Sunday, May 31, 2020

Saturday May 30, 2020

Saturday May 30, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in living room.

Happy Memorial Day.  For most Veterans over 60 today is the real Memorial Day.  Several area communities have ceremonies today.

Every one up at 0630.  Nancy got dressed for her walk.  I had breakfast and then headed to Panera for coffee.

At home I dressed for a bike ride.  Today I pedaled to Ada to visit the Ada Bike Shop.  I bought a pair of sunglasses.

The bike trail with loaded with weekenders.  Another beautiful day for a ride.

Showered and shaved,  Nancy told me of some chores that needed to be done.  So I started,

Our front door is opened automatically when we put in our secret code.  The device notified us that the batteries were low.  Put in four new AA batteries.  

The downstairs toilet has been running.  I reset the shutoff and it seems to work.

Lunch and then I continued with some chores downstairs.

Ironed my canvas vest and a pair of khaki pants.  I have about twenty pair of ironed khaki pants hanging from hooks in the storage room.  I should never have to buy another pair of pants, ever.  Maybe I should make a “Good Will” run.

Put away all my winter clothes and brought out the warm weather clothes.  I keep most of my casual clothes in crates.  All the crates are full so I will have to make a run to Staples to buy several more,  or maybe I should take half of these clothes to “Good Will”?

I finished yesterday’s blog and read the weekend news.

I ended the afternoon with a short nap.  I even set the alarm to get me up at 1700.

At 1715 I drove Nancy to our favorite Persian restaurant, Shiraz.  Tonight we are having lamb shanks with rice and vegetables.  Of course we had to bring the food home.  We watched the news while eating a very good Persian meal.

Before settling down for the evening I took a short walk.  No news or Jeopardy so we headed to the den and looked for a movie on Apple TV.  We could not agree on what to watch.  Ended up watching our old standby Midsomer Murder.

Debbie and Missy both called tonight.  We told them about our great weather and how being outside made us healthier.  Both girls are doing fine. 

The temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.  Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was cool.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

Blog time 1550 sitting in downstairs office

Ms P slept in until 0630 today.  Nancy took her out.  It was raining with temps in low 60s.  Rain should stop at noon.

I quickly did my calisthenics and showered before breakfast.  After breakfast I headed to Panera and got coffee for the two of us.  I did spent several minutes in Panera’s lot checking on my email.

Kim comes to clean today.  She arrives about 0930.  To get out of Kim’s way Nancy and I took another scenic drive through NW Kent County.

Today we visited the small communities of Sparta, Kent City and Casnovia.  It was a very pleasant drive.  Great to see these small farming communities are surviving.  Apple growing and processing is the main industry in these communities.

The sun came out about noon.  Today I took a 9.5 mile bike ride on my Cannondale.  Last night’s rain must have been heavy because noted flooding everywhere.

I took another shower and then had a quick lunch.  I did watch President Trump’s press conference on China.  It was short with no questions allowed.  I thought the talk was well prepared.  Of course the media will blast it.
After lunch I took a quick nap.  Following the nap fixed our apple snack.

Tonight Nancy fixed salmon with scalloped potatoes and peas.  Very good.

Watched the news and Jeopardy tonight.  Started watching PBS news when Debbie called.  Normally I like the Friday night debate between Brooks and Shield. I recently found out I can watch the debate anytime on YouTube.  Love YouTube.  We gave Debbie a positive report.

Veronica also called and gave us a report on her family.  Everything is ok.  However, Veronica and Stephan are experiencing the trials and tribulations of raising a teenage son.  We told her this will pass.

Tonight we watched a crime show on Netflix whose name escapes me.  Nancy headed to bed early and I watched episode 1 of Season 3, Bordertown.

It was in the 50s when I took Ms P out at 2230.  Low temps tonight in high 40s.  Good sleeping weather.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Thursday May 28, 2020

Thursday May 28, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

I was up with the alarm at 0600.  Took Ms P out.  It was very humid with temps in low 70s.

