Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday January 31, 2019

Thursday January 31, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Last night at 0200 looked out and saw a single deer eating the corn.  On these super cold days where do deer find a warm spot to sleep?

The cold continues, it was -9 this morning with wind chill at -27.  Light snow last night so I shoveled our walk.

MVP did not open until 0800 today.  Nancy got an email saying swim classes were canceled.  She called about lap swimming and was told lap swimming was ok.  She grabbed her suit and headed out.  No matter how warm the pool, swimming when the outdoor temperature is below 0 is not for me.  Brr.

The Y is closed today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then drove to Panera.    

Spent time finishing yesterday’s blog.  I decided that in the future I will finish my daily blogs before going to bed.  No more carryovers.

At home I rowed 2K, showered and had lunch.  This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Woodland Mall.  The Mall was closed except for Macy’s.  We made a quick tour of Macy’s but purchased nothing.  

No mail today because of the weather.  First time in my lifetime that the mail was not delivered.  Are we becoming a nation of wimps with all the weather related closures?

I put out corn for the deer.  Tonight drove to Shepard’s Grill for dinner.  I had a Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl bean soup.  Good food.

Tonight we watched Agatha Raisin before turning in.  It was -3 at 2200. 

Wednesday January 30, 2019

Wednesday January 30, 2019

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Boy was it ever cold this morning.  The temperature was -4 with a wind chill of -27.  BRR!

Took Ms P out at 0630 and noted that our drive had been plowed over night.  Good news.

All the schools are closed.  Breakfast Club was cancelled as was our evening class at Trinity Lutheran.  

I was going to bundle up and walk to Panera but since the drive was plowed, I drove.  Good thing Panera was closed.  I continued on and had breakfast at Bob Evan’s.  Had my usual breakfast, oatmeal, coffee, bread and banana.  Bob Evan’s has great oatmeal.  They also have Cornmeal Mush on the menu.  Remember Cornmeal Mush?  A winter standard in the Scott house.

After breakfast I drove to the Ford dealer.  My low tire pressure light was on.  The Ford place was empty.  A mechanic checked all my tires and they were all 10 psi low.  He said a common occurrence in very cold weather.

Next stop was Meijer’s.  I bought shaving lotion, wine and sugar free oatmeal cookies.  I also mailed a package and bought Nancy a lottery ticket.

At home did some reduced, 50%, calisthenics and rowed 1k.  Showered and then lunch.

Being Wednesday I took out the trash and did a load of laundry before taking a nap.  The temperature has remained below 0 all day.

It snowed all day so every time I take Ms P out I shovel.  Our Direct TV went off air this afternoon.  I grabbed a shovel and broom and headed to the deck.  I shoveled a path to the dish and broomed it off.  It worked the TV responded.

No deer yesterday so the corn I had set out was now snow covered.  I grabbed a shovel and dug out the corn and added new corn.  We had about 15” of snow in the back yard. 

We had our afternoon apple snack before a light dinner.  After dinner and Nancy’s cheese snack we watched the final episode of “The Five”.  Good show.  It was -4 when took Ms P out for the last time.  The cold weather continues through Friday.

Memories of Winters of my youth:

I can remember only one time the schools in Alpena were closed because of weather.  I was in the Second Grade and had walked to school.  The Janitor told me school was closed.  
I texted my Sister if she could remember any time the schools were closed.  She said the schools were never closed.  Some times the buses from the surrounding Townships would be delayed but no closure.

During the winter months all little boys wore long underwear called union suits.  We took one bath a week, Saturday night.  We did not have a dedicated water heater so Mother would add a tea kettle of boiling water to the bath water.  I always left a ring around the tub.  Sunday morning I would put on a clean union suit.

In the sixth grade we had gym several days a week and after class a shower was required.  Our teachers were probably glad for the showers.

Street snow removal consisted of just plowing, no road salt.  Sand was put on the major streets.  The local streets had a layer of packed snow.  

