Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday April 21, 2019

Weekend Update;

Blog being written Sunday April 21 sitting in living room.

Saturday April 20, 2019

Saturday morning and the weather is cooperating.  It was nice enough for our walk to Panera, 39 and sunny.

I had my oatmeal breakfast and Nancy only her coffee.  The wind was out of the north so we had to buck it in either direction.  

Our first endeavor this morning was a trip to Trader Joe’s.  The place was crowded but they had sufficient staff so no delays.  We bought an Irish stew for tonight along with wine, tamales, chicken pot pie and dog food.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I put on my bike clothes and rode to Ada, a trip of 5.5 miles.  Stopped at Ada Bike to see if they had removed the snow tires on the Bianchi winter bike.  They had.  I will pick it up this afternoon.  

A great Spring day and the trail was loaded with walkers enjoying the sunshine.  Flowers are in bloom and the trees have buds ready to burst.

Shave, shower and quick lunch before starting afternoon activities.

Loaded car up with winter coats and sweaters to take to dry cleaner.

Put bike rack on car.

Stopped at Curtis Cleaners.  They were closed.  Bummer.

Picked up bike at Ada Bike and also bought a saddle bag for my Cannondale Bad Boy bike.  My iPad just fits in the bag so I won’t need a backpack.  Also the bag has a low profile so I can swing my leg over the rack.  When I use my standard bike bag I have difficulty mounting and dismounting the bike.  My leg gets tangled in the bag.

I took a short nap.

Prepared our apple snack.

This evening Nancy fixed me the Irish stew we got this morning at TJ.  Also had fresh pineapple.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill treat and then settled down with a glass of wine to watch some Apple Television.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We had a nice long conversation.

Sunday April 21, Easter Sunday.  “Hallelujah he has risen” was the phrase a lot of parishioners greeted us with this morning.

Set the alarm for 0615.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Today we attended the 0800 service, so no walk around the block.  Headed to church in bright sunshine.

As one might expect the church was packed.  All the services today were held in the Sanctuary.  Very good service.

After church we headed downstairs to Celebration Hall where breakfast was served.  We had an egg dish and French toast along with assorted rolls, fruit and coffee.  Very good.  

After church we stopped at home so Nancy could get come coupons and then along with Ms P we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $0.20 cheaper than last week.

At home I went on a 30’ bike ride.  Read several sections of the GRP before lunch.  I did take a nap this afternoon.

Missy and AJ FaceTimed us this afternoon to wish us a Happy Easter.  They are attending an Easter Egg hunt at the Boat Club they belong to.

We are having Easter dinner at Nancy’s friend Kathi Kothe’s.
Left for Kathi’s at 1630.  Kathi prepared a great Easter dinner, complete with champagne, cheese, chicken a great vegetable medley and fresh fruit.  We even broke our dietary rules by eating cupcakes and Easter cookies.  We left for home at 2000.  It was still light.

At home finished the GRP and reads some Apple News.  Temperature was still in the 60s when we headed to bed.  A nice Spring weekend.

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