Today we are going to Senior’s Day at Meijer’s.  The gates open at 0700.

I did some light calisthenics, dressed and had a quick breakfast.  We arrived at Meijer’s at exactly 0700.

We divided up our list.  As the saying goes, two hands are better than one.  We got all our items and were out of Meijer’s in an hour.

At home I finished my calisthenics and then dressed for a bike ride.  Today’s bike was the Cannondale.  Took my normal weekday 10.5 mile route.  Lately during my rides, I have seen many Prime delivery trucks.  They all look new.  Prime must be having an impact on Fed EX and UPS’s business.

Nancy was just finishing her walk when I got home from my ride. Showered and shaved before heading to Panera.  Got my coffee and sat in their lot reading the news and emails.

At home I continued my reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  My Sister and I want to have some geraniums planted at our parents Gravesite.  All the flower shops we have used in the past are now closed.  I Googled a Flower shop and they said they would plant the flowers but needed the location.  I called the Cemetery’s Sexton and he was nice enough to provide me this data.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to run errands.

First stop was the Tailor shop to pick up some pants that I had suspender buttons put on.  Also stopped at the shirt laundry but they were not open.  Nancy wanted to get a graduation card so after several stops she finally found a Hallmark shop that was open.  

I spent some time taking out the trash and cleaning up the garage.  It is now 1530 and I am getting ready for my nap.  Good time for a nap because it is raining.

Nap followed by apple snack.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  

We watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room.  At 2000 we moved to the Den.  Turned on Apple TV and watched an episode of Murder City.  This show continues to improve.

Still raining when took Ms P out at 2200.  The temperature had dropped to 70. Yes folks dropped to 70.  We have not used the AC or heat this week.

Both Debbie and Missy called this evening asking about our wellbeing.  We gave a positive report.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Blog time 1850 sitting in living room

I was first up at 0620.  Took Ms P out, it was warm and foggy.  Temperature was 70.  Today we have 15 hour and 4 minutes of daylight.

Nancy put on her walking clothes and headed out for her morning walk.  Today being Wednesday, my easy day, I did some light calisthenics before breakfast.

Checked the weather app and it said no rain until late afternoon.  That means I have time for a long ride, 10.5 miles.  Today I selected the single speed bike for my morning ride.  Lately I have not seen any critters on my rides.  Why?

At home I showered and then headed to Panera.  Ordered a coffee and bagel.  Sat in their parking lot to start my morning reading and check email.

At home I headed downstairs to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  

I started a load of laundry before lunch.  Standard lunch followed by a nap.

After the nap I took a short walk and then fixed our apple snack.  For dinner tonight we had Cheerios and split a scone.  Scones are always good.

Can anyone control our President?  His tweets are becoming way out of line.  

We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Wycliffe on Prime.  At least we thought Wycliffe was on Prime.  Not true because the show had commercials.  We have been watching this show for the past year and never encountered commercials.  Apparently this show is no longer on Prime. We will be more careful in the future.  We hate commercials interrupting the show.

Light sprinkle when took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain tomorrow and then a cool down for the weekend.

Talked to Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in cool downstairs office.

Up at 0630.  Nancy had taken Ms P out and she was getting ready for her 3 mile walk.  The temperature was 70 so Nancy wore shorts.

I did my calisthenics before breakfast.  For the first time this year I wore shorts for my bike ride.  I continue riding my single speed 50+ year bike.  I like its simplicity.  Just peddle.

Today I took my standard weekday 10.5 mile ride.  Vehicular traffic was light but encountered many couples walking.  It was like “now that we have feasted all weekend we have to start a regular exercise routine”.

At home I shaved and showered.  This morning I cut my toenails.  This is my most difficult grooming task.  I am seriously considering going to a nail salon to get the toenails cut.  I must be entering my Sissy phase.

This morning I ran some errands.  Stopped at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At Macatawa’s ATM got money for Kim who cleans this Friday.  Left some pants off at tailor to get suspender buttons put on.  Final stop Harvest Health to get chocolate bars with 88% cocoa.

