Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Monday April 29, 2019

Monday April 29, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

I took Ms P out at 0600.  The temp was 48 and I saw a red sky.  Remember “Red Sky in Morning, Sailors take Warning”.  Rain is predicted for this morning.  

Nancy left early for a 0730 class at MVP.  After breakfast I put on my rain suit and headed out into a light sprinkle.  I took my normal summer 7 mile route to Y.

The Y was crowded this morning.  I had trouble finding a chin up bar.  Calisthenics and a walk before heading to Panera.

The rain intensity had increased so the short ride to Panera was uncomfortable.  Finished my weekend blog before started reading the news.  Nancy called me about a light that came on in the Taurus.  It said service car soon.  I will take it in this afternoon to get the oil changed.

It was pouring when I left Panera.  Glad I had rain gear on but my gloves and socks were soaked.  I took a long hot shower as soon as I got home.  Great invention, hot water heater.  We did not have a hot water heater until I was 8.  My mother would boil water in the tea kettle.

Quick lunch and then I headed to Fox Ford to get the Taurus serviced.  I met an old college classmate, Gordon Start, who was also getting his car serviced.  Gordon is my age and still running.  He runs in a lot of local races and usually wins his age group.  I was impressed.

I walked around the showroom and looked at the new models.  If Nancy and I go down to one car I think a Ford Edge would be perfect.  If I bought a car just for Bob I would buy the new Ranger pickup.

It took about an hour to get the car serviced.  At home I;

Fixed our apple snack.
Took a short nap.

Light dinner tonight.  Tonight ran the dishwasher before fixing Nancy her cheese and pill snack.  I had two squares of dark chocolate.  Watched the news and Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

Tonight we watched and episode of Bosch followed by White Dragon.

I woke up near midnight and emptied the dishwasher.  Spent some time reading before going back to sleep.  I don’t think I have had an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep in 15 years.  

Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday April 28, 2019

Weekend Update
Blog started on Sunday April 28, 2019 at 1500 sitting in living room

Saturday April 27, 2019

It was cold and windy this morning.  Wind chill in 20s.  Despite the cold we decided to walk to Panera.  We had our regrets half way through the walk but we soldiered on.  Panera was empty when we arrived at 0750.  

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast with coffee and Nancy had Panera’s special hazelnut blend.  The hazelnut is the best selling coffee by far.  I don’t like it.

We walked home in bright sun but it was still cold.  Nancy started the laundry and I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 12 mile ride.  Today I took the Buttrick Ave route for the first time this year.  The route has several steep hills that gave me some trouble.  I had forgotten how many nice homes there are on Buttrick.  Despite the cold saw many folks working in their yards.  I do not miss yard work.

Youth baseball season is in full swing.  The park along Thornapple has about four fields and they were all full.  The kids looked cold as did their parents.  The Park’s parking lots were full so many cars had to park along the side of the road creating a traffic hazard.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Spent time in the office checking mail before taking a nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed to Mary Namey’s.  We picked up Mary and headed to Village Inn Pizza.  Village Inn has great pizza.  It had been years since we ate at a VI.  We will make it a point to add it to our preferred pizza place.

At home we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I sleep through most of the show.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We had a nice conversation.  

Snow predicted for tonight.  Bummer!

Sunday April 28, 2019

The alarm went off at 0615.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She said it was cool but no snow.

Decided to take our Sunday walk around the block.  The sun was just coming up when we started.  Great early spring walk.

I had breakfast and read several sections of the GRP.  We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  Good turnout today. We had a guest pastor give the Homily.  He was from Gladwin, Mi a small town in central Mi.  I liked him but Nancy did not.  He reminded me of the Methodist Preachers of my youth.  They preached to us.  Nancy does not like someone preaching to her.  She likes our Pastors to talk to us, not preach.  This is what the Pastors at Trinity Lutheran do.  I normally agree with her but today’s Preacher was a blast from the past.

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.89.

At home I read several more sections of the GRP and then took a short walk.  Today I had a light lunch because we are having an early dinner with the Moleski’s at Flo’s.

Took a short nap.  We left home for the Moleski’s at 1500, picked them up and drove to Flo’s.

We all had subs for dinner.  I had a club sub and Nancy a turkey sub, good food.

We got home at 1800 just in time for the evening news.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She is leaving for Shanghai later this week on a business trip.

This evening we watched 60 Minutes followed by an episode of Scott & Bailey.  We also watched an old English detective show.  It was set in Cornwall in 1994.  The video was poor but I liked the story line.

