Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday April 28, 2019

Weekend Update
Blog started on Sunday April 28, 2019 at 1500 sitting in living room

Saturday April 27, 2019

It was cold and windy this morning.  Wind chill in 20s.  Despite the cold we decided to walk to Panera.  We had our regrets half way through the walk but we soldiered on.  Panera was empty when we arrived at 0750.  

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast with coffee and Nancy had Panera’s special hazelnut blend.  The hazelnut is the best selling coffee by far.  I don’t like it.

We walked home in bright sun but it was still cold.  Nancy started the laundry and I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 12 mile ride.  Today I took the Buttrick Ave route for the first time this year.  The route has several steep hills that gave me some trouble.  I had forgotten how many nice homes there are on Buttrick.  Despite the cold saw many folks working in their yards.  I do not miss yard work.

Youth baseball season is in full swing.  The park along Thornapple has about four fields and they were all full.  The kids looked cold as did their parents.  The Park’s parking lots were full so many cars had to park along the side of the road creating a traffic hazard.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Spent time in the office checking mail before taking a nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed to Mary Namey’s.  We picked up Mary and headed to Village Inn Pizza.  Village Inn has great pizza.  It had been years since we ate at a VI.  We will make it a point to add it to our preferred pizza place.

At home we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I sleep through most of the show.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We had a nice conversation.  

Snow predicted for tonight.  Bummer!

Sunday April 28, 2019

The alarm went off at 0615.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She said it was cool but no snow.

Decided to take our Sunday walk around the block.  The sun was just coming up when we started.  Great early spring walk.

I had breakfast and read several sections of the GRP.  We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  Good turnout today. We had a guest pastor give the Homily.  He was from Gladwin, Mi a small town in central Mi.  I liked him but Nancy did not.  He reminded me of the Methodist Preachers of my youth.  They preached to us.  Nancy does not like someone preaching to her.  She likes our Pastors to talk to us, not preach.  This is what the Pastors at Trinity Lutheran do.  I normally agree with her but today’s Preacher was a blast from the past.

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.89.

At home I read several more sections of the GRP and then took a short walk.  Today I had a light lunch because we are having an early dinner with the Moleski’s at Flo’s.

Took a short nap.  We left home for the Moleski’s at 1500, picked them up and drove to Flo’s.

We all had subs for dinner.  I had a club sub and Nancy a turkey sub, good food.

We got home at 1800 just in time for the evening news.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She is leaving for Shanghai later this week on a business trip.

This evening we watched 60 Minutes followed by an episode of Scott & Bailey.  We also watched an old English detective show.  It was set in Cornwall in 1994.  The video was poor but I liked the story line.

Rain is predicted for most of next week.  Bummer!

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