Spent remainder of morning in office reading the news and checking email.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Temperature was in 90s today.  Many folks complain but not me.  90 is great.

Lunch and then sat in living and continued reading the WSJ.  Dozed off several times before Nancy told me to take a nap.

After the nap fixed apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.  

For dinner Nancy fixed pork chops with stuffing and corn on the cob.  After the dishes fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had a sugar free oatmeal cookie.  Voortman the maker of the cookies must have changed their recipe.  Not as crunchy or tasty.

Tonight we watched an episode of Thorne on Acorn.  I gave this episode a B.

Rain was predicted for early evening.  It did not happen.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Debbie is sweltering in 90 degree heat while Missy in LA is 20 degrees cooler.  We gave the girls a positive health report.  Rain and a cooling trend is coming.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

Monday May 25, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

It is sad that we will have no Memorial Day Parades this year.  However, I hope most folks remember the significance of this day.  On my bike ride this morning I did see a lot of homes displaying flags.

Until 1968 Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30.  All schools and businesses were closed that one day.

I was a Boy Scout in pre high school years.  Our troop alway marched in the Memorial Day Parade.  The Parade was a big deal.  The Army National Guard, many Veteran’s Groups, Alpena City Band,  Alpena High School and Catholic Central bands along with Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops marched.  As I recall we were never rained out.  I remember several parades where the temp was in the 70s.

Memorial Day was also an important date for me.  On this day my Mother said I no longer had to wear long underwear.  Life was simple in 1950.  

It was warm and sunny this morning.  Nancy headed out for her 3 mile walk.  I did some mild calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast on got on my single speed and took an 8.5 mile ride.  The temperature was in low 80s when I finished.

After a shower I drove to Meijer’s and filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2 per gallon.  Also stopped at Panera for coffee.

This morning Nancy and I took another drive visiting small towns in the area.  Today we visited Sand Lake and Cedar Springs.  We get a lot of pleasure visiting these towns.  All our small town drives take about 2 hours.  We get tired of sitting after 2 hours.

Lunch and then sat in living room reading.  I dozed off several times before Nancy told me to take a nap.  

I took a short nap.  After fixed our apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk in our back yard.  The ponds and open fields all looked good.

We had a light dinner.  For dessert we had a chocolate bundt cake.  It was great.

We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Grantchester.  

The 80 degree temps and high humidity has been bothering Ms P.  Tomorrow we might have to turn the AC on.

Debbie and Missy called today.  We explained our Memorial Day activities.  Debbie is experiencing 90 degree heat.  She has her AC on.  The temperature in LA is much cooler than San Jose.  I told them we really are enjoying 80 degree heat.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sunday May 24, 2020

Sunday May 24, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Woke up at 0700 to sun and temperature in mid 60s.  Nancy headed out first thing for her morning walk.  I dressed and had a relaxed breakfast of oatmeal, banana, sandwich thin with peanut butter.

After breakfast I drove to Panera to get a coffee for Nancy and me.  Panera was not busy.  Because I am a steady customer I was not charged.  Sat in living room drinking coffee and reading yesterday’s WSJ.

Nancy said she was overdressed for her walk.  She showered and then both of us sat on the living room couch and watched the 0915 service from Trinity Lutheran.   Pastor’s Bob, Dan and Karen were in a good mood today.  I think they are trying to lift the spirits of their parishioners.

At 1130 I pumped up the tires on my single speed Nishiki steel bike.  I bought the bike in the 70s but it is still in good shape.  Despite having only 1 speed it moves along because of the high pressure tires.  100 psi vs 60psi for my other two bikes.  Of course I try to avoid steep hills.

This morning the route I selected was my normal 10.5 mile weekday route, no big hills.  I encountered a lot of families out for a nice Sunday walk.  A very pleasant ride.

Today for the first time this year I wore only a single outer layer.  I have looked forward to this day all winter.

Got home at 1245, showered and then had a quick lunch.  After lunch I sat down to read the GRP but kept falling asleep.  Nancy told me to take a nap.   I complied.