Rain is predicted for most of next week.  Bummer!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Friday April 26, 2019

Friday April 26, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera

Nancy had a tough night.  Her foot was bothering her all night.  No MVP today.  She was up at 0530 and took Ms P out.

I followed my normal morning routine.  It rained last night but the rain stopped at 0730.  It was 50 when I left.  Cloudy with sun occasionally peaking through.

Calisthenics and a walk at the Y before heading to Panera.

I had my coffee, baguette, and banana.  Checked email, finished blog and read the News and WSJ.  

First time since Tuesday that I came home to a house with electricity.  Showered and then had lunch.  Nancy needed some Pinconning cheese so we drove to Sam’s Club.

I finished several chores before taking a nap.  After the nap I fixed our apple snack.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with stuffing for dinner.  We also had a nice salad.  After the dishes I fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack.

We continued watching Jeopardy.  Sure enough the streak continues.

Together we watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  I stayed up and watched the final episode (season 1) of Hanna.  I was disappointed with the ending.  Maybe they are setting me up for season 2.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thursday April 25, 2019

Thursday April 25, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Nancy was up early and took Ms P out.  She said it was nice with no wind.  Today Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I got up at 0630 and did my chin and pull ups before breakfast.  The sun was out when I headed to the Y.  It was a perfect day, mild, 50, with sun and no wind.  The grass is bright green with flowers popping up everywhere.  All the bushes are in bloom.

We now have almost 14 hours of daylight.  I like being able to ride my bike in the morning in bright sun.

The Y’s Spring classes are very popular.  All rooms were full as was the gym.  

At Panera I noted that I had a message.  Nancy told me she had been notified that our power was out.  Third day in a row.

I did read the news but could find nothing I wanted to comment on.  It is over 18 months until the 2020 election.  I am already tired of reading about it.  

I must be totally out of it, but I have no interest in the NFL draft.  My advice to men looking forward to watching this event is to buy a bike or fishing pole.  Have to get out more.

When I got home from Panera we still had no power.  I think the power company is working on a transformer along the old Golf Course fairway.  I opened our downstairs slider and walked over to where I thought the power company was working.  On my walk I encountered three neighbors on their back decks.  Two of the neighbors had just moved in and wanted my opinion on living in “The Meadows”.  I gave a positive response.  Especially about all the green space and critters.  I met more neighbors on this walk than previous ones.  The power came back on during my walk.

Back at home I showered and had lunch.  I then ran errands.

First stop was Meijer’s.  On my birthday I bought Nancy a lottery ticket.  She said it was a winner.  Indeed it was, $50.00.

Next stop was Curtis Cleaners to pick up winter coats and sweaters.  Glad I only do this once a year.  Dry cleaning is expensive.

This evening we are having dinner at the Schnitz Deli in Ada.  Before going I sat in my easy chair to do some reading.  Immediately I fell asleep.  Slept an hour before Nancy woke me.
We got to Schnitz at 1700 and were able to get a table.  I had a bowl soup and Nancy had a Philly cheese steak sandwich.  Of course I ate half the sandwich.  The food was good.  No empty tables when we left.

We watched Jeopardy and saw the streak continue.  The number of viewers has skyrocketed since the winning streak.  The big question can the increased ad revenue cover the winnings of $1, 250,000?

We both watched an episode of Bosch.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Hanna.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Wednesday April 24, 2019

Wednesday April 24, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday.

Up with alarm at 0515.  Took Ms P out before leaving.  The sun was coming up and the temp was a mild 39.

Every BC we have an egg dish with bacon, sausage, fruit and French toast.  All very well prepared.

Today’s Speaker was the local full time manager of the Boy Scouts.  He explained all the changes in the Boy Scouts which includes allowing girls into the membership.  Nearly all the members of BC belonged to the Boy Scouts in their youth, including this writer.  

I noted that when I pulled into our drive that the garage door would not go up.  Yes! Folks our power was out again.

I did some light calisthenics before changing into my bike clothes.  It was mild, 56, and sunny when I headed out to Panera.

The first news article that popped up on my iPad was about 12,000 Boy Scouts being sexually abused.  This does not bode well for the organization.

We have been watching Jeopardy and are amazed at how the contestant Holzhauer has blown away all the competition.  He has now won over $1,000,000.

Another day another Dem announcing they are running for President.  On Thursday it might be Joe Biden.

I think even the English newspapers are tired of BRexit.

