Friday, May 31, 2019

Thursday May 30, 2019

Thursday May 30, 2019

In my youth today was Memorial Day.

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  I slept in until 0645.  Still wobbly but getting better.

Ms P has a 1440 Vet appointment.  

Checked outside and it was not raining.  Great, I can ride my bike.  However, my iPhone weather app said rain all morning.

After breakfast I stepped outside and it was raining hard. No bike today, I drove the Ford to the Y.  iPhone weather app 1, Bob 0.

The thunder storms had closed MVP’s pool.  Nancy was home early.

Both the Y and Panera were not busy.  Maybe folks have moved to their cottages for the summer.

This and that;

Why was Special Prosecutor Mueller so vague in his press conference?   The GOP says no crime.  The Dems say impeach.  Good grief more nasty days are ahead.  It is embarrassing.  Are we ever going to get some necessary legislation, like infrastructure?

All of a sudden abortion is becoming a major issue.  I oppose abortion but do not think passing laws to ban the procedure is the answer.  It is still a personal choice.  We don’t need more laws.

If you think the USA’s government is screwed up you should read about the problems in the E.U.  

China is gloating that their authoritarian government is the best model and democracy as a form of government is in decline.  Despite our current problems, democracy always is better for it citizens.

It was still raining with temps in mid 50s when I drove home at noon.  Rain should end this afternoon.  

Every depression is filled with water.  Good conditions for mosquito breeding.

Lunch and then took out trash and recyclables.  

At 1400 grabbed Ms P and headed to Vet.  The Vet took some blood and gave Ms P several annual shots.  Nothing alarming from the blood test.  Bottom line Ms P is old and her heart and kidneys will continue to decline.

At home fixed apple snack before taking nap.
This evening Nancy and I drove to Brann’s.  The place was jammed and noisy.  Several big parties underway.

Drove to JT’s Pizza.  We split a ham and pineapple pizza.  I also had a glass of wine.  We both gave JT’s a B+.

I finished my outdoor activities with a mile walk.

Watched Jeopardy and the streak continues.

We both watched the season’s final episode of Bosch.  I also watched Fallet and the final minutes of the NBA finals.  I want Toronto to win.


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Blog time 0950 sitting at Panera

We had heavy rain most of the night.  We are now sleeping with the bedroom door open and can hear every drop.  The open door lets us hear the birds chirping.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was not raining but very humid.

Today is my easy day.  I pedaled my short 5 mile route to Panera.  Had standard oatmeal breakfast.  

I have an 1140 appointment with my Dermatologist.  They are going to put liquid nitrogen on the two spot they recently tested.

Weather, weather dominates the news.  The Mississippi is reaching record levels.

Did you know GR now has over 15h of daylight.  Edinburgh, Scotland has over 17h.  The LA area has 13h 47’.  Why am I writing this?

Left Panera at 1015.  At home showered and headed out at 1100 for my Doctor’s appointment.

Dr Yurko sprayed liquid nitrogen on the two spots that she had tested.  She also found three more spots that required liquid nitrogen.  Is this the curse of the blue-eyed fair skinned folks?

Quick lunch as soon as I got home.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Normally, Wednesday afternoon I take out the trash but  Monday was a holiday so pickup is a day later. Upset my routine.  Old folks love a routine.

I did a load of laundry and took a nap.

Spent two hours at my desk reading email, paying bills and checking financials.

Good grief!  Today I forgot our afternoon apple snack.

Light dinner and after I fixed our evening snacks.

Took a short walk.

Watched Jeopardy and the streak continue.

We watched a new British crime show followed by an episode of Fallet. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday May 28, 2019

Tuesday May 28, 2019

Blog time 1050 at Panera

We all got up at 0600 today.  Nancy took Ms P out.  It was very humid with temp in low 60s.  

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  I am still wobbly so I did the routine at 50%.

Breakfast and then took the five mile bike route to Panera.  Had no problem riding the bike.  

This and that;

POTUS continues to embarrass citizens by insulting opponents.  His remarks about Joe Biden were uncalled for.  

The weather continues to dominate the news.  The flooding in the Plains is unbelievable.  

In our area the farmers are having trouble planting because the ground is saturated and cannot support tractors.

I think the high humidity contributes to my wobbly problem.

You know it is spring because I see a lot of recently hatched birds, especially geese.  We have a Blue Jay nest on our deck’s floor beam.  Hope to see a chick soon.

This afternoon I have a Dentist appointment.  Left Panera early.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Looked out window and saw several big turkeys in the back yard.  I also think we have a fox living near the yard.

