Friday, January 31, 2020

Thursday January 30, 2020

Thursday January 30, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy was up at 0600 but I stayed in bed until 0630.  Nancy headed out at 0700 for her Thursday swim.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  Tomorrow I will take my bike.  It was 29 and gloomy.  Several folks this morning have complained about our lack of sunshine.

The Y was just not crowded this morning.  I did calisthenics and a mile walk.  Showered and then headed to Panera for coffee, baguette and some time on the iPad.

After Panera I will get the Escape filled up and then visit Land’s End in the old Eastbrook Mall.  This and that in news:

Will the Senate allow witnesses in the impeachment trial?  Why not I say.

The Coronavirus epidemic in China shows no sign of letting up.

The Drug cartels dug a tunnel nearly a mile long and 75 feet below ground under the US Mexican border.  This is an amazing feat.  Indicates the money to be made selling drugs.  Short of shooting drug dealers what is the solution?

After Panera I did get the Escape filled up.  Gas was $2.44.  Stopped at Land’s End but bought nothing.

I think January has set a record in GR for the least amount of Sun.  Depressing!

Two features I like on my Escape:  blind spot indicator and electric seats.  Also AWD.

As soon as I got home I put out corn for deer.  Took a 2 mile walk before lunch.

I thought my pulled muscle in my abdomen had healed but this week it came back.  I got careless with my exercises.  After lunch I stretched on the recliner with a heating pad over the sore spot.

Finished the afternoon with an apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  

We had our after dinner snack and watched the news/Jeopardy before switching to Prime and watching episode 1 of a new season of Endeavour.  Good show.  

Light snow on ground when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Nancy likes fresh air when sleeping so she opens the slider.  No problems because I turn the electric blanket on H.  Love my electric blanket.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wednesday January 29, 2020

Wednesday January 29, 2020

Blog time 1100 Thursday at Panera

Wednesday morning we both got up at 0645.  Today is a true easy day.  We are driving to the Detroit to visit IKEA and stop at a discount mall.

It is slow time at the Gardens so Nancy has a rare Wednesday off and Wednesday is always my easy day.  Perfect time for a nice road trip.  We are also taking Petunia.

Stopped at Panera to grab a coffee and bagel to take with us.  Traffic was very heavy on I96 going east, especially truck traffic.  Sure sign the economy is booming.

The drive was very pleasant.  It was a gloomy day with temps in low 30s.  However, no rain or snow so the pavement was dry.

IKEA was not very busy.  I like this store because they have mock ups showing fully furnished small spaces complete with kitchen, dining,  living, bedroom and bath.  I keep thinking I will win the lottery and buy a small cottage.  I will furnish it using Ikea items.

We bought small items like a clothes pole, cookie jar and glass dish.  Last of the big spenders.  For lunch I purchased two of IKEA’s $0.75 hot dogs.  I did give Ms P 1/2 a dog.

We stopped at a rest area so Ms P could do her bidness.  She had a seizure.  We think it was caused by the anxiety of leaving her comfortable environment.

Last stop was a Tanger’s Discount Mall in Howell.  This mall is much larger than the Tanger’s in GR.  Spent an hour looking around around but purchased nothing.

Got home at 1600.  Put out corn for deer, did a load of laundry and took out trash before a nap, followed by apple snack.

Light dinner and of course our after dinner snack.  We watched an episode of No Offence.  We like this show.  I stayed up and watched another episode of the Norwegian show Occupied.

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Temperature was 29 this morning with high of 34.  Nancy was out the door at 0700.  Today is her swim day.  She swims about 1200 meters.

Today is daughter Melissa’s birthday.  She was born in Ann Arbor, Mi while I was in Grad school.  It was a cold Sunday morning when Nancy told me we had to head to the hospital, quick.  We left at 0600 in a light snow.  Our VW bug had a terrible heater and defroster.  The window kept icing up.  I stopped the car to clear the window when Nancy yelled at me to get going.  I kept the driver side window open.  Arrived at the hospital and nurses immediately whisked Nancy away.  I parked the car and headed to Maternity.  I no sooner sat down when the Doctor walked in and said it was a girl.  We cut it close!  Good memories!

