sunny with temps in low 70s.  

Showered and then ran errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who will clean on Friday.

Dropped off our ballots at Township office.  

Lunch and headed downstairs to do my morning reading and finish yesterday’s blog.  Speaking of blogs today Goggle changed their blog format.  It will take some time adjusting to the new format.

Normally I write the blog on Apple’s Pages and cut and paste to the blog.  Today’s blog is being written using the Google built in word processor.  Jury is still out.

This afternoon I have a 1530 Dentist appointment.  Arrived early sat in car, called the Dentist.  A nurse came out and took my temperature and asked questions.  

When I finally got in the chair.  They took a lot X-rays and created a 3D image of my jaw.  They will use the 3D image to create my new upper set of teeth.  

I pointed out to Dr Lambert’s that I have pain when chewing.  He took x-rays and could find nothing wrong.  Will recheck next week.

For dinner tonight we had Cheerios, croissant and watermelon. 

Tonight we watched news on NBC and PBS.  At 1930 we switched to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I finished reading the WSJ.

It was nice and cool when I made my 2200 inspection of the garage and front yard.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  Everything ok in GR. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Tuesday July 28, 2020

Tuesday July 28, 2020

Blog time 1135 at Panera

We were both up at 0630.  Nancy made a quick trip to Walmart.

I did my calisthenics downstairs. Fixing breakfast when Nancy got home from Walmart.  She immediately started out on her 3 mile morning walk.

Busy morning for Nancy in addition to her walk she has a PT session.  This afternoon we are making a trip to Costco.

Uneventful morning ride.  A great day for a ride.  Sunny with temp in low 70s.  Saw no critters this morning.

This and that:

Our President is being very petty when he refuses to attend the showing of Rep John Lewis.  A basic Christian principle is forgiveness.  Come on POTUS show some class.

Where are all the snakes?  I have not seen one this summer.

Some good news:  a nuclear fusion reactor is being assembled in France.  If it works the world will have carbon free energy.  Gene Therapy has worked on young folks with muscular dystrophy.

On this date in 1938 Great Grandfather Sanborn had a busy day.  He noted they had 1.5” of rain overnight.  In morning worked in garden and picked radishes for church.  Great Grandmother attended her Friendly Circle Club at Mrs Yakes in afternoon.  GGF worked at Ossineke Post Office in afternoon.  Evening dinner at church.  GGF was the same age as yours truly, 82.

School systems are working overtime trying to put together a school program with no much direction.

Got home from Panera at 1230.  Quick lunch before heading to Costco.  Nancy has to pick up a prescription and we also bought Cheerios, naan bread, lasagna for dinner and a bottle of wine.  Costco was not crowded.

Took a walk around the backyard ponds as soon as got home from Costco followed by nap.

For dinner we had the lasagna bought a Costco.  Short walk after dinner.

Tonight we watched an episode of The Amazing Mrs Maisel.   Not very good.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Ozark.

Very muggy when I made my 2200 yard inspection.  Rain expected later tonight.  Turned off AC before heading to bed.

Debbie and Missy contacted us today.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Monday July 27, 2020

Monday July 27, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Turned our AC off at 0200 and opened slider to get some fresh air.  Bad idea! very humid air rushed in making sleeping uncomfortable.

First thing we did this morning was to check our weather app.  The app said no rain today.  Big surprise because last night it said we faced a morning of rain. 

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  After calisthenics I had my oatmeal breakfast.  Took my morning bike ride of 10 miles.  Quick shower before heading to Panera for my morning coffee and bagel.  

This and that:

We are over run with bunnies.  Where are the coyotes and foxes to cull the herd.  Can you have a herd of bunnies?  I would think bunnies would be tasty for a fox.

Are we suffering from a Coronavirus news overload.  I sure am.  All the hysterical news readers should take a break.

I am already tired of Election politics.

It has been five months since we became a one car family.  No problems but when the gyms reopen and the weather gets cooler I will have to buy a car.  