Arrived early at Dentist.  Read several issues of People before my appointment.  You know you are old when unfamiliar with any of the folks in the magazine.  It is a nothing magazine.

Today they just cleaned my teeth.  Dr Lambert checked me out and said see you in 6 months.

Activities today;

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home and bought some grooming items.

Fixed afternoon apple snacks.

Took a nap.

Nancy fixed me a hamburg for dinner, also a potato and sliced tomatoes. The burger tasted great.
Fixed after dinner snacks.

Took a mile walk.

Watched Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

Watched NCIS and Bosch before turning in.  

Light rain when I took Ms P out.  Heavier rain predicted for later tonight.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Monday May 27, 2019

Monday May 27, 2019
Memorial Day 2019

Blog time 1350 sitting in living room.

Yes folks today is my 82nd Memorial Day.  In my youth Memorial Day was the day Alpena had a big parade from downtown to the cemetery.  Area High School bands, the Alpena City Band, National Guard, various veterans group, fire and police trucks, floats and Scout troops. 
As a Boy Scout I marched in about five parades. Memorial Day was also the day I could take off my long underwear.

This morning we got up for good at 0630.  The temperature was in mid 60s.  Sun this morning but rain tonight.

Dressed and following our new Memorial Day tradition we headed to Saugatuck for breakfast. We arrived at 0830.  Folks had already lined Butler Street to watch the Parade.  The parade features the Saugatuck HS Marching Band, a military honor guard and all the police and fire trucks the Village owns.

We had breakfast at Pumpernickel.  We got a seat on their porch by the street.  Had a great view of the Parade as it passed by.  A great American spectacle.

After breakfast we walked around and looked in all the small shops that line Butler.  Nancy purchased one gift.

On way home;

Stopped at Ludema’s Greenhouse so Nancy could buy flowers.

At Fresh Thyme we bought blueberries, loaf of sourdough bread and a water melon.

Final stop Meijer’s so I could pick up a prescription.

Rest of today’s activities;

Light lunch.

Biked to Macatawa Bank to get money from ATM.  Kim comes tomorrow to clean.  Despite being wobbly I was able to ride my bike.  Good news.

Took my Sunday nap.

Fixed apple snack.

Light dinner.

Watched the news and had our evening snack.

Also watched Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

Tonight we watched an episode of Bosch.  I watched Fallet a crime show set in Sweden with English subtitles.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sunday May 26, 2019

Sunday May 26, 2019

Blog time 1734 sitting outside on Deck.

We slept in this morning.  No morning walk because I still am wobbly.  Nancy’s foot is swollen making walking difficult.  We are the walking wounded.

The temperature was in the high 50s with showers expected later.  I had a quick breakfast and read several sections of the GRP before heading to Trinity Lutheran in the rain.  

As one might expect we had a small crowd at church.  We noted a small crowd at Meijer’s also.  Gas today was $2.99.

I had my standard yogurt and cheese lunch.  On Sunday I don’t have a hard boiled eggs because tonight we are having Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs.

Activities today;

Ironed two pair of pants

Took a nap

Watched the last 10 laps of Indianapolis 500.

Fixed apple snack

Read Sunday paper edition of GRP

Fixed after dinner snacks

As mentioned earlier Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also spinach pie and fruit.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight. We got caught up.  Lately it has been warmer in GR than LA.

60 Minutes was a rerun so we watched Wycliffe followed by Black Widows.  Tomorrow should be another warm day.  The warmer weather has meant we can shut down the furnace.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Saturday May 25, 2019

Saturday May 25, 2019

Blog time 0945 sitting in living room.

Boy did it rain last night.  We had several large thunderstorms roll through.

We were both up before 0630.  Nancy decided since it was a holiday she wanted eggs and a biscuit, especially the biscuit.

I am still wobbly so Nancy drove to Bob Evans.  I had their oatmeal with toast and Nancy had her biscuit and egg.

After breakfast we headed home to pick up Ms P and then headed out to run errands.  First stop, dry cleaners for pants that Nancy had cleaned.  Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s.  We purchased dog food, frozen dinners and three bottles of wine.

Memorial Day in my youth was May 30.  If Memorial Day fell on a school day we got the day off.  It wasn’t until 1970 that the date was changed to the last Monday in May.

On this date in 1966 Bob and Nancy were living in a large apartment complex on Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA.  I had worked almost every weekend for several months so I was looking forward to a long weekend.  About 0600 the alarm goes off.  I yelled at Nancy to turn off the dam alarm.  It wasn’t our alarm clock but the complex’s fire alarm.  Nancy grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I started out but I forgot my cigarettes so I returned.  Stupid move Bob.