All cars had bumpers.  A popular sport was while a car was stopped to sneak up and grab hold of the bumper, squat and let the moving car pull you.  Great sport until you got caught.  One day for some unknown reason I was nice to my sister and let her hang on to me while I grabbed a bumper.  We just got started sliding down the street when the driver noticed us.  He stopped and I had to grab Helen and run for it.  Luckily we did not get caught.  Helen was also nice enough not to tell the parents.  If they knew I would be in deep trouble.  

My Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote on 27JAN 1938 that it was below zero all day.  He was home bound.  For exercise GGF walked 6,000 feet on the stairs.  Even in 1938 the family knew the importance of exercise.

Of course outside activities were important.  I loved playing hockey and skating.  The City was great in providing outdoor ice rinks.  No sissy indoor rinks.

I did have a pair of slip on skis that I used primarily on the hills of my Grandparent’s farm.  In my teenage years I would borrow snow shoes from my Dad’s office and go rabbit hunting.

Indoor activities consisted of listening to the radio and reading comic books.  A lot of my friends were into building model planes.  No my thing.

Winters were fun.  


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tuesday January 29, 2019

Tuesday January 29, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Snowing at 0630 with temperature at 12 with wind chill -1.  Our drive still has not been plowed.  I did note that the Road Commission had plowed Tahoe last night.

Nancy did not go swimming this morning.  She called Kim and told her to stay home because our drive was not plowed.  Parking on the street was dangerous because Tahoe was not plowed full width.

Like yesterday I did all my exercises at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and walked to Panera.  I walked through several large parking lots on my way to Panera.  The blowing snow make it dangerous to walk in the roads.  The Township still has not plowed the sidewalks.

Panera was nearly empty.  I did hear several folks say they are going to move up their trip to southern climes.  The weather still dominates the news.

I appreciated having the wind at my back on the walk home.  The wind chill was still near 0.  Our drive still had not been plowed.  We have a foot of snow over the drive.

I shoveled our short walk several times today.  Blowing snow was the big problem.  I have shoveled a path in grass for Ms P to use.  She does use it.
As soon as I got home I rowed 2K and then showered.  Lunch and then a short nap.  This afternoon I prepared our apple snack.  Put out corn for the deer.  Had to scrape the snow off in several areas so the corn would not get buried.  

Nancy fixed some of her left over pot roast for dinner.  She also cooked several whole potatoes and a salad.  After dinner I fired up the dish washer.  Also prepared Nancy’s cheese and pill snack.

Tonight while watching Jeopardy I fell asleep.  Woke up at 0830.  We watched “The Five” tonight before turning in.

Today Nancy has not left the house.  She is getting cabin fever.  Looks like the weather tomorrow will be more severe than today.

Took Ms P out at 2200.  Our drive still has not been plowed.  It has snowed all day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Monday January 28, 2019

Monday January 28, 2019

Blog time 1010 at Panera

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA.  On this day while I was in grad school in Ann Arbor daughter Melissa Ann Scott was born.  I remember like it was yesterday.  It was early on a cold snowy Sunday morning when Nancy told me we had to get to the hospital NOW.  We jumped in our VW Bug and headed out in heavy snow.  Halfway to the Hospital the wiper quit working.  I stopped the car and started clearing the windshield when Nancy shouted just get going.  So I drove to the hospital with my head out the window.  The hospital staff grabbed Nancy and took her upstairs.  I parked the car and headed to the maternity ward.  I grabbed a magazine and was starting to sit down when the Doctor came out and said it was a girl.  Record time Missy.  Some things we never forget.

The next day before class I bought a box of cigars.  In my favorite class I passed out cigars.  We all lighted up, including the instructor, and smoked cigars celebrating Missy’s birth.  Do you think that would happen today?

It was cold and snowing when took out Ms P this morning.  I shoveled the walk.  The temperature was 7 with wind chill of -7.

Nancy bundled up and headed to MVP.  I stayed home and did all my calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy arrived home about 0800 saying no classes today.  In fact all schools in the area are closed.  Kim called and said it was too cold so she will come tomorrow.  

Put on my snow pants and Irish fisherman sweater and walked to Panera.  Despite the cold and snow the walk was not too bad because I had the wind at my back.