I might have a problem buying a used car at the price I want to pay.  The news has had several stories on the shortage of used cars.

Nancy misses her swims at MVP.  I love swimming in open water but it has been at least two years since my last open water swim.

When working on my Grandparents farm on some warm evenings I would walk the half mile to the South Branch of the Thunder Bay River.   The water was about waist high but it was very refreshing.  Great memories!

Whoever wins the Presidential election I hope it is by a large margin so no disputes.

Arrived home from Panera at 1230.  Got in the car and drove to Meijer’s.  Bought yogurt, bananas, chocolate 92% bars and wine.

Lunch and then spent time cleaning my desk.  Paid some bills.  

Nap followed by a short walk.  For dinner we had our Monday standard, Cheerios with fruit.

Lately we watch NBC news, local and national and 30 minutes of PBS news.  Jeopardy is nothing but rerun so we switch to Netflix.

We are now able to watch two shows on our Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Call the MidWifes followed by Ozark.  I am hooked on Ozark but Nancy is luke warm.

Still humid when I did my 2200 check outside.  Left the AC on.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive report.  During July it has been warmer in GR than either LA of San Jose.  

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Friday July 24, 2020

Friday July 24, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera.

Slept in until almost 0700 this morning.  Nancy was already heading out for her morning walk.

Calisthenics and then breakfast before my 10 mile bike ride.  Another great day for a ride.  

Noted vehicular traffic was light.  Are folks who go to an office now working 4 day weeks?

Saw no critters today but last night I saw the two spotted fawns grazing in our back yard.  Did not see the mother.  Assumed she was in the woods.  I sure hope so.

When I arrived home the tree cutters were rigging the big pine tree in our side yard prior to cutting down.  I sure hope they have it figured out because the tree is leaning heavily towards our garage.

Showered, dressed and was heading to Panera when Nancy reported the tree was down.  The tree fell right where the riggers said.

This and that:

I am reevaluating my blog.  I spend too much time writing.  

I use the Arial font for the blog.  Font size is 18.

Yesterday I forgot to take my two noon time pills.  I noticed no ill effects.  Today I will eliminate a pill.  I now take 5 a day vs 8 in winter.

Baseball season started last night.  Who cares?

Panera’s noon time crowd today is like the pre-Coronavirus crowd.  Good sign.

Got home from Panera at 1245.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens.  

We took a walking tour of the Gardens.  Despite the Pandemic the Gardens looked well maintained.  The flowers were very colorful and the walk through the Japanese Garden was especially enjoyable.  We spent about 90 minutes walking around.

I did find time to take a short nap.  For dinner tonight we headed to Sundance.  Arrived at 1730 and the place was empty.  We sat outside and enjoyed our drinks before ordering.  Nancy had a club sandwich and I had a hamburger.  The food was good.

Got home in time to watch the National news and the Brooks and Shield segment on the PBS newshour.

Tonight we watched a Prime movie about a women freelance agent working with CIA.  Not very good.

It was still warm when I made my yard check at 2200.  Tomorrow is suppose to have index near 100.  Very uncomfortable.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Thursday July 23, 2020

Thursday July 23, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I head downstairs for calisthenics.  Breakfast and then headed out on my morning 10 mile ride.  Another great day for a bike ride.  Not too hot with little wind.  Perfect.

Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.  Read the Alpena News, checked email and finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that;

After her walk Nancy’s has a 0930 PT session.

The Condo association is removing a big pine tree in our side yard.  It is tilting towards our garage and we fear a big wind would topple the tree on the garage.

This afternoon we have Fish Window Washing doing our windows.  Arrival time between noon and 1400.

Got home from Panera at 1200.  

Window washers arrive at 1230.  We were glad they wore masks and observed other Coronavirus precautions.  They cleaned all the windows inside and out.  Also cleaned screens.  It took about 90 minutes.  Good job.
Late lunch and then a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

Some economists say they underestimated the impact the Coronavirus has on the economy.  Bad news which was reflected in today’s stock market.