Fixed our apple snack and then took a short walk.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  

No 60 Minutes so we retired to the den.  We tried to watched Endeavour on Prime but were told it is now available on Brit Box.  Instead watched an episode of Midsomer Murders on Acorn.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them we are enjoying the Holiday and staying safe.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Saturday May 23, 2020

Saturday May 23, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Nancy and Ms P went out at 0600.  I slept in until 0700.  The sun streaming through the slider woke me.  Temperature was 60.

First thing, Nancy headed out for her 3.5 mile walk.  I put on my bike clothes and had a quick breakfast before heading out on my Saturday bike ride.

Today I selected for the first time this year my Buttrick Ave ride.  I thought it was 8 miles.  Boy was I wrong it was 11 miles.  I encountered a lot of walkers and bikers on today’s ride.

I noted as I drove by the Cascade Cemetery that a lot of folks were placing flowers at relative’s grave sites.  I made a reminder to call my sister to see if we have someone cleaning up our family site in Alpena.

At home I shaved and showered.  Drove to Panera for a baguette and coffee.  Read my email and the Alpena News while sitting in Panera’s lot.

Today is the first day that NE Mi enjoys the lifting of many restrictions.  Restaurants and bars are open with many rules.  Photos in the Alpena News indicated that everyone was enjoying themselves.
Blast from past:

On the Saturday before Memorial Day in 1966 Nancy, Debbie and I were living in Redwood City, CA.  We had a third floor apartment at 875 Woodside Road.  I worked for a firm called Charles McCandless and Co in Palo Alto.  We had been working six days a week for the past three months.  I was looking forward to Saturday because I could finally sleep in.  About 0700 I thought the alarm had gone off.  I shouted at Nancy to turn the damn alarm off.  Nancy checked and found it was not our alarm but the Complex’s fire alarm.  

Nancy grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I delayed a fast departure because I could not find my cigarettes.

When we gathered in the Courtyard with the other tenants we noted that some neighbors were coming from different apartments.  Nancy and I were the only tenants with a child.  About 90% of tenants were single.  You can figure it out.

I tell several neighbors I was glad we had a renter’s policy.  Everyone was surprised that such a policy was available.  Our apartment was not damaged.


The temperature was 75 when I got home from Panera.  I opened the downstairs slider to get some fresh air.  Also wanted to let the outside air warm my office.  No electric heater today.

Instead of reading I decided to sweep the lower level deck.  A lot of garbage, leaves and other debris accumulated over the winter.  I filled a garbage bag with the sweeping.

Nancy was also working outside.  Getting the courtyard cleaned up. She also planted flowers.

Lunch and then I spent time reading.  Very short nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner Nancy for first time this year fixed corn on the cob.  A sure sign summer is here.  Also finished the last slice of pizza from last night.

For dessert we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy got a cashew nut and caramel sundae, small.  I got a vanilla frozen custard, medium.  Great way to start the holiday weekend.

Tonight we switched immediately to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Thorne and then Murder City.  We were disappointed and gave both shows a C.

It was in mid 60s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow will be sunny with temps reaching the low 80s.  Hooray!

We talked to both Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.  Looking forward to Holiday weekend.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Friday May 22, 2020

Friday May 22, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

It is a sure sign Ms P is getting old, she slept in until 0630.  Nancy had to wake her.  I got up at 0645.

The temperature this morning was 60 with a high predicted near 70.  It was overcast with a light mist.

Nancy headed out first.   She took a 3.5 mile walk.  I did my calisthenics downstairs.  After the calisthenics I put on my biking clothes.  Breakfast and then I headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Noted very light vehicular traffic.  Why?  Intermittent mist on the ride.

Showered and dressed.  Drove to Panera for coffee and a baguette.  At Panera I parked in their lot to use their internet.  Checked my email and found I had received an email from Eric Rickert and Jennifer Dougherty regarding the flooding in Midland County especially as it relates to the Curtis Road Bridge.  They gave me an updated report.  I really appreciate their efforts to keep me informed.