Panera was not crowded.  Most folks were staying inside on this cold winter’s day.

Noted on walk home that local roads had still not been plowed.  The drives in our condo group had also not been plowed.  Nancy said we got an email from the condo association saying to be patient the plows are working and will eventually make it to our drive.

Before lunch I rowed 2K and showered.  Standard lunch, yogurt, hard boiled egg and cheese.  Took a short nap immediately after lunch.  Mid afternoon I checked and our drive had not been plowed.  I did shovel the walk between condo and garage.

Put out corn for deer, fixed our apple snack and then spent several hour in office reading.  The weather has dominated the news.  BRexit and the shutdown are old news.

Light dinner followed by cheese and pill snack for Nancy.  
The deer did not arrive until nearly 1900.  We FaceTimed Missy to wish her a happy birthday.  

Tonight we watched “The Heart Guy” on Acorn.  It was still snowing when I went out at 2200.  The drive had not been plowed.  Cold weather continues through Friday.  

Monday, January 28, 2019

Sunday January 27, 2019

Sunday January 27, 2019

Weekend Update for  January 26 and 27

Blog time 1735 sitting in office on a cold, 10, winter’s afternoon.

It was a cold weekend.  The daytime temps never reached 20 and nightime temps in single digits.  The weather folks say it will get colder.

Saturday morning with wind chills below zero we are not walking to Panera. We will drive to new restaurant for breakfast.  Today we selected Manna Cafe on Forest Hills Ave.  We both had eggs and potatoes.   I had hash browns and Nancy had diced potatoes.  Ham for Nancy and sausage patties for me.  The sausage was made in-house and was especially good.  The waitress said they made the sausage with maple syrup.  We gave the restaurant an A.

On our way home we stopped at Horrock’s so I could buy a 35 pound bag of corn.  Dropped Nancy at home and I drove to Dick’s Sporting Goods to buy a replacement baclava.  No wool ones so I purchased a fleece.  Nothing beats wool for warmth.

The animal rights folks think shearing sheep is cruel.  They are pushing merchants to only sell fleece.  Good grief we have been shearing sheep for hundreds of years.  I was disappointed to learn that some merchants are listening.  Wool is good!  The mushheads should back off.

At home I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Lunch and then headed to the office to read the news.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  This evening Nancy and I attended a GR Symphony Pops Concert.  It was a Jazz and Blues concert.  Before the concert we had a pizza at the Sports Bar in the Amway.  Our second meal of the day that we rated A.

A great concert.  Our heads were bobbing and feet stomping the entire concert.  We got home a little after 2200.

Sunday January 27

Ms P got us up at 0550.  Took her outside and decided it was too cold for our Sunday morning walk.  Went back to bed.

Did some calisthenics before breakfast.  I made a quick stop at Panera to get us a coffee to take to church.

After the service Nancy and I stayed and helped pack meals for the hungry.  Trinity Lutheran packed 20,000 meals today.  Nancy and I worked a 90 minute shift.

Stopped at Meijer’s on our way home.  Gas today was $2.34.  We arrived at Meijer’s at 1230 and the place was super crowded.  Most folks must stop at the store after church.  I assume most folks attended a 1100 service which seems very popular.

Lunch and read several sections of the GRP before my nap.  After the nap I put out corn for the deer.  Finished outdoor activities with a 1.5 mile walk.  To combat the cold I wore my snow pants that I purchased several years ago at Costco.  I never wear them because they are too warm.  Today they did the job.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had spinach pie and bacon.

Two deer showed up to eat the corn.  This weekends big news was that the Feds are back to work.  Shutting down the Government for political gain is stupid!  If either Howard Schultz or Michael Bloomberg ran as an independent for President I would vote for them. 

This evening finished reading the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and an episode of Grantchester.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave her a recap of our winter weather and she described what a nice day they had in San Jose.  Bummer.