All the residents gathered in the courtyard still in their night clothes.  I think Nancy and I were the only resident with a child.  Most residents were single.  

We were first in the courtyard and as we watched folks coming down noted a number of singles who had not slept in their own apartment.  Scandalous!

Talking to residents I mentioned that I was glad I had a renters insurance policy that covers fire damage.  Most had never heard of this kind of policy.  I am sure a lot of folks called their insurance agent after the holiday.  We were lucky no damage to our unit.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  While Nancy was working I spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the papers.

Nothing but doom and gloom in the papers.

PM May had to resign.  Who knows what happens to BRexit?

House Democrats are fighting among themselves on whether to impeach the President.  They continue to subpoena the President for his financial statements.

Of course the President continues to damage the prestige of the Presidency with his name calling and rude behavior.

POTUS and the Dems have given up on an infrastructure package.  This is criminal.

Quick lunch and then a nap.

Fixed our apple snack.

Staying home tonight.  Nancy is fixing clam chowder for dinner.

This evening:

Cheese snack for Nancy and cookies for Bob.

Watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.

I stayed up and watched Black Widow.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Friday May 24, 2019

Friday May 24, 2019

Blog time 1245 sitting in living room.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  It was raining and 50.  I was still dizzy this morning.  My plan was to call the ENT Doctor as soon as he opened to get some meds.

Nancy dressed and was headed out the door when she noticed she had forgotten her sweat shirt.  She took one look at me and said let’s go to emergency.  

Since the ENT office is on our way to Emergency we decided to see if I could get in.  Surprise! he was able to see me right away.  Checked me out and using his iPad sent a prescription to Meijer’s.

We stopped at Meijer’s and picked up the prescription.  In less than an hour, I saw my Doctor and drove to the Pharmacy to pick up the prescription.  We cannot complain about our health service.

At home;
I took a short nap in my recliner.  

Finished yesterday’s blog and checked my email.

Nancy left at 1230 to pick up her friend Kathi.  She is taking Kathi to a local surgical center.  The work Kathi is having will take about an hour.  Nancy expects to be home by 1600.

I had a quick lunch and then took another nap.  

As soon as Nancy got home I fixed our apple snack.

For dinner we are having Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs.

This evening after dinner;

Fixed Nancy’s cheese snack and I had two oatmeal cookies.  No food after 1900 is our goal.

Watched the news and Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

Watched Midsomer Murders before Nancy headed to bed.

I stayed up and watched Black Widows.



Friday, May 24, 2019

Thursday May 23, 2019

Thursday May 23, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was warm, 67, and raining when Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0625.

My super duper iPhone weather app said the rain would stop at 0830.  I decided to do my entire exercise routine at home.  I assumed by the time I finish breakfast the rain should have stopped.

The app was right the rain had stopped when I headed out this morning.  I rode my normal bike route this morning.  I just did not stop at the Y.  

Nancy and I are going to Tanger’s Discount Mall this afternoon.  I cut short my reading time at Panera.

Quick shower and lunch before going to Tanger’s.  The Mall was not very busy.  Nancy and I headed in separate directions.  We agreed to meet back at the car in 90 minutes.

I am still looking for an unlined bare bones blazer to wear this summer.  My first stop was J. Crew and I found one that met my criteria except that the color, light blue, might not work with khaki and navy chinos.  So I looked in several stores including Brooks Brothers but no luck.  As I was heading back to the car I encountered Nancy.  We returned to J. Crew so she could see the blazer.  Her comments were, it was a summer only blazer but it was suitable for both khaki and navy.  I bought it.

My mission was accomplished but Nancy came up emptied handed.  On way home stopped at Meijer’s to pick up prescription and then Aldo’s to get salad mix.

At home:

Fixed apple snack.
Paid several bills and walked to mail box.
Took a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy nuked a chicken pot pie we purchased at Trader Joe’s.  We also had a salad.


Cheese and pill snack for Nancy.

I finished the great Rhubarb sauce that Nancy had prepared.

Watched the news and Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

We both watched Grantchester.

I finished the evening watching Black Widows.

Tonight I noted that I had some balance problems when walking.  This condition occurs about once a year.  I think it is a sinus infection.  The infection is over my left eye and I cannot feel it because of the nerve damage from the shingles.  Tomorrow I will call my ENT doctor and get an antibiotic.