This and that:

States are relaxing Coronavirus rules in certain areas.  In Mi, the northern counties are allowed to open restaurants under strict rules.

It looks like Hong Kong is losing some of its freedom.  This is a shame.

Closed National Parks have seen a large influx of animals including bears, mountain lions and antelope.  They will disappear as soon as folks are allowed in.

UC schools have dropped the ACT and SAT tests.  Bad idea especially with all the grade inflation.  

Finished yesterday’s blog and continued reading the news.     We get a paper copy of the GRP on Thursday and Sunday.  The GRP does a terrible job covering local news.  I think the Alpena News does a better job keeping their subscribers informed of local events.  Next week I will start subscribing to the Detroit News to get more state news.

Lunch and then back to office for more reading.  Nancy left at 1415 for her Doctor’s appointment.  She is having a pre-surgery checkup.  Blood tests, EKG etc.  She did not get home until 1630.

I took a short nap followed by a mile walk.  No apple snack today.  

For dinner I ordered a pineapple/ham pizza from JT’s.  JT’s was not crowded when I picked up the pizza.  JT’s staff were all wearing masks and following all health guidelines.  I was impressed.  The pizza was very good.

We watched the NBC News but at 1900 instead of switching to the PBS News we decided instead to watch a movie.

The movie we selected was the latest “Mission Impossible” starring Tom Cruise.  It was a great movie for Friday night.

It was warm, 60, when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature tomorrow will be in high 70s.  

Debbie and Missy checked in tonight.  I talked to Missy and Nancy to Debbie.  We gave them both a positive report.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Thursday May 21, 2020

Thursday May 21, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in office

Up at 0630, it was sunny with temp in high 50s.  Nancy headed out first thing to Senior’s time at Walmart.  She said it was not crowded.

I started with my calisthenics downstairs.  Breakfast and then headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.  Temp in mid 60s.

Nancy headed out for her 3.2 mile walk.  She also had a shorter walk in the afternoon.

After the ride shaved and showered.  I then headed out on some errands.  First stop was shirt laundry to drop off several shirts.  

At Meijer’s I picked up a prescription.  Also bought six bottles of wine, sugar free oatmeal cookies, banana and a suet block for the birds.  

Final stop was Panera.  Bought a coffee and a bagel.

At home spent time in office checking email, and reading the news both local, Alpena, and national, Apple News and WSJ.

Today I spent considerable time checking on the flooding in Midland County.  As I mentioned earlier Scott Civil Engineering Co had designed a bridge on Curtis Road over the Tittabawassee River.  The bridge is less than a mile downstream from the failed Edenville Dam.  Flood waters overtopped the bridge.  The bridge looks intact but the west road approach washed away.  I was able to find many photos of the bridge and surrounding area.

The Sanford Dam downstream from the Edenville Dam did not fail but water over topped the dam creating flooding near the City of Midland which is further downstream

We also designed another bridge over the Tittabawassee near Midland.  This bridge was not over topped but the road approach washed away.

Late lunch and then I took a short nap.  No apple snack or walk today.

This evening Nancy fixed spaghetti with a great meat sauce.  Also had a salad and croissant.  

Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched episode 2 of Murder City on Prime.  We gave it a B.

It was 60 when took Ms P out at 2200.  Yes folks 60.  It is great.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  We reported everything was OK.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0600.  I grabbed Ms P and took her out.  Sunrise today at 0610 so the sun was just coming out.  Looks like a great day.

Wednesday my easy day so I started with some light calisthenics.  Breakfast and then headed downstairs to watch Breakfast Club on Zoom.  Nancy headed out for her morning 3 mile walk.

I fired up my iPad and checked the link to the Breakfast Club meeting.  No luck, I got another meeting.  I tried several more times but no luck.  Not a good start to the day.

I started checking on the flooding in Midland County.  Not much news because the officials probably were too busy to update the online info.  Will check later.

