Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday April 19, 2019

Friday April 19, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Once again Nancy beat me up this morning and took Ms P out.  She said it was 40 with light sprinkles.

Nancy headed to MVP.  This afternoon I will drive her to Meijer Gardens.  She is working an extra shift.  Today is Good Friday and they are expecting a large crowd.

Good Friday;  

My Grandmother Scott said to plant your peas on Good Friday.

In my youth the stores would be closed on Good Friday from 1200 to 1500.

Also Spring break was GoodFriday and Monday. That was it.

During spring break my Mother always had one project I had to help her with.  We burned coal so the walls would have a thin layer of soot.  I remember several times helping Mother clean walls.  We used a putty like cleaner and ran it over the walls.  After several passes the cleaner would be black so we would discard it.  A major milestone was in 1956 when we got gas heat.  Gas is so much cleaner than coal.

Another spring break, Mother rented a sander and I had to sand and varnish my bedroom floors.

I left Panera early.  Nancy was already dressed for the Gardens when she received a call from the Gardens saying the rain had curtailed attendance and she was not needed.  

Perfect time to make a change of plans.  We decided to have an early lunch at Rose’s on Reed’s Lake.  

We sat on the heated deck and had a great lunch.  I had a bowl of Butternut Squash bisque and Nancy had a chicken, cranberry sandwich,I ate half.  Great way to spend a Spring afternoon.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  This evening I had a light dinner followed by a short walk.

We watched an episode of White Dragon.  Nancy headed to bed.  I watched the final episode of Traitors, season 1.  Strange ending.

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