Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday April 22, 2019

Monday April 22, 2019

Nancy and Ms P went out before 0600.  I stayed in bed until 0615.

Today is this writer’s birthday.  I was born in 1938.  When folks ask my age I will tell them I am 9 squared.

My Great Grandfather Sanborn who I often quote wrote in his diary on this date in 38 that Robert Hughes Scott was born.  For five generations the first born Scott male has taken his Mother’s maiden name as a middle name.

Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  After breakfast I biked to the Y in bright sunshine with temps near 70.  Calisthenics, walk and shower before biking to Panera.

This and that;

Today is also Earth Day.

The leaves are almost out.  Full foliage in a couple of days.

Where are the turkey’s.

Debbie called me at 1100 (0800 PDT) to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Nice call.

Will the Politicians ever quit squabbling and get down to business.  President Trump and family are now suing Congress about their business finances.  Both parties are the laughing stock of the world.

The Easter bombings in Sri Lanka are tragic.

Am I the only one who doesn’t care what happens on Game of Thrones.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Nancy said she was driving to Walmart.  I told her to buy me some sugar free oatmeal cookies.  She said nothing, I opened my presents and lo and behold Nancy got me a month’s supply of cookies.

After lunch I ran errands.  The temperature was in mid 70s so no jacket or gloves needed.  First time this year.

First stop Curtis Cleaners to dropped off winter coats, jackets and sweaters.

Stopped at Ada Bike to pick up steel studded winter tires that I forgot yesterday.

Finally I stopped at Meijer’s.  On Sunday bought a bottle of tonic water.  It was not diet so today I exchanged it for diet.  Diet has 0 grams of sugar, regular has 29 grams.

Missy and Stephan both FaceTimed me today to wish me a Happy Birthday.  I wish I could FaceTime more often with kids.

At 1630 we drove downtown.  This evening we are having dinner with Becky Verker and Phil Hertel. Both Phil and I are birthday boy’s.  Leo’s is a great restaurant and we all had a great meal.  Phil and I each got an ice cream sundae with fudge and chocolate cake from Leo’s.  Of course we split it with our partners.  Yesterday and today I have blown my sugar limits.   

At home we watched an episode of White Dragon before turning in.  The outside temperature was 65.  Today was a great day.

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