Monday, April 8, 2019

Sunday April 7, 2019

Sunday April 7, 2019

Blog time 1550 sitting in living room

Set the alarm for 0615.  Outside it was a pleasant 48.  Nancy and I took our 1.3 mile walk around the block.  The sun was just coming up when we got home.  This time of year the morning walk is especially pleasant because of all the birds chirping.

After breakfast I had time to read several sections of the GRP.  We headed out to Trinity Lutheran at 0845.

Attendance at church was light this morning.  Folk still on Spring Break.

At every service we stand and shake hands with fellow parishioners.  I think in the last 20 years the handshake of women has become much firmer.  Just an observation.

Meijer’s was also empty this morning.  Gas was $2.96.

Before lunch I had time for a short walk.  Lunch and then read several more sections of the GRP.  

I took my Sunday nap.  I am now suspending writing this blog so I can go on a short bike ride.  The temperature outside is 72.  Can you believe it?  Stay tuned.

I rode around the neighborhood.  Noted a lot of folks had put out their deck furniture.  Judging by the number of yard waste bags at the curb folks were also doing early yard work.  We have several flowers popping up in our courtyard.  A very pleasant 5 mile ride.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I also had spinach pie, bacon and Irish soda bread.  Very good.

Tonight we finished reading the GRP and watched 60 Minutes.  One of the stories was an interview with a hedge fund billionaire.  He said the gap between the top 1% of the population and the bottom 10% was too great.  He even mentioned higher taxes for the top 1%.  

If I was King I would not raise the taxes on the rich but would instead tax them on their gross income.  Absolutely no deductions and eliminate all loop holes.  Further I would eliminate the income tax on all folks making less than $200,000 and substitute a federal sales tax for every one including the filthy rich.  Of course Social Security and Medicare would still be deducted from paychecks.  One further proposal would be that the top executives in large corporations could not make more than 20 times the bottom 20% of payroll.  Would anyone vote for me?

We finished the evening watching two episodes of Our Planet on Netflix.  The show got rave reviews.  

It was raining hard when I went out at 2200.  The temp will not get below 50 this evening.

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