Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Monday April 1, 2019

Monday April 1, 2019

Blog being rewritten on Tuesday

Good Grief I lost the almost finished blog for April 1.  Must be an April Fools joke gone bad.

Anyway on April Fool’s Day I slept in until 0700.  Nancy took Ms P out and said it was cold, 23, with wind chill in teens.

After breakfast I pedaled to the Y.  Took the short route because of the cold.  The Y was empty.  Must be Spring Break.

Calisthenics, walk, row and shower before heading to Panera.  Panera was also empty.  Can’t blame parents for heading to warmer climes after the brutal February and March we had.

In my youth Spring Break was a long four day weekend.  We got Good Friday and Easter Monday off.  

Grandson Lucas has Spring Break in a couple of weeks.  He is going with his 8th grade class to Washington DC, New York, and Boston.  I feel sorry for the teachers that volunteered to be chaperones.  Great trip for the kids.

Every year the Alpena News would have one April Fools story in the paper.  My parents were fooled several times.  I fell for the April Fools story about Sidd Finch in SI.  A classic.

At home had lunch and then;

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Stopped at bank to replenish my $2.00 bill supply.  Also got cash for Kim who cleans on Friday.

At Ace Hardware I bought light bulbs.

Mailed notes and a package at D&W’ branch PO.

Fixed apple snack.

Took 30’ nap.

At 1730 we drove to the Old Goat restaurant in Alger Heights.  We are meeting the Vance’s and Masten’s for dinner.  

First time at The Old Goat.  We were impressed, has a nice neighborhood feel.  We had a great time talking.  Both couples are great company.

We got home at 2030.  Watched an episode of Call The MidWifes before turning in.

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