Jennifer called me and said that she had just talked to Eric Rickert, another ex employee,  who today was in Midland.  He said both the Curtis Road Bridge and Meridan Road Bridge had survived the flooding but the earthen road approaches at each bridge had washed away.  This is good news because the loss of the roadway provide a provides a great route for the flood waters.  It is easier to fix the earthen road than a concrete bridge.

The Midland flooding dominates the news in Michigan.  Governor Whitmer was in Midland looking at the damage.  The Governor must feel snake bit with both Coronavirus and flooding crisis.  She can’t get a break.  I happen to think she is doing a good job.

At 1100 I got on my bike and took a nice easy 8.8 mile bike ride.  It was warm enough for me to wear my knickers.  Every day I see more and more walkers and bikers.  The warmer weather sure helps.

At home showered before a quick lunch.

Afternoon activities included:

A nap
Apple snack
Mile walk

This afternoon Missy and AJ FaceTimed us.  They had just finished being tested for the Coronavirus.  The testing is required for all residents of LA.  I think this is a very good idea.  

Missy is still making and selling face masks and other PPE.  AJ modeled a face mask with USA flags.  Very colorful.

Light dinner followed by the news and Jeopardy.  Tonight we watched another episode of Midsomer Murders.  I think we are on season 14.

Nice and mild when took Ms P out at 2200.  Great weather forecast for tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave her a positive report.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Tuesday May 19, 2020

Blog time 1345 sitting in office

I slept in until 0700.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out and was getting ready for her 3 mile walk.  The weather was cool, 56, and windy 16 mph. The good news the rain is over.

I headed downstairs and completed my calisthenics.  Breakfast and then got ready for my bike ride.  I put on my knickers but when I went outside I realized it was too cold.  Went back downstairs and put on long pants.

This morning I took my 10.5 mile route.  With all the rain we have had I noted mud puddles everywhere.  Every depression was filled with water. Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  

Nancy wanted to get some items from the Dollar Tree.  I said would drive her but first had to get coffee at Panera.  

While Nancy was shopping.  I sat in the car listening to 50s music, drinking coffee and enjoying the heated seats.  I get chilled riding my bike so it I enjoy the heated seats.  

Nancy’s sweet tooth is raging so we stopped at Sugar Momma to get her a lemon bar.  She bought me an oatmeal raisin cookie.

As soon as we got home I headed to the office.  Turned the electric heater on and read the news and my emails.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

Today I had a late lunch, 1330.  I was still chilled so I turned my electric blanket on high and took a nap.

Apple snack before dinner.  Tonight I had clam chowder, a biscuit and coleslaw.  Very tasty. Took a short walk.

We had our after dinner snacks and watched the news and Jeopardy.  We started watching NCIS before realizing it was a rerun.  

Turned on the Apple TV and started watching Agatha Raisin on Acorn.  Halfway through the show I got a message from Jennifer Dougherty.  Jennifer said that she had heard that two dams on the Tittabawassee River in Midland County had failed.  

The Edenville Dam immediately upstream from the Curtis Road Bridge was the first to fail.  We had designed the Curtis Road Bridge.

The Sanford Dam immediately upstream from the Meridan Road Bridge.  We had also designed the Meridan Road Bridge.  

We checked various Midland County Agencies Facebook page and websites.  We found out that 10,000 folks had been evacuated.  M30 and other roads were closed due to flooding.  The status of the Curtis and Meridan Road bridges was not noted. 

The City of Midland would likely have their sewage plant flooded.  Major flooding in downtown Midland was foreseen.  The City Manager of Midland said the storm event that caused the dam failures was a once in 500 year event.

After exhausting all possible news source we called it a night.  I will call her tomorrow afternoon to compare notes.

April and May have sure been unusual months unlike any I have seen in my 82 years.  However, as they say in the kidney stone business “this too shall pass”.

Debbie FaceTimed us early tonight.  We gave a positive report.

It was mild, mid 50s, when took Ms P out at 2230.  Sun and temps near 70 for tomorrow.  About time!