Following my new winter routine I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, mile walk and then shaved and showered before heading to Panera.

The Impeachment trial, especially potential witness John Bolton, the Coronavirus, and Kobe Bryant still dominates the news.

At home:  Lunch, corn for deer, nap and apple snack.  Also stopped at bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday, dropped shirts off at laundry.

Tonight for dinner Nancy warmed up some left overs, lasagna and chili.  Very tasty.

We watch NCIS followed by an episode of Occupied.  We FaceTimed Missy to wish her a Happy Birthday.

Tomorrow will be a true easy day for us.  We are taking a trip to the Detroit area.  We will stop at IKEA and also a discount mall.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Monday January 27, 2020

Monday January 27, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera:

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out. She said it was icy.  Surprise! Today Nancy has no scheduled activities aside from a class at MVP.

Last night both my arthritic hips hurt so I had to take some Motrin.  I think the pain was caused by just standing in place yesterday packing lunches.  I have concluded standing is worse than walking.

I drove to the Y.  It was not crowded.  The resolution folks have gone.  Calisthenics and a mile walk before showering and heading to Panera.

This and that:

75 Years ago on this date the Auschwitz Prison Camp in Poland was liberated.  The world got to see the atrocities committed by the Nazis.

The Coronavirus outbreak might be more serious than originally thought.

Is anyone watching the Impeachment trial?  I am not.

Michigan could sure use a full day of sunshine.  Read an article that said too much sugar on these dark gloomy days can lead to depression.

Last week we had a foot of snow on the ground. It is now disappearing fast.  High temperatures for the next week will be above freezing.  

As soon as I got home I put out corn for the deer.  My next activity was a two mile walk.  The walk are now ice free.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs.  Spent an hour printing IRS 1099 forms and gathering tax data.  We have most of needed tax data except for Wells Fargo and Fidelity.   They claim the 1099s will not be available until mid-February.  Bummer!

Six deer came early today.  They had eaten all the corn by 1500.

This afternoon I pulled our lawn chair out of storage and into the office.  Grabbed a comforter and took a short nap.  The lawn chair unlike our recliners in the den is long enough to support my feet.  Problem with the recliner is that my unsupported feet fall asleep after 30 minutes.  Should I buy a larger recliner for the den?

After the nap I fixed our apple snack.  Tonight we had a light dinner.  After the news/Jeopardy and after dinner snack we watched an episode of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  I stayed up and watched episode 1 of “The Witcher”.  I read that this is Nexflix’s most watched show.  I gave the show a C-.

Light dusting of snow when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Temp was 29.

Nancy taught me that I should read aloud everything I have written before publishing.  Every day I follow this advice when proofing the blog.  I am surprised at how many mistakes I find.  Still find a lot of grammar mistakes.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sunday January 26, 2020

Weekend update for WE Sunday Jan 26, 2020

Blog time Monday 1040 at Panera

Saturday January 25, 2020

Saturday morning the temperature was above 32 and the walks were dry.  We walked to Panera.  The place was empty.  Nancy had her flavored coffee and I had oatmeal and a bagel.  Saturday mornings at Panera we have time to talk.  Discuss family matters, upcoming events and possible travels in the near future.

On our walk home we stopped at the condo down the road.  They were having an estate sale.  The condo was configured exactly the same as ours.  Nancy said they did not have any items that interested her.  I bought two coffee table type books on the US Navy.

As soon as I got home I put out corn for deer and then got in the Escape to run errands.

Stopped at bank’s ATM and got cash.
Dropped off a pair of pants to get shortened.
At the Chow Hound I bought a 35# bag of corn.
Stopped at the Y for some light calisthenics and a shave and shower.

It was raining when I left the Y.  Lunch and then a short nap.
At 1730 we left home and picked up our old neighbor Sonya and drove to Vitales for dinner.  Glad we had reservations because the place was jammed.  In fact the parking lot was full.  I parked in the handicapped lot, ran inside and got Sonya’s handicap sign.  