The power was still out when I got home at 1300.  Nancy had already left for her shift at the Gardens.

Quick lunch and then started Wednesday chores.

Gathered up trash.

Brought up laundry but cannot do until power is back on.

At 1430 I took a nap. The power was still off.

The power was back on when I got up at 1530.

Hopped on bike and pedaled to Macatawa Bank.  Made a deposit and put some items in the lockbox.

As soon as Nancy got home I fixed our apple snack.

We had an early dinner because we have to attend a class at Trinity Lutheran.  The class starts at 1830.

Tonight Pastor Dan substituted for Pastor Bob.  Dan is the junior pastor.  Nancy said he did a great job.

At home we watched White Dragon.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Hanna.  Last night I down graded the show to a C.  Tonight I gave it a higher grade, B+.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesday April 23, 2019

Tuesday April 23, 2019

Nancy was up and took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0630.  

Nancy headed to her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I took Ms P out and it was sprinkling.  I pondered whether to drive or bike to the Y.  The weather was a mild 52 so I put on my rain suit and biked (7 mile).

As I was leaving the Y I received a message from Nancy.  She said to take my time coming home because the power will be out until mid afternoon.

I spent more time reading the news this morning.  However, it appears the News is on a Spring Break.

I did learn that next year Social Security will spend more than it takes in.  A rate hike is sure to happen.  A way to alleviate this problem is to allow more immigrants to enter the work force.  A healthy SS requires a lot more workers paying into the system.

I sure hope when the Dems have their presidential debate that they are asked tough questions about what their solution for immigration, infrastructure, foreign policy and health care problems.  Don’t let them waste time haranguing about POTUS.  

The power was still out when I got home.  Had lunch and gathered up all my winter workout clothes to put in the washer later.

About 1400 the power came on.  I showered, shaved and changed clothes.  

This afternoon;

Did a load of laundry.
Fixed apple snack.
Took a nap.
Ended the afternoon with a short walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on an English muffin.  Also had a bowl of fresh fruit.

Cheese and pill snack for Nancy and a glass of wine for me.  We watched NCIS tonight.  We did not realize it was a rerun until 3/4% into the show.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Hanna.  With each episode I lower my rating.  It is now a C.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday April 22, 2019

Monday April 22, 2019

Nancy and Ms P went out before 0600.  I stayed in bed until 0615.

Today is this writer’s birthday.  I was born in 1938.  When folks ask my age I will tell them I am 9 squared.

My Great Grandfather Sanborn who I often quote wrote in his diary on this date in 38 that Robert Hughes Scott was born.  For five generations the first born Scott male has taken his Mother’s maiden name as a middle name.

Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  After breakfast I biked to the Y in bright sunshine with temps near 70.  Calisthenics, walk and shower before biking to Panera.

This and that;

Today is also Earth Day.

The leaves are almost out.  Full foliage in a couple of days.

Where are the turkey’s.

Debbie called me at 1100 (0800 PDT) to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Nice call.

Will the Politicians ever quit squabbling and get down to business.  President Trump and family are now suing Congress about their business finances.  Both parties are the laughing stock of the world.

The Easter bombings in Sri Lanka are tragic.

Am I the only one who doesn’t care what happens on Game of Thrones.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Nancy said she was driving to Walmart.  I told her to buy me some sugar free oatmeal cookies.  She said nothing, I opened my presents and lo and behold Nancy got me a month’s supply of cookies.

After lunch I ran errands.  The temperature was in mid 70s so no jacket or gloves needed.  First time this year.

First stop Curtis Cleaners to dropped off winter coats, jackets and sweaters.

Stopped at Ada Bike to pick up steel studded winter tires that I forgot yesterday.

Finally I stopped at Meijer’s.  On Sunday bought a bottle of tonic water.  It was not diet so today I exchanged it for diet.  Diet has 0 grams of sugar, regular has 29 grams.

Missy and Stephan both FaceTimed me today to wish me a Happy Birthday.  I wish I could FaceTime more often with kids.

At 1630 we drove downtown.  This evening we are having dinner with Becky Verker and Phil Hertel. Both Phil and I are birthday boy’s.  Leo’s is a great restaurant and we all had a great meal.  Phil and I each got an ice cream sundae with fudge and chocolate cake from Leo’s.  Of course we split it with our partners.  Yesterday and today I have blown my sugar limits.   

At home we watched an episode of White Dragon before turning in.  The outside temperature was 65.  Today was a great day.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday April 21, 2019

Weekend Update;

Blog being written Sunday April 21 sitting in living room.

