Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday April 18, 2019

Thursday April 18, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was mild, 62, with no rain.  Rain is expected later this morning.

Breakfast and looked out and saw the rain.  No bike today.  I drove to the Y.

The Y was back to normal.  Maintenance work on the pool and classrooms were done.  The pool and classrooms were full this morning.

I did calisthenics and a walk before a shower.  No row today.

Today is the day the Mueller report is released.  Parts of the report are redacted.  Until a month ago I did not know what redacted meant.  The report will dominate the news.

With all the rain everything is turning green.  I noted several plants in full bloom in our courtyard. The trees will have leaves in two weeks.

I remember in high school at this time of year we would have a lot of venison in the school lunch menu.  Local strawberry farmers were given permission to shoot deer that were eating the newly emerging plants.  The deer were given to the school lunch program.  I thought this was a good program.  The food police will not let this happen today.  Shame!

This afternoon we had our AC unit given its annual PM.  Our unit is old so we might need a new AC in a couple of years.  This year everything is ok.

Fixed our apple snack and then took a nap.  This evening for dinner Nancy and I headed to Panera for a bowl of soup.

After dinner the rain had stopped so I took a mile walk.  This evening we watched episode 1 of the new season of Bosch.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Traitors.    

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