Saturday, April 13, 2019

Friday April 12, 2019

Friday April 12, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

We had thunderstorms roll through last night.  Ms P got up early, 0530, this morning.  I took her out.  It was 41 and raining hard.  Rain predicted for most of the morning.

Nancy headed to MVP.  At noon she will attend her monthly Book Club.

No bike today. I drove to the Y.  I got to the Y at 0800.  It was empty.  Apparently I arrived at a lull, the working folks had just left and the retired folk had not arrived.

Did my standard calisthenics, walk and row routine before showering.  Panera was full when I arrived. I got the last parking space.

This and that;

Petty, petty, petty,  POTUS planned on sending immigrants to Sanctuary Cities and releasing them.  His first choice was Speaker Pelosi’s, San Francisco district.  Luckily cooler heads prevailed and it never happened.  

Is Julian Assange a protector of free speech or a traitor?  He had to hack into military secrets so I favor traitor.

POTUS is right on transgenders in the military.  Why should tax payers pay their medical bills.  Diabetes, the obese, the hard of hearing and visual impairment folks are all denied enlistment.

Say what you will about Elon Musk he builds a fine rocket.

The weather in the Midwest has been brutal.  However, April snows are not unusual.  In the late 40s we had a huge blizzard.  I have never seen snow banks as large along the side of the road.  My Uncle Bill had to dig a walk to his barn.  I remember the snow being up to my shoulder.

Every week night Nancy and I watch Jeopardy.  We have never seen a person dominate the show as sports gambler James Holzhauer has.

As soon as I got home I took a 1.5 mile walk.  I took a nap and fixed our afternoon snack before dinner.

Tonight we had dinner at Shepard’s Grill.  The place was jammed.  We got the last table.  

Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a Lake Perch sandwich.  We gave it an A-.  On way home stopped at Harvest Foods.  Nancy was looking for a salve for her foot, with no luck.  I bought a bar of dark chocolate that had only three grams of sugar.

Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders before turning.  

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