Saturday April 20, 2019

Saturday morning and the weather is cooperating.  It was nice enough for our walk to Panera, 39 and sunny.

I had my oatmeal breakfast and Nancy only her coffee.  The wind was out of the north so we had to buck it in either direction.  

Our first endeavor this morning was a trip to Trader Joe’s.  The place was crowded but they had sufficient staff so no delays.  We bought an Irish stew for tonight along with wine, tamales, chicken pot pie and dog food.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I put on my bike clothes and rode to Ada, a trip of 5.5 miles.  Stopped at Ada Bike to see if they had removed the snow tires on the Bianchi winter bike.  They had.  I will pick it up this afternoon.  

A great Spring day and the trail was loaded with walkers enjoying the sunshine.  Flowers are in bloom and the trees have buds ready to burst.

Shave, shower and quick lunch before starting afternoon activities.

Loaded car up with winter coats and sweaters to take to dry cleaner.

Put bike rack on car.

Stopped at Curtis Cleaners.  They were closed.  Bummer.

Picked up bike at Ada Bike and also bought a saddle bag for my Cannondale Bad Boy bike.  My iPad just fits in the bag so I won’t need a backpack.  Also the bag has a low profile so I can swing my leg over the rack.  When I use my standard bike bag I have difficulty mounting and dismounting the bike.  My leg gets tangled in the bag.

I took a short nap.

Prepared our apple snack.

This evening Nancy fixed me the Irish stew we got this morning at TJ.  Also had fresh pineapple.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill treat and then settled down with a glass of wine to watch some Apple Television.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We had a nice long conversation.

Sunday April 21, Easter Sunday.  “Hallelujah he has risen” was the phrase a lot of parishioners greeted us with this morning.

Set the alarm for 0615.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Today we attended the 0800 service, so no walk around the block.  Headed to church in bright sunshine.

As one might expect the church was packed.  All the services today were held in the Sanctuary.  Very good service.

After church we headed downstairs to Celebration Hall where breakfast was served.  We had an egg dish and French toast along with assorted rolls, fruit and coffee.  Very good.  

After church we stopped at home so Nancy could get come coupons and then along with Ms P we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $0.20 cheaper than last week.

At home I went on a 30’ bike ride.  Read several sections of the GRP before lunch.  I did take a nap this afternoon.

Missy and AJ FaceTimed us this afternoon to wish us a Happy Easter.  They are attending an Easter Egg hunt at the Boat Club they belong to.

We are having Easter dinner at Nancy’s friend Kathi Kothe’s.
Left for Kathi’s at 1630.  Kathi prepared a great Easter dinner, complete with champagne, cheese, chicken a great vegetable medley and fresh fruit.  We even broke our dietary rules by eating cupcakes and Easter cookies.  We left for home at 2000.  It was still light.

At home finished the GRP and reads some Apple News.  Temperature was still in the 60s when we headed to bed.  A nice Spring weekend.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday April 19, 2019

Friday April 19, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Once again Nancy beat me up this morning and took Ms P out.  She said it was 40 with light sprinkles.

Nancy headed to MVP.  This afternoon I will drive her to Meijer Gardens.  She is working an extra shift.  Today is Good Friday and they are expecting a large crowd.

Good Friday;  

My Grandmother Scott said to plant your peas on Good Friday.

In my youth the stores would be closed on Good Friday from 1200 to 1500.

Also Spring break was GoodFriday and Monday. That was it.

During spring break my Mother always had one project I had to help her with.  We burned coal so the walls would have a thin layer of soot.  I remember several times helping Mother clean walls.  We used a putty like cleaner and ran it over the walls.  After several passes the cleaner would be black so we would discard it.  A major milestone was in 1956 when we got gas heat.  Gas is so much cleaner than coal.

Another spring break, Mother rented a sander and I had to sand and varnish my bedroom floors.

I left Panera early.  Nancy was already dressed for the Gardens when she received a call from the Gardens saying the rain had curtailed attendance and she was not needed.  

Perfect time to make a change of plans.  We decided to have an early lunch at Rose’s on Reed’s Lake.  

We sat on the heated deck and had a great lunch.  I had a bowl of Butternut Squash bisque and Nancy had a chicken, cranberry sandwich,I ate half.  Great way to spend a Spring afternoon.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  This evening I had a light dinner followed by a short walk.

We watched an episode of White Dragon.  Nancy headed to bed.  I watched the final episode of Traitors, season 1.  Strange ending.