Thursday, April 4, 2019

Wednesday April 3, 2019

Wednesday April 3,m2019

Blog time 1035 at Panera

Boy we all slept in today.  Got up at 0700. It was 37 and windy.  Looks like a sunny day ahead.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did some light calisthenics before biking to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  Because of limited parking space due to construction and a large Spring Break crowd I am driving Nancy.

This and that from the news;

Chicago has a new mayor.  She is the first black lesbian to hold this office.  She trounced her opponent.  She is a UM grad.

The Secret Service caught a Chinese woman at POTUS’s Florida resort.  She was carry a thumb drive with malware.  Why should this surprise anyone.  

Major cholera outbreaks in storm and war damaged areas in the Middle East and Africa.  Major cause is dirty drinking water.  It is easily treated.  In Vietnam in the early 60s Cholera outbreaks would occur periodically.  The USA would send Navy doctors to inoculate the villagers.  I alway admired the Navy’s Doctors.

The U.K. recently had an early Spring snow.  Today’s Apple news had some great photos of the countryside especially of young lambs.

Left Panera early so I could get home in time to take Nancy to the Gardens.  We left home at 1215 and picked up Nancy’s coworker in Ada.  All the parking lots at the Gardens we’re almost 100% full.  The nice sunny day will bring out a lot of folks.

At home I had a quick lunch before starting Wednesday chores;

Gathered up and took out trash and recyclables.

Started a load of laundry.

Took a nap.

At 1615 I drove to Meijer’s to pick up Nancy and Mary Brummell, her coworker.  As expected the Gardens was very busy.  They had 6,000 visitors by 1630.  Mary said they were so busy she didn’t have time to drink her tea.

Fixed our apple snack before dinner.  We had a light dinner.

At 1830 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for our weekly class on finding the Historical Jesus.  Pastor Bob gave a great explanation of tonight’s video.  We both think he would be a great college teacher.

We got home at 2100.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched episode 2 of Traitors.

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