The EU might be getting its act together.  They all agreed on a Coronavirus relief package.

I don’t see how our President can get re-elected.  He continues to mishandle the virus and has shown little leadership.  Name calling never wins.  My Company’s model was “kill them with kindness”.  Of course you have to do that if you are at the bottom of the food chain.

For dinner we finished Costco’s pin wheel sandwiches.  It was a nice summer’s evening so we drove to Freddy’s for a frozen custard.  Sat in the parking lot and ate it.  Hit the spot.

Our Freddy’s trip reminded me of my youth on Grandparent’s farm.  On some warm summer evenings I would go with Grandpa to Dillinger’s a local Grocery about a mile from the farm.  My Grandfather would buy some small grocery item.  The main reason for his trip was to talk Tiger baseball with Ed Dillinger the store’s owner.  Grandfather usually would buy me a Chocolate Drumstick.

This evening we watched the final episode of the Agatha Christie mystery on Prime.  I liked it. Strange ending.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok in MI and CA.

Made my final check outside at 2200.  Still warm.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wednesday July 22, 2020

Wednesday July 22, 2020

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  We both got up at 0630.  It is suppose to rain this morning so Nancy decided no walk.  She headed out to Fresh Thyme at 0730.

I did my calisthenics at 50% this morning.  Standard Breakfast this morning.  Checked the weather and intermittently showers predicted.  

I decided to bike to Panera.  Put on my rain coat and headed out.  I encountered light rain just before I got to Panera.  Glad I wore a rain coat.

This and that:

1,000 deaths per day from Coronavirus is serious.

USA closed China’s Consulate in Houston over intellectual theft.  Expect reciprocal action by China.

Pfizer’s vaccine is looking good.  Also vaccines being developed in UK and Germany are on fast track.

Photos of Lavender fields in UK are spectacular.  I do not think I have seen a lavender field in MI.

Skunks have invaded our neighborhood.  The Pest Control folks trapped one in our side yard.  Still a lot more roaming free.

Why are the demonstrators in Portland so virulent.  Night after night of demonstrations.  Many questions; are groups getting paid by outside organizations,  why does the City Administration just stand by?  Why are the Feds wearing camouflage uniforms.  They are not military.  Why are Feds even there this is a local matter.

Got home from Panera at 1130.  Changed into bike clothes and took an eight mile ride.

Showered and had a late lunch.

Rest of afternoon activities;

Gathered trash and recyclables
Apple snack
Mile walk.  27’ pace.
Nancy and I drove to D&W to get coleslaw, bananas and stamps.

Dinner tonight like last night was Costco’s pin wheel sandwiches.  Had mine with coleslaw and blueberries.

Watched the news tonight (NBC, PBS) before switching to Prime.  We watched episode 2 of the Agatha Christie Crime Show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. 

Pleasant 72 degrees when I made my 2200 check of the garage and front yard.  Turned off AC before turning in.  Great weather continues at least through tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tuesday July 21, 2020

Tuesday July 21, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera:

Boy did I sleep in, did not get up until 0700.  Nancy had already left on her morning walk.  This afternoon she has an appointment with a hand Doctor.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then headed out on 10 mile bike ride.  If Racoons are so agile and smart how come they are #1 road kill animals.

Every morning I ride through Gatehouse Condos.  It used to be a rough ride.  Last week they paved the roads so now it is a breeze.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.    

 This and that:

Trader Joe’s started as CA firm.  I did not know this.  I always thought they were a German company.  Apparently Aldi’s bought them in 1979.  Trader Joe’s is in the news because they have some product’s called Trader “Jose” and Trader “Ming’s”.  Some folks were offended so TJ’s changed the names.  Too much?

President Trump is giving the Democrat leaders in Oregon a gift by sending in US Law Enforcement.  Policing is a local responsibility.  If the rioters destroy and burn property President Trump will get blamed.  

