Thursday, June 1, 2017

Wednesday May 31, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

I can't believe it is the last day of May. How come the nice months pass so quickly?

We had a brief shower pass through last night but woke up to bright sunshine.

Today is my easy day. I started the day with a short five mile bike ride around Cascade Twp Park. First time I have visited the park in the morning. The park was loaded with folks walking their big dogs.

Stopped at Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. This morning a story in the Telegraph said that President Trump was pulling out of the Paris Climate Change agreement. I think this is a big mistake. The science seems pretty clear that climate change is real. Big question where does a London paper get its info about US policy before US papers? Different standard?

The Trump inner circle seems to be inhabited by political amateurs.

Several decades ago nuclear power was seen as a great alternative to coal or oil fired power plants. Nuclear power had no emissions. However difficulty in finding a depository for their waste created problems with the environmental folk and competition from plentiful natural gas are leading to its downfall. Today it was announced that the Three Mile Island nuke plant will close if they do not receive huge funding from Pennsylvania. This is not likely to happen. Michigan also has a plant in SW MI that is scheduled to close.

The Federal has found a suitable depository for nuclear waste in Nevada. The site, Yucca Mountain, has gone through extensive review and has been found suitable. However, former Nevada Senator Reed has blocked all efforts to open the site. Under the new administration there is talk to open the site. I sure hope so.

As soon as I got home Nancy helped me package an old iPad that I am sending to Steve. When done I got on my bike and headed to the mini PO at D&W to mail the package.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Quick lunch and then I did a load of laundry. Took a nap and then started ironing some khaki pants. I also tried ironing several pair of khaki cargo shorts with less than desirable results.

Light dinner tonight followed by a short walk to the mail box. It looks like it will be a Netflix evening. We watched an episode of Murder in Paradise and some of the hockey game before turning in. I am rooting for Nashville.

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