The weather folks say we can look forward to super cold weather through next Friday.  Wednesday is suppose to be super bad with a high temp of -1.  Brr!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday January 25, 2019

Friday January 25, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

It was cold this morning, 11, with wind chill of -7.  We are in for a long cold stretch.  For the next week the high temp will not get to 20 and the low will be below zero.

Nancy headed out to MVP.  This evening weather permitting we will attend a showing at the GR Art Museum.

Did all the calisthenics at home today.  With wind chills below 0 the 1.75 mile walk to the Y is too much.  I bundled up and walked the 0.8 mile to Panera.

I had an oatmeal breakfast, finished yesterday’s blog and read the news on the iPad.  The only paper copy of a newspaper I read is the Sunday GRP.  

The walk home from Panera was much better because of the wind at my back.  Shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I drove to the Y to see if my lost wool baclava (sp?) had turned up in the lost and found.  No luck.  I also stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans Monday.  

Took a short nap and then fixed our apple snack.  Put out corn for deer.  This evening we had planned on going to the GR Art Museum for the introduction of a new exhibit.  However, it was snowing and too cold so we stayed home.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  I had mine with a hot dog.  Fixed cheese snack for Nancy. 

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  The temperature was in single digit at 2200.  


Friday, January 25, 2019

Thursday January 24, 2019

Thursday January 24, 2019

Blog time 1134 at Panera

The temperature was 27 this morning and will drop all day.  Snow will start near noon and continue until mid morning tomorrow.

Nancy headed to her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I walked to the Y.  The walks were icy but several large parking lots on my route were ice free.  It is 1.75 miles from the condo to Y.  

Calisthenics and then a 2K row.  Showered and walked to Panera.

At Panera followed by daily routine.  Checked email, read Alpena News, WSJ, and all the news app on my iPad.  Either the media has taken a hiatus or I have. I found nothing I would comment on.  Midwinter blahs?

After lunch we ran errands.  First stop Harvest Breads where Nancy bought a loaf of whole wheat bread.  She loves this bread.

Next stop was Trader Joe’s.  As always the place was crowded.  Bought wine, Shepard’s Pie, Mac and Cheese and dog food.

Took a nap as soon as we got home.  All the walking in the cold wiped me out.  

Finished the afternoon in the office doing odds and ends.  For dinner Nancy cooked a pot roast and potatoes in her super duper insta pot.  Good meal.

Today we did not have our apple snack.  An oversight on my part.

Same two deer showed up today to eat the six ears of corn I put out.  They must be having a hard time finding food with five inches of snow on the ground.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Jack Ryan on Prime.  We wanted to watch the new season of Shetland but were told we had to have the new BBC streaming service.  We might cancel Acorn and add the BBC service.

Finished the evening watching Rake.  It was still snowing when took Ms P out at 2200.  I shoveled the walk.  The temperature was in low 20s.  


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wednesday January 23, 2019

Wednesday January 23, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

We got about two inches of snow over night.  The temperature was 33 with a light rain.  Our drive and walk were shoveled early this morning.  I salted the walk.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50% before walking to Panera.  I was smart enough to put on my rain coat because it started to rain hard during the walk.  For breakfast I had my standard oatmeal, banana, coffee and bagel. 

This and that from the news;

Finally the LA teacher’s strike is over.  Smaller class rooms was a big winner for parents.  Granddaughter Akerke will be back in the class room today.  Good news.

Medicare for all seems to be the next big issue for Dems.  Will I see this happen in my lifetime?  Maybe.

Another big question will I own a self driving car?

Senate will vote on plan on reopening Gov today.  Folk in the know say it will not pass.  Why vote?

Last night’s snow knocked out our Direct TV.  I will have to get a broom and clean the dish off.

The township had just finished plowing the walks when I left Panera.  Much safer on a sidewalk than the road.

At home I picked up several eaten corn cobs and put them in the trash.  Showered and then had lunch.  Like on all easy Wednesday I did laundry and took out trash and recyclables.  Of course I also took a nap.

The Gardens must be in their midwinter doldrums because Nancy did not have to work.  She spent a quiet afternoon at home.