I am surprised there isn’t a movement to create a third party.  A responsible moderate voice is needed to replace the clowns we now have.

Folks talk about electric cars being the car of the future.  I think a hydrogen powered car is superior.  

Why is wearing a mask an affront to an individual’s personal liberties?  A mask is for the common welfare of all folks.  A mask is the best and easiest way to control the Coronavirus.

Where are the President’s advisers?  He is self destructing.

Why not just cancel the hockey, baseball and football seasons?

Chinese hackers are insidious.  Why can’t we put an end to this invasion.  Surely we have some resources to counter these attacks.

I got home from Panera at 1240.  Nancy had already left for her Doctor’s appointment.  Quick lunch and then spent time in office reading.

Nancy’s Doctor confirmed the she has a condition called Dupuytren’s Contraction in her right hand.  I had this condition in both hands.  Surgery was required.  I was told that Dupuytren’s only happened in men of Northern European ancestry.  I guess they were wrong.

Stopped this afternoon at the Cascade Twp office to tell them of the street light in front of our condo being burned out for months.  After I made a quick run to Costco to get eye drops, fiber, listerine, mini naan, Aveeno and for dinner bought pin wheel sandwiches.  Costco was empty.

No nap today.  I had an apple snack before going on a mile walk.  My time for the mile was 25:49.  Good grief I use to walk 18’ miles.

For dinner we had the pin wheel sandwiches.  I also had coleslaw and croissants.

Watched the news, NBC and PBS.  Jeopardy was reruns so we watched an Agatha Christie TV series on Prime.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of the Polish Mystery on Netflix.  I slept through the entire show.

It was muggy and 72 when I made my 2200 check of our garage and yard.

Missy sent an early morning video of her walk on the beach at Santa Monica.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening to ask of our health.  Enjoy the contact with the girls.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Monday July 20, 2020

Monday July 20, 2020

Blog time 1210 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy heads out on her walk.  I do my calisthenics and then breakfast.  Nancy gets back from her walk before I left on my bike ride.  She headed to Panera to get a coffee.

Today was a perfect day for a 10 mile bike ride.  Noted several gold finches and a big hawk.  The wild turkeys were out in force this morning.  

Speaking of critters the other day I saw a doe with her two spotted fawns in our backyard.  Nancy noted this morning that the skunk cage that critter control folks had set out was gone.  Assume they caught a skunk.

At home I showered and headed to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to read the news.  The news is still dominated by the Coronavirus and which political party should be blamed.  The shouting and acidic verbal attacks should turn most Americans off.

Did not get home until 1245.  Quick lunch followed by Nancy and I running some errands.  

First stop was the Vets.  We picked up Petunia’s ashes.  Next we drove to 245 Cherry.  Nancy has a Doctor’s appointment there tomorrow.  She wanted to know the best route and time to drive.

I made a special place for Petunia’s ashes near our lower level fireplace.  I put up along side the ashes her favorite toy, Clifford the dog, and her favorite ball.  Sent photos to Missy and Debbie.  They both replied their approval.

Rest of afternoon activities:

Apple snack
Walk in our backyard to inspect the ponds. Everything was ok.

For dinner we had our standard light dinner of Cheerios with blueberries.  Also had a croissant.

Checked some financials this evening.  I got very frustrated checking CU accounts. Because I had not visited the sites in over 6 months I had to change passwords.  I flipped out and was not very nice to Nancy.  Sorry Nancy.

Debbie FaceTimed the evening.  We reported Bob and Nancy were ok, health wise.

We watched an episode of Grantchester.  The old star Sidney has departed.  We did not like the new format.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched a Polish crime show on Netflix.  It was pleasant when I checked outside at 2200.  


Monday, July 20, 2020

Sunday July 19, 2020

Sunday July 19, 2020

Blog time 1130 on Monday at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy dressed for her morning walk.  I drove to Meijer’s to get a banana for breakfast.  Then stopped at  Panera to get coffee for us to enjoy with breakfast.

