Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Tuesday April 2, 2019

Tuesday April 2, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

I was up at 0615.  Took Ms P out expecting rain but it was dry.  My iPhone weather app was wrong.  Temperature was 37.

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I took the 5.5 mile route to Y.  Once again the Y was empty.

Calisthenics, walk and shower before heading to Panera.  No row today.

This and that;

Closing the border with Mexico would have a serious impact on both USA and Mexico’s economy.  Not a great idea.

The disaster relief bill is being held up by Dems wanting more aid to Puerto Rico.  I agree with the administration PR has received enough aid.  The recent flooding and resulting damage in the Midwest deserves aid and the bill should be approved now.

Burger King is introducing a meatless whopper.  Good grief I want my beef.  The vegans shouldn’t dictate my diet.
I got up early this morning but I still can’t get home until 1300.  I probably should put myself on a tight time schedule.  I told Nancy and she replied “why worry your retired”.

After lunch I headed downstairs and spent three hours;

Changing the cutters in my electric razor.  I had to use a magnifying glass to get the tiny cutters in place.  I have no manual dexterity.

Changed the clock on my bike’s speedometer to DST.  Once again the manual was useless so I found a good YouTube video.  

Checked some medical bills that I thought were duplicates.  Unfortunately they were legitimate so I paid them.

Fixed apple snack.

Finished the afternoon with a walk to postbox.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken and dumpling soup and warmed up my Reuben sandwich from Monday.  Hit the spot.

After dinner we followed our normal routine.

News, cheese and pill snack and Jeopardy.  I slept through Jeopardy.  

We watched NCIS before switching to Netflix.  Watched episode 1 of TRAITORS.

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