Spent some time in the office this afternoon.  I think we have all our 1099 forms so next week we visit the tax folks.  

Put out corn for deer before dinner.  Tonight we attended a class at Trinity on finding the Historical Jesus.  This was session 9 of a 20 session class.  Pastor Bob was great in his comments on the lecturer.  Good class.

At home I poured a glass of wine and sat down for some Apple TV streaming.  We watched an episode of Call the Midwife.  Good show.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tuesday January 22, 2019

Tuesday January 22, 2019

Blog time 1010 at Panera

Another cold morning the temperature was 10 but wind chill below 0.  Up at 0615 and took Ms P out.  On these cold mornings she does not dilly dally.

Nancy headed to her Tuesday swim.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  After breakfast I walked to Panera.

This and that;

The Supreme Court decided to support, for now, POTUS’s ban on transgender troops.  Part of the reason is the high cost of gender change surgery.  I agree.  Also I strongly think that the Marines should not lower physical standards for combat troops.

I have not seen one movie up for an Oscar.

Bud Light is putting nutrition labels on its cans.  Craft beers are loaded with calories.  If they had to put labels on their cans sales would plummet.  Score one for Bud Light.

Disturbing info on the Twitter account that disseminated stories on the American Indian/white high school student confrontation.  The Twitter account was not owned by a CA teacher but originated in Brazil.  To its credit Twitter shut the account down.

Blog resumes at 1745 sitting in living room watching three deer eating corn.

Walked home from Panera into a strong east wind.  At home I did a 10 minute row.  Showered and then lunch.

It started to snow about 1300.  Despite the temperature being 27 the snow soon changed to rain.

Ran errands this afternoon.  First stop was Walmart to buy shoe polish.  Next picked up prescription at Meijer’s.  Final stop was Dick’s Sporting Good, nothing purchased.

At home prepared our apple snack. Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Normally we have the same two deer visit the corn.  Today a third deer intruded.  After some time a fight started.  Deer fight by standing on their two rear legs and kicking with the front legs.  The intruder was driven off.  Nancy and I watched the fight and were enthralled.

About midnight I got up and looked out the window.  The two deer had returned to finish the corn.  The visibility is really enhanced with snow on the ground.

For dinner Nancy fixed chili.  It was great, perfect for a winter’s eve.

This evening no NCIS so we watched an episode of Vera.  It was 27 when I went out at 2200 with a rain/snow mix.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday January 21, 2019

Monday January 21, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

We woke up to the coldest day of the year.  It was -6 when first went out.  No bike or long walks today.

Nancy headed out to her exercise class at MVP.  Later she will take our neighbor Sonya to the doctor.  This afternoon we will make a trip to Costco to replenish supplies.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Bundled up and walked to Panera.  Despite the -6 temp the sun was out nice and bright.  This time of year the sun does not have any warmth.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Settled down and finished yesterday’s blog and read the news.

How about a quick news summary;

Today is a national holiday celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King.  He was a great leader because he achieved his goals peacefully.

BRexit is dominating the news in U.K.  Except of course Prince Phillip’s driving.

Our Federal Government is still shut down.  All the public sees are grandstanding politicians.   “All about me” seems to be every politicians cry.

With our politicians distracted will China and Russia sense an opening to advance their agenda?  I wonder are their disinformation folks behind all the viscous social media attacks in the US?

It was 12 degrees warmer when I headed home, -6 vs 6.  As soon as I got home I spent 10 minutes on the rowing machine.  I needed aerobic exercise.  My watch said my average heart rate during the row was 124.  Good enough for me.

Showered and then lunch.  Nancy is still involved with driving Sonya to her PT session so I head alone to Costco.  Cheerios, prunes, wine, fiber, mini naan and jerky for Ms P were purchased.

Other activities this afternoon;

Apple snack
Short walk
Put out corn for deer
Two deer showed up

We had a light dinner and then retired to den for some reading and TV.  Watched the news, NBC and PBS, and Jeopardy before watching an episode of Scott & Bailey.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the final episode of The Dogs of Berlin.  This was a dark and violent show.  I would give it a B-.