Oatmeal breakfast with bagel and my recently purchased banana.  I am hooked on the instant oatmeal called Better Oats.  

Read some of the GRP before getting my iPad and turning on YouTube to watch this morning’s Trinity Lutheran church service.  Today was the 19th time Trinity’s service was virtual.  I still miss driving to church and seeing our fellow church members.  Being in the company of real people still trumps any virtual setting.

Looked out the window after church and saw that it had started raining.  I delayed my bike ride.

Steve called this morning.  I talked to him using my iWatch.  Dick Tracy also had a phone in his watch in the 50s.  Of course everyone remembers Dick Tracy.

Finished reading the GRP.  Today we learned that the GRP is closing its GR printing center and our paper is now being printed in Ohio.  The GRP is owned by an Ohio company that also owns papers in Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Ann Arbor and Flint and of course these papers are also being printed in Ohio.  Coverage of local news and sports has been sparse lately and will probably continue to get worse.  It is a shame that a community of 600,000 folks can not have a local paper.

The rain stopped about 1500 so I got on my bike and took an eight mile ride.  Judging from the size of the mud puddles we got a lot of rain today.

Short nap and an apple snack before dinner.  Tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  After the dishes I took a short walk.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Stepped outside at 2200 and it was still very humid.  

Talked to my sister, Helen, this afternoon.  After hanging up I got a message from Helen saying that daughter Jennifer’s husband, Sean Finnegan was taken to ER in Gaylord.  Sean has a blockage near his brain.  Helen later told me that Sean was sent to Munson Hospital in Traverse City.  God Bless Sean and Jennifer.  

Saturday July 18, 2020

Saturday July 2020

Blog time 1515 sitting in living room.

Up at our new normal 0630.  Today we walked to Panera for breakfast.  It was partially cloudy but muggy.  Heat index near 100.

At Panera we sat outside.  Nancy had her hazelnut coffee and I had a bowl of oatmeal with toasted bagel and coffee.  Very pleasant sitting outside.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN PATTON SCOTT.  Today is son Steve’s birthday.  I still remember this day in 1973 well.

We could tell on our walk home that today would be hot and humid.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on an 11 mile bike ride.  For most of the ride I biked into a gentle breeze.  It kept me refreshed.

As soon as I got home I shaved, head and face, before showering.  Spent some time writing blog and reading.

After lunch I got the car washed and filled up.  Tonight we are having dinner at Red’s at Thousand Oaks Golf Course.

Good job’s for teenage boy’s in my youth.

Pumping gas.  In my youth your car was filled by a gas station employee, usually a young man.  These jobs were desired because when things got slow the boss let you put your junker car on the hydraulic lift.  Guys loved tinkering with their junkers.

Being a pin setter in a bowling alley. Before automatic pin setters bowling pins were racked by hand.  A few of my friends like working the late men’s league because the bowlers after many beers were good tippers.

Dinner reservations were for 1700 so we left home at 1630.  Red’s was not busy.  We sat outside with a great view of the golf course.   Our table was under an awning which was good because a short summer shower rolled through.  

We ordered drinks and relaxed before ordering.  I had the fried perch and Nancy had a chicken wrap.  Very good.

For dessert we stopped at Culver’s.  We both ordered a frozen custard.  Hit the spot.

At home we started watching a movie on Prime.  It was terrible so we watched an episode of Hanna.  

Missy sent us a video of her early morning walk on the beach.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday July 17, 2020

Friday July 17, 2020

Both up at 0630.  Foggy but looks like it will be a nice sunny day.  High temp 86.

Nancy got dressed for her morning walk.  Today I have a 1040 Dentist appointment.  I did reduced calisthenics before showering.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy arrived home as I was finishing breakfast.  She had walked 3.5 miles.  Way to go Nancy!

Drove to Panera, had my coffee, finished yesterday’s blog and checked email.  It is now 0930 and will grab a coffee for Nancy.  I will drop off the coffee at home, brush teeth and head to dentist.  Today I am having a tooth removed and must make a decision if I want a denture or implants.  I am a little apprehensive.