The food was good.  I had spaghetti with meatballs, Nancy had lasagna and Sony a shrimp dish.  Our only complaint was the place was too noisy.

Got home at 2000.  Debbie FaceTimed us and we got caught up.  Watched a new crime show on Prime.  We gave it a C-.  Still raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Sunday January 26:

Mist and ice so no walk this morning. I slept in until 0700.  Today Trinity Lutheran is packing 25,000 meals.  The tables had already been set up when we arrived.

After the service Nancy and I started packing lunches.  We worked from 1030 to noon.  The meals consist of rice, soy, a vegetable mix and a vitamin mix.  All meals items were in powder form.  We filled small plastic bags with each food item.  Each bag will feed five adults.  To serve you just had to add a bag to boiling water.  I think a great idea.  Simple and nutritious, no fluff.

It was great to see so many church members volunteering.  Packing the lunches is very labor intensive so the more folks the better.  Drinks and snacks were provided.  A very Christian project.

We stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Gas today was $2.34.

Read some of GRP and put out corn before having lunch.  Took my mandatory Sunday nap followed by apple snack.  Finished afternoon with a 30 minute walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had bacon and spinach pie.  Early this evening we had eight deer in the back yard eating corn.

The news tonight was dominated by the tragic news of the death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter in a helicopter crash.

No 60 Minutes tonight because of the Grammys.  We watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.

It was at freezing with some ice forming when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Above normal temps for next week.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Friday January 24, 2020

Friday January 24, 2020

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  It was 36 and misting.  Nancy noted that Ms P’s upset stomach has passed.

Nancy headed out at 0730.  Later we are going to Costco so she can pick up at prescription.

After breakfast I checked outside and saw I needed a raincoat.  I drove to the Y.  The Y was very crowded this morning.  The class rooms were overflowing.  The Y is only four years old and I am sure they now realize that the classrooms are way too small.

Calisthenics, 2K row and a mile walk this morning.  Showered before heading to Panera.  

This and that from the news:

Finally BRexit will happen on Jan 31.

POTUS’s speech at Davis was embarrassing.  His constant bragging I am sure was not appreciated by his audience.

The Virus outbreak in China has the potential to be serious.  The Chinese seem to be taking the right steps.  Most folks don’t recall the 1918 influenza epidemic.  But this world wide outbreak killed 50,000,000.  

As soon as I got home Nancy and I drove to Costco.  She picked up her prescription.  I bought wine, fiber, and body lotion.  Costco was not crowded.

This afternoon:

Put out corn for deer.
Apple snack
Light dinner.

At 1830 we drove to the GR Art Museum to see a new exhibit.  Downtown was crowded.  The seven level parking structure where we usually park only had a few spaces available.

The new exhibit featured works in glass.  The museum also provided free snacks which were very good. We spent about two hours looking around.

At home I watched another episode of Occupied.  It was 36 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  The warm/wet trend will continue through next week.  Bummer.  I think this mild winter weather is unhealthy.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Thursday January 23, 2020

Thursday January 23, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera:

Petunia and I got up at the same time, 0550.  The temperature was 32.  Today starts a warmup.

Nancy headed out at 0700 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  Tonight we are attending a dinner for Trinity members over 60.  It is being held at a Chinese restaurant near our condo.

This morning I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, a 2K row and then a 0.8 mile walk.  Showered before heading to Panera.

This afternoon at 1400 I am taking Ms P to the groomer.  She need to have some light grooming especially around her face.

Arrived home at 1230 and first thing I did was take a 2 mile walk.  Put out corn for deer and then a quick lunch.  At 1345 I grabbed Ms P and took her to the Groomer.  She is getting her face cleaned up and a light body trim.  She was very nervous.  Visible shaking.

After dropping Ms P off I make a quick trip to Meijer’s to buy bananas.  Today I took a nap in my recliner with a heating pad on my sore stomach muscle.

The Groomer called at 1600 and said Ms P was ready.  She looks good.  The Groomer said she was very uptight.    

