Thursday, April 25, 2019

Wednesday April 24, 2019

Wednesday April 24, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.

Up with alarm at 0515.  Took Ms P out before leaving.  The sun was coming up and the temp was a mild 39.

Every BC we have an egg dish with bacon, sausage, fruit and French toast.  All very well prepared.

Today’s Speaker was the local full time manager of the Boy Scouts.  He explained all the changes in the Boy Scouts which includes allowing girls into the membership.  Nearly all the members of BC belonged to the Boy Scouts in their youth, including this writer.  

I noted that when I pulled into our drive that the garage door would not go up.  Yes! Folks our power was out again.

I did some light calisthenics before changing into my bike clothes.  It was mild, 56, and sunny when I headed out to Panera.

The first news article that popped up on my iPad was about 12,000 Boy Scouts being sexually abused.  This does not bode well for the organization.

We have been watching Jeopardy and are amazed at how the contestant Holzhauer has blown away all the competition.  He has now won over $1,000,000.

Another day another Dem announcing they are running for President.  On Thursday it might be Joe Biden.

I think even the English newspapers are tired of BRexit.

The power was still out when I got home at 1300.  Nancy had already left for her shift at the Gardens.

Quick lunch and then started Wednesday chores.

Gathered up trash.

Brought up laundry but cannot do until power is back on.

At 1430 I took a nap. The power was still off.

The power was back on when I got up at 1530.

Hopped on bike and pedaled to Macatawa Bank.  Made a deposit and put some items in the lockbox.

As soon as Nancy got home I fixed our apple snack.

We had an early dinner because we have to attend a class at Trinity Lutheran.  The class starts at 1830.

Tonight Pastor Dan substituted for Pastor Bob.  Dan is the junior pastor.  Nancy said he did a great job.

At home we watched White Dragon.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Hanna.  Last night I down graded the show to a C.  Tonight I gave it a higher grade, B+.

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