I arrived at the Oral Surgeons at 1030.  A nurse came out to the car,  make me fill out another stupid form, and took my temperature.  She said to wait in car and when the Doctor is ready a nurse will come out and get me.

First thing an X-ray was taken of my jaw.  The Doctor said the X-ray indicated that several teeth in my upper jaw had to be removed.  The removal would mean my partial plate would have no teeth to attach to.

I was given two options
  1. A standard removable denture.  The upside is cost.  A denture is much cheaper.  The downside is that the denture must be removed for sleeping and cleaning.  A glue must be used to keep the denture from moving.  The geometry of the denture would cover my upper palate.  
  2. Dental implants.  This option consists of implanting several small screws in my jaw.  A fixed set of teeth would be attached to the screws.  The upside is that the teeth are permanent and my palate would be obstruction free.  The downside is that this option is very expensive.

I asked the Doctor if my jaw was strong and wide enough to handle implants.  He said yes.

I selected having implants.  The main reason was my MG sometimes causes me to have trouble swallowing.  My mouth muscles weaken.  The denture covering my upper palate could be a problem.

The operation will take place on August 19.  It will take between 4 and 6 hours.  I will walk out with a full set of teeth in my upper jaw.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  Nancy and I got in the Escape and ran some errands.  First stop was Tanger’s Outlet so Nancy could return a recent purchase to Talbots.  Final stop was D&W to buy coleslaw for dinner.

Kim was just finishing when we got home.  Quick lunch and then I headed out on a 7 mile bike ride.

Shower, followed by a short nap.  Just before dinner I took a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner we had the great American classic Hot Dogs.  I had mine with mustard and onion.  We also had the coleslaw we purchased earlier.

Tonight we watched the news and Jeopardy. Switched to Apple TV and watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watch a crime show set in Berlin in the 30s.  

It was 74 and muggy when I went out at 2200.  Turned off the AC before turning in.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Thursday July 16, 2020

Thursday July 16, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

0630 is our new standard awakening time.  Nancy starts dressing for her morning walk.  She also has a PT session at 1100.

I start with calisthenics and then an oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy got home before I left for my 10 mile bike ride.  Nancy said it was misting.  I grabbed a rain jacket and headed out.  Light mist during my entire ride.  However it was near 70 so no discomfort.

Shaved and showered before biking to Panera.  Today I bought a croissant with my coffee.  It was very good.  I think I will substitute my daily bagel with a croissant.

Things that make me mad:

I get mad at environmental group trying to stop all pipelines and other infrastructure projects.  Their lawsuits delay projects by years.  

I get mad at folks not wearing a mask.  

Grandstanding Politicians make me mad.  Both parties are guilty.

I get mad at folks honking their car horns.  I never use my horn.

I get mad at the USA’s inability to stop foreign government hacking.  Are we that incompetent?

Got home from Panera at 1300.  Running at little late today.  Lunch and then headed downstairs.

Afternoon activities;

Updated software on iWatch, iPad, iPhone and laptop.

Cleaned out my in box.

Ordered a shirt from LL Bean using birthday gift cards.

Checked all my financials and paid bills.

I have about 10 backpacks.  Found the backpack that is great for everyday use.

Move items out of office so Kim will have an easier time cleaning.

For dinner we headed to Sundance.  I had a beer and burger.  Nancy had a margarita and eggs rolls.  We sat outside.  Very pleasant dining experience.

Watched the news, Coronavirus dominated and then Jeopardy.  Tonight we watched Wycliffe on what we thought was Prime but the show had commercials.  The show was on IHM or something like that.  We don’t pay for this service and why is it showing up on Prime?

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.

Temperature was in high 70s when make my front yard check at 2200.  Noticed that the skunk catcher in the yard was empty.  Turned off AC.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wednesday July 15, 2020

Wednesday July 15, 2020

Blog time 1445 sitting in office

We both were up at 0630.  Nancy dressed for her morning walk.  I have Breakfast Club this morning so after some light exercises I head to Panera to get a coffee and bagel to take home.