We had our apple snack before heading out.  The Over 60 Church dinner was held at the First Wok about a mile from the condo.  37 folks were in attendance.  Nancy and I ordered the Chinese dinner for 2.  It was very good but way too much food.   Trinity has three Sunday services so tonight we had an opportunity to meet folks we never see on Sunday.  We will continue attending the monthly dinners.

Got home at 2030 and first thing we noted was Ms P had an accident on the kitchen floor.  We think her stomach was upset from the trauma created by the grooming.  We noted a similar episode after we brought her home from her five day stay at the Kennel.  Old girls don’t like to get out of their routine.

After we cleaned up Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed and watched episode 2 of Occupied.  It was 35 and misting when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday, thank goodness!  Nancy was first up.  She said it was cold, 25.  Nancy left for MVP at 0730.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I did some calisthenics at 50%.  Took a shower.  Today I used the upstairs shower because it is cold downstairs.

Bundled up and walked to Panera, 1.2 miles.  Walked into a stiff west wind.  Good news, I will have the wind at my back on the walk home.  More good news, the sun is out.

Extracurricular winter activities while in grade school.

Sleigh rides:  about twice every winter my grade school would go on an after school sleigh ride at a local farm.  All the kids would pile into a sleigh that was pulled by a team of horses.  Blankets and hot chocolate were provided.  Great fun especially when sitting next to the cute redhead.

Ice skating races:  the City maintained several ice rinks around the City.  The big rink at Michekewis Park had an Olympic size oval.  Also a regulation hockey rink.  

Once a year afternoon classes were canceled and we would all go to Michekewis rink.  All the grade schools would participate.  Boys and girls races included sprints and relays.  Great afternoon fun.

High school:
Alpena High had a ski club.  Although not many ski areas were nearby.

Several high school students belonged to the Alpena Speed Skating Club or the Figure Skating Club.

No High School Hockey but the City sponsored a Hockey league.  Tommy Collins and I were about the only high school students to play.  The league was called the Beer Distributors.  Stroh’s, Goebbels, Frankenmuth, and Pfeiffer’s beer were sponsors.  

The City Merchants also had a City team called the Alpena City Merchants.  They also sponsored a Junior team.  Tommy Collins and I played on both teams.  Games were held with surrounding communities on Saturday and Sunday.

Winters were great if you liked being outside.

The walk home from Panera was pleasant.  Sun and wind at back helped.

Being Wednesday I did all my normal chores, trash and recyclables to curb, laundry and feed deer.  Found time for a nap.  

Spent time in the office working on family history data.  I tried to download the Family Tree Builder.  It is a free addition to My Heritage.  Spent an hour trying to complete the download but no luck.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  I fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner tonight followed by after dinner snack.  Watched the news.  Impeachment news dominated.

Tonight we watched an episode of Wycliffe.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching a new Norwegian language drama called Occupied.  It looks good.  

Debbie FaceTimed at 2100.  She was driving home from work.  We had a nice talk.

Very mild, 32, when took Ms P out at 2200.  Warmup coming tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Nancy was up at 0600.  She said the temp was in mid teens with no wind.  She left home at 0700 for her Tuesday swim.  She did not look forward to swimming on such a cold day.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics/walk and 2K row before shower.  Drove directly to Panera after Y.  Later I will take a short walk.  

This and that:

The coronvirus outbreak in China appears very serious.  It is even impacting the stock market.  It looks like public health officials are making a good effort to contain it.

Today is the first day of the Impeachment trial.  Hope everyone is civil.

The Virginia gun rally so far is peaceful.  I look at a lot of the participants and they appear to be adults playing guns.  Why does anyone need an assault rifle?  I think allowing open carry guns in bars is a bad idea.  Alcohol and guns don’t mix.

Is France’s Macron getting an upper hand with the militant unions?
As soon as I got home put out corn for deer and then took a two mile walk.  Lunch and then took a nap in my recliner.  I pulled a stomach muscle rowing this morning so I put a heating pad on affected area.  Slept soundly for a good hour, the pulled muscle felt better.

Spent an hour putting more family data on the Ancestry data base.  Presently I am using both Ancestry and My Heritage sites.  It is expensive keeping both sites active.  I plan on discontinuing My Heritage later this year.

Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice, onions and carrots dish.  She cooked it in the crock pot.  Very good.  

We had our evening snacks while watching the news.  Tonight we watched NCIS.  I stayed up and watched the final episode of Giri/Haji.  I gave this show a C.  Confusing and disoriented.

My Sister, Helen, texted me that she heard a home is for rent in Tucson.  She gave me a number to call.  Will contact tomorrow.

It was a pleasant 25 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  A warming trend coming for the end of the week.  Bummer! It is winter the temperature should never get above 32.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Monday January 20, 2020

Monday January 20, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold, mid teens, but no wind.  I was up at 0630.

Nancy left at 0700, she is picking up a neighbor to take to their MVP class.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  It was 0750 and still dark, sunrise was not until 0805.

I forgot today is a holiday for a lot of working folks, MLK Day.  The Y was crowded.  Calisthenics/ walk and 2K row before shower.  Usually after the Y I drive home and walk to the Y.  However, the walks have not yet been plowed so I drove directly to Panera after the Y.

Completed yesterday’ blog and read the headlines.  Of course I had coffee and a baguette.

This and that:

Enough, enough of the Harry and Megan sob story!  I am so glad my ancestors had the good sense to leave the UK and come to North America so many years ago.  

Super Bowl is set.  I am pulling for the 49ers.

I hope the impeachment process is short.  I am so tired of the hysterical, thumb sucking, bed wetting press having a hissy fit every time Pelosi, McConnell or Trump opens their mouth.

We finally have some great winter weather.  Temperatures below freezing with a good snow cover.  Last night we had three deer in our backyard eating corn.  Good sight.

Before heading home I stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods and Staples to look around.  Bought a letter size tray at Staples.  Nothing at Dick’s.

I did note on the drive home that the sidewalks still had not been plowed.  At home put out corn for deer before lunch.

Spent several hours in the office doing things that are best done on cold winter days.  Fixed apple snack and then decided to walk to post box.  Surprise the walks had been plowed so I increased walk to 1.5 miles.

Light dinner followed by after dinner snacks.  After Jeopardy we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Temperature was in mid teen when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday January 19, 2020

Sunday January 19, 2020

Blog time 1100, Monday, at Panera

More snow over night.  It was cold and windy.  Nancy questioned if we should drive to church with the roads so bad.  I said I would drive to Panera to get us a coffee and check the roads.

The roads had not been plowed but were negotiable.  Nancy was apprehensive but I thought with the Escape’s super duper four wheel drive no problem.  We took our time but had no problem.

Not too many folks at church.  Too bad because I thought the music and Homily were very good.

The main roads had been plowed when we left church.  Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas was $2.46 today.

Before lunch I:

Emptied car of supplies.
Shoveled walk.
Put out corn for deer.
Read the GRP.  (Took only 15 minutes)

Lunch and then took my afternoon nap.  Fixed our apple snack before a short walk to mail box.  The sun came out so the walk was pleasant.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.  We envied the weather she was having.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had spinach pie, sausage and coleslaw.  

Watched several minutes of both football games.  60 Minutes and then watched two episodes of The Kominsky.  I stayed up and watched Giri/Haji.  

Saturday January 18, 2020

Saturday January 18, 2020

Blog time 1440 sitting in office

I slept in but Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said we had over 6 inches of snow.  I was up at 0700, dressed and went outside to check on the condition of the roads.  Surprise! our drive had just been plowed.  I finished shoveling our walks.

Cars were negotiating Tahoe Drive ok so Nancy and I drove to Panera.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast.  Not many folks at Panera.

This morning I drove Nancy to the Cascade Library.  They are having a book sale.  While Nancy was shopping I read the Detroit Free Press.  I grew up reading the DFP and had forgotten what a good paper it was.  I think I will buy the digital edition.

It has been snowing and raining all this morning.  I wanted some exercise so I drove to the Y.  The Y was jammed.  A lot of youth sports were underway.  Calisthenics and a mile walk before showering and shaving.

Lunch and then spent several hours in office checking email and reading news.  I did find time for a nap.  

