Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Monday April 15, 2019

Monday April 15, 2019,  the dreaded tax day

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Nancy once again took Ms P out at 0600.  It was cold 32 but luckily the snow had stopped.

Left for MVP a little after 0700.  I had breakfast and then drove to the Y in bright sunshine.  Maybe I can ride my bike tomorrow.

Sunrise this morning was 0757.  We now have 13h26’ of daylight heading to 15h on June 21.

Calisthenics, walk and row at Y before shower.  I will be glad when I can ride bike because then I don’t have to row.  Rowing is hard work, not my favorite aerobic exercise.

This is Easter Week.  In 1962 young Ensign Scott was given the collateral duty of being administrator of the Chaplin’s fund.  One of my duties was to purchase chocolate covered Easter Eggs for Midway Island’s Easter egg hunt.  Being single the egg hunt was not high on my priority list.  The holy roller Protestant Chaplin kept bugging me to purchase the eggs.  I finally ordered them and they were to arrive on the Monday flight before Easter. We had two supply flights from Hawaii each week, Monday and Friday.  When they didn’t arrive on Monday the Chaplin spent the week threatening me if they were not on Friday’s flight.  They arrived Friday and I got the Chaplin off my back but not before he told the brass of my incompetence.

This and that;

POTUS continues his nasty attacks on Sanctuary Cities and members of Congress.  Not good for the country.

All the talk today at the Y was about Tiger Woods win.

Game of Thrones dominates the news.

Pete Buttigieg the young Mayor of South Bend who is running for President is getting a lot of good press.  If 2020 election was between Trump and Buttigieg.  I would think seriously about voting for Buttigieg.  I am partial to Navy veterans.

Today is Patriots Day in MA.  It celebrates the Revolutionary War battle of Lexington and Concord.  Remember Paul Revere’s ride and Hawthorne’ poem?  I had to memorize this poem in grade school. 

The Boston Marathon is run on Patriots Day.  I ran in this marathon in 1975 and 1977.

After lunch, we all drove to Costco.  Purchased Cheerios, lotion and razor blades.  We also stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some items out of our lock box.

Fixed our apple snack and then took a nap.

Watched some TV coverage of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral.  Sad day for Paris.

Last outside activity this afternoon was a 1.5 mile.

Light dinner, cheese snack and after Jeopardy switched to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of the Queens of Mystery.  We both like this show.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She updated us on her weekend trip to Long Beach.

Rain starts early tomorrow so no bike.  I think our chances for frost are now minimal.

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