Fixed oatmeal and toasted the bagel.  Quick breakfast.

BC starts at 0740 and I signed in on Zoom at exactly 0740.  We had about 20 member in attendance.

Today’s speaker was the Kent County Sheriff, Michelle LaJoye-Young.  She gave an excellent presentation.  Kent County seems to have a handle on all the issues confronting law enforcement.  

Sheriff LaJoye-Young is up for re-election this year.  Today’s talk convinced me to vote for her.

After BC I took an 8.65 mile bike ride.  After the ride I showered and dressed before Nancy and I headed to Tanger’s Outlet Mall. 

We spent an hour shopping.  Nancy bought several items at Talbots.  I purchased nothing.  Was sad to see the Brooks Brothers store was closed.  

At home I did a load of laundry.  Took out the trash and had lunch.  Just got a call from Meijer’s that my prescription is ready.

Picked up prescription at Meijer’s.  The cost for my pills actually went down.

Thing we did not have in my youth:

Clothes dryer.  My Mother hung wet clothes on a line.

Air conditioning.

Automatic transmission in cars, turn signals or power steering.

Ballpoint pens.

FM radios or television.

Anything electronic like cell phones or calculators.

No microwaves.

Garage door opener.

Home freezer.

No fresh fruits or vegetables in wintertime.  My mother and grandmother canned these items.
Huawei the Chinese based maker of 5G equipment is under attack by some Western Intelligence agencies because of the possibly of China getting it hands on sensitive documents.  The UK recently banned Huawei equipment for their 5G network.  Of course our President said he alone got the UK to ban Huawei.  Such modesty!

I took a nap before dinner.  We had a light dinner, Cheerios with a muffin.  After doing the dishes I took a short walk.

Granddaughter Alessandra tried to FaceTime Nancy tonight.  After some checking found out Alessandra had the wrong phone number.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We said that Bob and Nancy are ok.   However, because both are so busy and CA has become “ground Zero for new Coronavirus cases we hope they are extra vigilant.

It was muggy and 77 when I made a check outside at 2200.  Rain tonight and maybe tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tuesday July 14, 2020

Tuesday July 14, 2020

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Both up at 0630.  The sun was streaming through the slider.  Another nice summer day ahead.

Nancy headed out to Meijer’s.  She wants to be there by 0700 so she can take part in Senior’s shopping hours.  After Meijer’s she will stop by Aldi’s.

I did my calisthenics followed by breakfast.  The temperature was in the 50s when I headed out on my 10 mile bike ride.  Perfect weather for a bike ride.

Judging by the increase in vehicular traffic I think more folks are back to work.  Passed several fitness clubs and noted they were all having outside classes.  

At home Nancy said the house was full of skunk odor.  We checked around and could find no evidence of a skunk in the house.  I think the odor was from a skunk spray I applied Sunday.  The salesman at ACE said the spray’s odor was worse than any skunk.  He was probably right.  

Nancy did call the Condo’s management firm about skunks in the area.  They have a pest control firm under contract and will send them to investigate.

Shaved and showered before heading to Panera.  Panera had their AC unit cranked up.  Several folks complained.

1200 I left Panera and pedaled to Macatawa Bank.  I had a CD due and wanted to cash it.  Will need the cash for new teeth and a car.  

Nancy was still at PT when I got home.  She has two sessions this week.  The jury is still out on whether the PT is helping.

This afternoon:

Took a nap.
Fixed apple snack.
Read the WSJ.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and onions in the crock pot.  It was very good.

After the dishes I took a short walk.  Tonight we watched an episode of Hanna.  I like the show.  Nancy not so sure.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched a French crime show on Netflix.

It was warm and muggy when I stuck my head out at 2200.  Turned the AC off before turning in.

We talked with Debbie and Missy today.  Everything is ok.