Fixed our apple snack and then at 1715 Nancy and I headed downtown.  We have 1800 reservations at the Bull’s Head Tavern.  The freeway was in good shape despite the heavy snow.  Parked in the City/County structure and made the short walk to restaurant.  

Our purpose in being downtown is to attend a Pops Concert.  Kathi Kothe joined us for dinner.  Nancy and Kathi had soup and a small salad.  I had the white fish dinner.  Great white fish.

The concert venue has metal detectors.  I forgot and had to surrender my small jackknife.  Bummer.

Great concert.  The theme was music from the movies.  Music from oldies like “Bridge over River Kwai”, “Ben Hur”, James Bond movies, Dr Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, Star Wars, etc.  You had to be a senior citizen to really appreciate the music.  Nancy and I loved it.

The drive home was an adventure.  Heavy snow made visibility poor,  we averaged 25 mph.  Got home at 2200 and went straight to bed.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Friday January 17, 2020

Friday January 17, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy said it was cold, 15, this morning when she took Ms P out. 28 will be high temperature.  Heavy snow will start later this evening.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0700.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  

Calisthenics and a short walk today.  I have added rowing to my routine.  Today I added a minute to yesterday’s time.  My goal is to row 2K every week day.

After Y I drove to Panera.  When I leave Panera I will stop at D&W to buy coleslaw for tonight’s dinner.  We will finish the rotisserie chicken we bought yesterday.

This and that:

Russia’s Putin is making a power grab.  The man is not a friend of the USA.  Russia continues to hack into sensitive areas.  It main goal is to make Americans distrustful of our government.  I don’t think they care about any political party they just want to sow discontent.

Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft are now worth over 1 trillion dollars.  35 years ago nobody heard of these outfits.   They have surpassed outfits like US Steel, GM, GE and AT&T.  The world sure has changed.  

China thought they had too many people so they started there one child policy.  Wrong move, China is becoming a country of old people with not enough young folks to pay for increasing social services.  

Bought coleslaw at D&W and as soon as I got home took a 2 mile walk.  Got my 30 minutes outside completed.

Spent time in office checking up on family genealogy.  I called My Heritage to get some info on their annual charge.  I was on hold for 30 minutes before I gave up.

Chicken sandwiches for dinner.  Very good.  After fixed our post dinner snacks.  This evening we watched another episode of “Call the MidWifes”.  This is an excellent show.  Very well written and acted.

I stayed up and watched Giri/Haji.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  We had already received about 1” on snow.  I shoveled our walk.  Major snow tonight.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Thursday January 16, 2020

Thursday January 16, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She said it was cold, 27, and windy.  

The temperature at 1130 had dropped to 23 with 18 mph wind, wind chill 8.  The days are slowly getting longer.  We gained 24 minutes of daylight since December 22.

Today Nancy left early for her swim.  Later this morning she has an appointment with eye doctor.

I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics/walk and today I rowed 1200m.   If my rowing app on my watch is correct my average heart rate was 180, great aerobic exercise.  

At home I took Ms P out and then grabbed backpack and walked to Panera.  Miserable walk because walked into the wind.  Brr!  Drank my morning coffee, wrote blog and read the news.  The walk home was better because I had wind at back.

As soon as I got home we started running errands.

First stop was Harvest Bread where Nancy bought a loaf of her favorite whole grain, high fiber bread.

Next stop Costco.  We bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner, Cheerios, scalloped potatoes for dinner, windex, and shaving cream.  Most of the folks at Costco on a Thursday afternoon are seniors.

Emptied the car and then took the Taurus to D&W for gas.  It was nearly empty.

Started a new bag of corn today.  I still am putting out only six ears daily.  Today three deer showed up at 1800 and made short work of eating the corn.

Other afternoon activities:

Fix apple snack
Checked my credit card charges.

For dinner we had the rotisserie chicken with scalloped potatoes and peas.  Very good.

The evening news today highlighted:

Congress passes the North America Free Trade legislation by a wide margin and then start the acrimonious impeachment trial.

Brexit will finally happen Jan 31 at 2300.

We watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries before turning in.  Temperature will drop to mid teens tonight.